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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

southwind said:
Seriously though, just as it happened with BaRack, if you disagree, your racist.
Hillary, you will be labeled an "Old Women hater"!
No, not quite. He is a sexist because of terminology that has nothing to do with his dislike for her as a candidate. It is unfortunate that this concept eludes you.
Ms Tree said:
No, not quite. He is a sexist because of terminology that has nothing to do with his dislike for her as a candidate. It is unfortunate that this concept eludes you.
Like your seething disses of Palin and her daughter.
The International Association of Fire Fighters attracted 10 possible presidential candidates to the union’s conference in Washington this week, including Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren on the Democratic side and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz for the Republicans.
But one prominent invitee, Hillary Clinton, sent regrets — and that’s regrettable, because she could use some help putting out fires these days.
On the other hand, maybe it’s just as well that Clinton didn’t join the firefighters in the capital this week. They aren’t exactly blazing with enthusiasm for her candidacy. As I worked the gathering at the Hyatt on Capitol Hill, I detected a sense of buyer’s remorse among the union faithful when I asked about the seemingly inevitable Clinton coronation.
I, for one think Hillary might well end up as "Plan B"
There is not a politician so adored and despised as Mrs. Clinton. NEVER since she arrived in the political spotlight have I seen a political figure that could arouse such a high level of emotions both negative and positive. Think about it. Have you ever heard a person say "Oh Hillary, she OK"?
It's entirely possible that the DNC will let all contenders duke it out and if there is no non Hillary clear cut victor then Hillary rides in on her white horse to save the day. The list of contenders all have positives if you're a Liberal. So far I count:
Martin O'Malley
Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
As viable contenders for the nomination. There will be others to be sure as I likely forgot someone someplace.
Ms Tree said:
No, not quite. He is a sexist because of terminology that has nothing to do with his dislike for her as a candidate. It is unfortunate that this concept eludes you.
It's all factual. Hillary has an affinity for pant suits to cover up her cankles.

You excel at feigned outrage, Tree.
Ms Tree said:
Bottom line, the republicans are still the party of the white male.
and Democrats are the party of the government handout user
SparrowHawk said:
I, for one think Hillary might well end up as "Plan B"
There is not a politician so adored and despised as Mrs. Clinton. NEVER since she arrived in the political spotlight have I seen a political figure that could arouse such a high level of emotions both negative and positive. Think about it. Have you ever heard a person say "Oh Hillary, she OK"?
It's entirely possible that the DNC will let all contenders duke it out and if there is no non Hillary clear cut victor then Hillary rides in on her white horse to save the day. The list of contenders all have positives if you're a Liberal. So far I count:
Martin O'Malley
Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
As viable contenders for the nomination. There will be others to be sure as I likely forgot someone someplace.
A Warren/Sanders pairing would be fantastic. Too bad the DNC doesn't likely have the courage to put that bold of a ticket out there.

Am I the only one that gives Biden points for his absolute inability to GAF? Left or right, ya gotta admit it's kinda refreshing...

P.S. Clinton's Twitter bio does mention her being a "pantsuit aficionado." Just sayin'...
eolesen said:
It's all factual. Hillary has an affinity for pant suits to cover up her cankles.

You excel at feigned outrage, Tree.

The fact that she wears pantsuits is indeed factual. The term cankles tends be used in a derisive and insulting manner. If you can point to other posts of yours where you 'factually discuss' the clothing and physical characteristics of male politicians you might have a leg to stand on. Good luck in finding posts like that, I looked and could not find anything. Perhaps you will have better luck.

If someone were to say that your wife/mother/sister..... had cankles would you be OK with it? Would it be OK to say it to their face? I am guessing you would not be OK with either scenario. I know I would not.

Aside from all that, what does any of this have to do with her ability or lack there of to be POTUS? Don't a dam thing. SO you can dance around, deflect and ignore it all you want, the fact is that the statement was sexist. The manner in which Palin was treated was sexist. It exists on both sides of the aisle. Seemingly more so with the republicans given the piss poor representation of women in the republican party.
SparrowHawk said:
I, for one think Hillary might well end up as "Plan B"
There is not a politician so adored and despised as Mrs. Clinton. NEVER since she arrived in the political spotlight have I seen a political figure that could arouse such a high level of emotions both negative and positive. Think about it. Have you ever heard a person say "Oh Hillary, she OK"?
It's entirely possible that the DNC will let all contenders duke it out and if there is no non Hillary clear cut victor then Hillary rides in on her white horse to save the day. The list of contenders all have positives if you're a Liberal. So far I count:
Martin O'Malley
Elizabeth Warren
Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders
As viable contenders for the nomination. There will be others to be sure as I likely forgot someone someplace.

I actually think this scenario is quite plausible. This is basically what the primaries are all about though.
cltrat said:
and Democrats are the party of the government handout user

Are you under some sort of illusion that the republicans do not give hand outs? Do you think corporate America supports the GOP out of the goodness of their heart? What legislation do you think will be forthcoming from the republican controlled Congress to take away any of these handouts that you claim are the sole domain of the democrats? I'll bet you pennies to dollars that Congress will not even address campaign finance reform or the tax code while they are in power much less immigration reform or defense spending.

The republicans love handouts. Their's just go to different people.
I think the only one under an illusion is you, nice spin though
cltrat said:
I think the only one under an illusion is you, nice spin though
or should I ask are you under the illusion that all white males are republicans?
cltrat said:
or should I ask are you under the illusion that all white males are republicans?

Never said anything of the sort. I made it quite clear in my post what I believe.

Here is a National Review article on Republican Corporate welfare.


Good read if you are interested in corporate welfare.

Here is the "Open the Books" link as well as a link to the original article.



You are right, there is no corporate welfare on the right, it's only the liberals...... lol
Is that the corporate welfare that members of both parties and houses do insider trading on all the time?

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