Do Not Call And Spam

You guys are making great aurguments for no union. sick and tired of the BS.

Porkchop..I'd like to reach through this monitor and shake your hand...finally someone hits the nail on the head!

NYQuill: are you advocating non-unionism?
Bob Owens, quote "Running from a problem never solved anything. Allowing the TWU to stay here and continue to degrade the profession will end up haunting and affecting us wherever we go in this industry. I've got over 17 years here. I'd rather at least fight before I walk away. "

Bob I am working on my 16th year in Tulsa and I'll stand with you and fight..
As you know many of our brothers are like minded..

Jim Anderson 4D Tul AMFA local 12 associate member ;)
I know you do not advocate AMFA. But you do advocate the TWU and its Socialistic structure, right?
To add to Buck, Farm out in house has been here for a long time The Twu dosent see it as farm out they call it cross utilizing through the TWU structure of DUES-Deicing, AC pushback, SRP, inspections on Aircraft arrival, Ice inlet inspections, OSM/AMT to 7 day AMT and then back to AMT/OSM, AMT painting yellow line walkways on the hangar floors on X-mas shut down, and many many more.....

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