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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

I Just don't see it happening.
Maybe, maybe not. My ealrier comment was more tongue in cheek than anything...
If either gets significant traction, lookout mainstream politicians as this revolution will be televised
America should be so lucky. No fan of Paul, but a deviation from the proverbial "safe" candidate would be a refreshing change.
How very racist and sexist of you Ms Tree
...Or just accurate...
Ms Tree said:
It also does not explain why you only insult women and not men.
Really? Pretty certain I've thrown more than a few insults towards Bears, Obama, Reid, Al Gore, Chris Mathews, Al Sharpton, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, and certainly a few others over the past 10+ years or so here. I know several directed at the career DL cheerleader got deleted by the moderators...

But please, do try to make it all about misogyny. All you're doing is proving the point there's a double standard when it comes to satire and the mocking of public figures.
Not talking about washboard insults such as calling someone stupid but rather insults that seem to unique to woken such as talking about their looks, weight ... etc. Are you claiming you have ridiculed fhe weight, physical looks or manner of dress of the men you mentioned above?

Yes there is a double standard. Men will insult women very differently than they will insult men.
Obama's ears, Al Gore, Chris Mathews and Michael Moore all for their weight, Al Sharpton for his inability to master basic English, and Harry Reid for just being Harry Reid.

Calling out Hillary's cankles is no worse than calling W a smirking chimp.
You're not developing that double standard are you Kev3188?
When the GOP's demographics show any meaningful deviation from that, let us know...

Better yet, when they can change America's perception of the party to anything other than what Tree noted, be sure to tell us that too...
eolesen said:
Obama's ears, Al Gore, Chris Mathews and Michael Moore all for their weight, Al Sharpton for his inability to master basic English, and Harry Reid for just being Harry Reid.

Calling out Hillary's cankles is no worse than calling W a smirking chimp.
6 pages and no mention of Chelsea? Are kids off limits now? 😉 
well Ms Clinton should know all about double standards. Not only is she stupid enough to conduct govt business (state dept no less) on her own server she's arrogant enough to tell those she worked for tough chit you can;t have them. To her credit though unlike Obama who lied his ass off about transparency you know right off the bat she'll con you.
I'm going enjoy watching her get roasted by the media
Kev3188 said:
6 pages and no mention of Chelsea? Are kids off limits now? 😉 
ok  here you go she's homely....lol  j/k
Ms Tree said:
That does not explain why you feel compelled to insult a person because of their looks. It also does not explain why you only insult women and not men. Then there is the fact that their looks have absolutely nothing to do with their job.
And yet we here nothing but "Old White Men" from the demorats, concerning republicans.
Lived on your one way street long, Tree?

If you can dish it out, better learn how to take it!
Ms Tree said:
Sure, what ever you say.
Amazing what people will do to justify sexist statements that they would not want said to people they care for.
If it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, Men can have cankles too....all better now.

And as you can see, its already started. If you disagreed with BaRack, your labeled a racist.
When it.comes to Hitlery , you hate women!
I get the feeling that people out there are ready for a fresh face in the office. ------ Hillary is old school! 
southwind said:
If it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, Men can have cankles too....
Pretty certain I said that about Michael Moore at one point, along with his 27 chins...

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