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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

And finally stop duckin' and dodgin' by referring to remarks and start addressing the Clinton lies about Benghazi and emails!
There are 12 House committees trying to do what you want. Once they get done repealing Obamacare.
Black Magic said:
Yep nevermind the qualifications of the individual running, just whatever feels right and is different. Such a great party to support!! Oh well after this Obama debacle its safe to say he is the 1st and last black president to be elected.
Who of the last how ever many presidents was 'qualified'?  Are you phucking serious?  After the BS Bush pulled should we have said that Bush would be the last white president?  Such a comment is beyond ignorant.  Obama no more represents all blacks than Bush represents all whites.  
southwind said:
1. Palin is a Milf
2. Clinton has the money to get a cankle reduction
3. Why is it you only bring up the "well they did it to x", when its one of your peeps
4. I don't belong to the "Politically Correct" crowd
5. And finally stop duckin' and dodgin' by referring to remarks and start addressing the Clinton lies about Benghazi and emails!
Would you walk up to a co-worker or any other women for that mater and tell her to her face she is a MILF?  Would you say it to Palin with her husband beside her?  If not why on earth would you think it is OK to say it any where else?  
Why should she?
Palin is not one of 'my peeps'.  Neither is Bush.
Being rude and vulgar has nothing to do with PC.
I addressed the email in post 50 which you must have missed.  As for Benghazi, there have been 13 investigations all of which found nothing.  I guess the republicans can keep wasting money on more investigations until they come up with the result they like.
cltrat said:
ok I read post 50 however your comment above suggests you think is no big deal
I guess I miss read yours as well.  I had it in my mind that you were saying she should face charges.
As for telling employees they cannot do something, bosses do that all the time.  I am told I cannot use my cell phone while on the floor yet my managers are on their cell phones all the time.  It is what bosses do.  Also, as I recall reading, other SoS as well as other officials have used private email as well.  That is why the law was changed in 2014.
Why is FOX worried about a plan A when they and the GOP do not even have a plan A yet?
Ms Tree said:
Would you walk up to a co-worker or any other women for that mater and tell her to her face she is a MILF?  Would you say it to Palin with her husband beside her?  If not why on earth would you think it is OK to say it any where else?  
Why should she?
Palin is not one of 'my peeps'.  Neither is Bush.
Being rude and vulgar has nothing to do with PC.
I addressed the email in post 50 which you must have missed.  As for Benghazi, there have been 13 investigations all of which found nothing.  I guess the republicans can keep wasting money on more investigations until they come up with the result they like.
Guess we'll never really know when people delete 30,000 emails from their private server that they use for "Official Government Business"!
Kev3188 said:
Better yet, when they can change America's perception of the party to anything other than what Tree noted, be sure to tell us that too...
That is exactly my point.
The Democrats have done everything they can to convince women and minorities of that perception.
Now let's talk about the Black Caucus.......................
Kev3188 said:
6 pages and no mention of Chelsea? Are kids off limits now? 😉
Chelsea is not a kid. She is a grown married woman. 
She married an INVESTMENT BANKER. 🙂
I see Dog Wonder could not wait to long on this morning and -1 every post I made.
It is good go have a (pathetic) hobby isn't it Dog?
That is exactly my point.
The Democrats have done everything they can to convince women and minorities of that perception.
Now let's talk about the Black Caucus.......................
...Or about what the GOP is doing to advance the interests of women or minorities...

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