DL Terminates Labor Activist Kip Hedges

so you would be a coward if you did?

how touching.

btw, can you give us that list of cities that AA outsourced during BK?

you should be focused on fixing what's wrong in your own house before you try to save the world.
Kev3188 said:
Max rate for RR's is currently $12.00/hr.

Not allowed to wear your hat into the store...
Wow. So change that yearly income to a whopping $12,480 then. I doubt anyone making that kind of money would really want to wear any Delta uniform in public anyway. I proudly wear my AA uniform into the places I shop before and after work. Even after all of the things that we've been through.

If the AFL/CIO doesn't take this man's disgusting termination and fight for him they're totally stupid.
Wow. So change that yearly income to a whopping $12,480 then. I doubt anyone making that kind of money would really want to wear any Delta uniform in public anyway. I proudly wear my AA uniform into the places I shop before and after work. Even after all of the things that we've been through.

If the AFL/CIO doesn't take this man's disgusting termination and fight for him they're totally stupid.
just the list of cities that the TWU has been unable to stop AA from outsourcing.

that's all.

thank you.
What a certain individual doesn't seem to understand is that I do not care how many cities AA has outsourced. What I know is that between ALL the members at the merged entity we have around 14000 clerks ALL on the same wage scale for the Unionized groups working directly for AA.

ALL 14000 have the exact same ability to reach the top rate in pay and benefits. Unless I live in Guatemala what the hell do I care where I live if I'm only making $12.00 per hour part time with no benefits?

According to what Kip said in the video Delta also employs 14000 direct workers under there name but 30 to 35% of them only max out at $12.00 per hour. At this moment EVERYONE I work with tops out at $23.00 per hour PLUS BENEFITS. That's the Union difference. 

When I kept bringing up the word PERCENTAGES to WT in the past, this is what I was looking for.
WorldTraveler said:
so you would be a coward if you did?

how touching.

btw, can you give us that list of cities that AA outsourced during BK?

you should be focused on fixing what's wrong in your own house before you try to save the world.
I wouldn't walk down that road killer. We have done this before.....it never turns out so good for you. 
Want a list of Delta outsourcing during BK? 
WorldTraveler said:
the comment as stated is about the salary levels for contract employees. A DL CBA cannot affect that.

you are right that a CBA could limit the number of part-time/RR employees... but let's also keep in mind that AA and UA have both eliminated hundreds if not thousands of positions in dozens of cities because they have outsourced. WN is also pushing heavily for domestic airport outsourcing and it is a given that most if not all foreign destinations which WN opens - and that is where their growth is focused - will involve contract employees.

DL has taken the approach as keeping this work for DL employees, even if it is on an RR basis.

to say that unionized carriers are keeping full-time, benefitted jobs in the same number or percentage of cities that DL is doing is simply false.
no they haven't. 
They have taken the approach to keep the cities Northwest brought to Delta but adding RR spots to them to keep the IAM out. Delta knows the first time more than one or two of those cities get cut the cards would start flying in. Outside of the former NW cities Delta has no rhyme or reason for how a station gets staffed. Plenty of stations are DGSed that are larger (mainline or mainline plus DCI) that would be in-house If Delta simply fallowed the NW CBA scope. 
I have posted a list before but places like CLT, RDU, SAN, which are all DGSed would be mainline (and safe by a large margin) if they fallowed the scope of NW. 
eolesen said:
Time to deflect into outsourcing formulas, eh?
sure I want to walk down that road and it absolutely matters whether weAAsles wants to show us or not.

despite all the righteousness about digging back 20 plus years to 7.5, I lived it and was affected by it.

I have never said it was the right thing to do.

other carriers were cutting in the early 90s. Go check airline history.

the only difference is that DL gave its program a name so it makes it easy to remember. The Gulf wars decimated airlines... to think that DL was the only carrier that was making cuts is simply not true.

what does matter is what has happened not just in the years right after 9/11 but in the past 2-3 years.

on that measurement, AA and UA have pushed for and won from their unions cuts that far exceed what DL has done.

yes, w, I want to see the list. It is relevant. I also want to know how many TWU represented employees had to move to keep their job. and then how many just gave up and quit.

and you can talk about all the unity of your workforce you want but that unity doesn't exist when your station has been outsourced.
Over the years I have asked just about everyone I've come across who moved from a station that closed if they would either stay or go back if they were reduced to $12.00 per hour PT with NO benefits and the resounding answer I got was YES, they would do anything to help AA and remain near home and hearth.

yes, this absolutely is the right thread or else any of the pay or scope issues that were part of Kip's efforts don't matter.

I didn't bring those issues into the discussion. but I will respond to them.

either we focus solely on Kip as a person and leave the issues out of the conversation or they are all in.

you, after all, have repeatedly been the one that says scope is one of the most important issues.
Over the years I have asked just about everyone I've come across who moved from a station that closed if they would either stay or go back if they were reduced to $12.00 per hour PT with NO benefits and the resounding answer I got was YES, they would do anything to help AA and remain near home and hearth.

so, can you tell me did TWU succumb to AA's desires and HNL was cut as an AA staffed station?
WorldTraveler said:
yes, this absolutely is the right thread..
No it's not. Events at AA and/or the TWU are separate from this.

They have a board, and you know how to get to it.

You're not only muddying the waters, you are disrespecting one of my coworkers and their career.

Please stop.
then talking about DL's pay and scope issues is not on the table. besides you were the one that wanted to show respect for Kip by leaving the discussion aside. I followed your lead.

Someone else showed up and wants to talk about the terms of DL's workplace policies.

and despite your clear blindness, he is talking about AA and the TWU in this discussion.
WeAAsles said:
I have courage because I DO NOT work for Delta. I work for AA and am supremely proud to be a Union member of the TWU. Because of that I have the ability to speak out and it angers me that people who do the same job as me don't have the same ability.
I want to help change that.
you WILL NOT dictate the terms of this board to eliminate things you don't want to see or everything blows up.


when you start telling other people to STFU, then we might find room for agreement.

in the meantime, there are at least a half dozen fairly high profile AA stations including MEM of which a whole bunch of people have whined incessantly about for DL that the TWU allowed AA to eliminate and which did not also have US staffing. TWU scope was worthless.

I am all for leaving the discussion here to Skip alone and not pay/scope/or any other negotiated or employer imposed terms as long as everyone else does the same thing.
Kev3188 said:
No it's not. Events at AA and/or the TWU are separate from this.

They have a board, and you know how to get to it.

You're not only muddying the waters, you are disrespecting one of my coworkers and their career.

Please stop.
Kev I watched the video of Kip speaking and was incredibly impressed by it. He's an inspiration for wanting to continue to shine a light on what too many airlines do in taking advantage of people over obscene profits. In that regard they're ALL guilty. 

I won't respond to WT anymore out of respect for you and a GREAT Union brother. You both prove very clearly that being Union doesn't mean just signing a Union card and paying dues. It's far more than that.

Keep your head high Brother.
guess what, Einstein.

airlines are for profit companies.

even when airlines were losing boatloads of money, the cry from labor unions was still that mgmt. was evil and they were taking advantage of labor.

Your blathering doesn't even come close to passing any litmus test of logic.

Labor will demonstrate its value and DL employees will validate whether Kip's values are shared by the rest of his direct coworkers as a part of the democratic labor representation process which Kip, Kev, you and everyone else knows is the way the process works.

and let's be very clear that there are plenty of people, you and Kev included, who have managed to work within that system.

there is nothing wrong with demonstrating that labor has a track record of improved pay and scope - if it exists.

but if DL employees don't agree, then labeling Kip a martyr (your words not his or anyone else's) doesn't change a thing.

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