DL Terminates Labor Activist Kip Hedges

Kev3188 said:
It's nice that you think no one here has ever managed people. What do you think a Crew Chief does, anyway?
Still would like to see a little less judging and a little more answering, though. I have to assume it's out of a concern that you think you may run afoul of the company yourself.
Nevertheless,Here's the list again:
" And in turn, you can do your part by sharing with us what part of any company policy you feel he violated, and why. 
After watching the video-you have watched it, right?- do you agree or disagree with the idea that his comments w/r/t to pay at DL are "disparaging?" Why or why not?
When you say you "wish him well" does that include supporting his return to active service at DL? Why or why not?"
if its like a lead......
not get paid nearly enough {duck}  :lol:  :lol:
robbedagain said:
its quite possible dl terminated him and did so violating the fact he was using his freedom of speech  he simply implied that more than half the folks working at msp don't make 15 an hr      dl fired him  for no reason as I see it     he got one hell of a lawsuit  esp with the right lawyers..  against dl   
no such thing of freedom of speech
Glenn Quagmire said:
I have seen people terminated by corporations knowing full well that they were wrongfully terminating said employee. They make a calculated desicison and are willing to pay the price to make their "statement". Sometimes managers decide that it is better to have the employee on the other side of the fence looking in, than on the inside getting ahead. It is a sad fact, but happens in the real world of non-union work forces.

It would seem that Delta has made that decision here.

That will be my only comment on this thread. I think Mr. Hedges will be better off with less said on this forum given the tendencies of a couple who frequent here.
very smart move. 
Word to the wise, if your active I wouldn't do to much commenting on issues like this on a public space.  
From Kip:


Brothers and sisters,
Since I was illegally terminated by Delta on December 2, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support I have received. My coworkers on the ramp and cargo, the labor movement in Minnesota and beyond, the Delta flight attendants have all got my back. The IAM in Minnesota has helped lead the way. The IAM Legal Department is helping prepare my Federal Court case. All of you have kept me in the game.
To my ramp and cargo brothers and sisters - Here is what I need you to do in every station system wide. Sign a union card even if you signed one a few months ago. Some of you will also want to collect cards from your coworkers. Get together with others in your station who want to do the same. Come up with a plan. Follow Delta's Advocacy Policy. It is available on Deltanet.
We want to collect thousands of cards by January 1, 2015. Keep all the cards you have collected in your station. On January 1 photograph the cards you have collected and share the photo to this FB page along with the name of the station. We believe this will be a stunning visual confirmation of our cause. Sometime around the 1st of January the flight attendants will be filing for a union representation election. Let's show Delta we are not far behind. On January 2 you can mail all your cards in to the IAM Headquarters.
Remember - the only way any of us are safe is with a union. Sign a card. Get a union. Get a contract. Have a voice.
Kip Hedges

Kip  if you  or any of your fellow peeps read this  Good Luck Bro   you got my back  
WorldTraveler said:
to answer your question, hypothetically, if the video was the sum total of all that ever occurred between Mr. Hedges and DL, I would agree with you that DL's actions seem excessive.

but this isn't a hypothetical case. It is a real case with more information beyond what is in the video. You know it and I know it.
You don't even know/h don't ave all the information at your disposal,  you probably haven't seen the video, etc., yet you are blindly 100% in agreement with DLs actions.
How much kool-aiDL have you consumed?
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WorldTraveler said:
appears to me that you don't have your hands full enough dealing with AA's own labor mess and want to look for a diversion from the pay raise, profit sharing, and incentive pay that AA mgmt. gets but the "little people" that influence the outcome of the company aren't worth participating in - because they don't matter.

Good does go around.

which is why it has passed you by.
Why would my hands be full of something going on at AA? They're not my employer. I'm just an AAlumni and have no intention of changing that.

Good is where you make it. And with over $1M in compensation from my tenure with Amadeus, I'd say that was pretty damn good.
absolutely wrong, Frugal, your reading comprehension is clearly lacking. I specifically said I cannot make a judgment as to whether DL was justified in this case or not.

the only reason you posted what you have gained is to satisfy your own ego about your self-worth. No one cares what you made. Tell it to your accountant. no one here cares. Do you blab your earnings at other social functions?
And you also stated "there is more to the story".
So if you were told anything by anyone at DL, DL is in violation of the law.
But I would bet, you are making up stuff once again.
I sure did say there is more to the story... but that doesn't provide any justification for anything nor does it say that I know anything about the rest of the story.

I wasn't told anything by anyone.

I DO know that DL has a personnel file on every one of its employees. That was not made public.

you can't seem to grasp that the "rest of the story" includes private information about which neither you or I will ever know anything about.

THe rest of the story may have no influence or could be significant. There IS a rest of the story.
If you are MAKING a claim there is more to the story, then back it up.

Otherwise your lying once again.
you can't grasp that EVERY DL employee - and likely every employee at any company of any size - has a personnel file.

The rest of the story is in that P file.

Whether what is in that file has any connection with the case or not, I do not know. but yes, there is more to the story than what you know here.
Like I said, you are lying, you dont have access to anything about Kip from DL corporate, your lying bottom line.
“A lot of the Delta workers make under $15 an hour,” Hedges told the reporter for Workday Minnesota. “As a matter of fact, I would say probably close to half make under $15 an hour. So there’s a lot of them that understand how important this is. And a lot of the better-paid workers also understand that the bottom has to be raised otherwise the top is going to fall, as well.”
John Budd, who specializes in labor relations at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, thinks Delta’s action was designed to intimidate.
“First of all, shame on Delta,” said Budd. “In fact, by accusing Mr. Hedges of ‘disparaging remarks,’ Delta is admitting that low pay is a problem. But rather than engage in this discussion, it is suppressing the expression of alternative views.”
Even though he has been active previously in union issues and has always spoken out on labor issues, Hedges never saw his termination coming.
“I definitely did not want to get fired, and didn’t think I said anything that would get me fired,” Hedges said. “It’s sure tossed a lot of things up in the air in my life.”

he knows NOTHING beyond what was in the press.

neither do you.

neither do I.

and whatever point you are trying to make, DL clearly weighed the implications of its actions.

I have repeatedly said that if there is a case for legal action, Mr. Hedges should take it.
You are the only one posting there is more to the story.

Maybe the IAM and Kip will call you to testify since you claim there is more to the story.
And if you learned to comprehend, the legal process is already in the works.
Nearly half of DALs workforce is paid less than $15 an hour?
Maybe half of the baggage handlers do and possibly some newer employees in other groups but I wouldn't think it comes close to half the total workforce. If he stated this and is wrong about the numbers (Delta knows what their employees make) then he will be lucky if Delta doesn't sue for damage to their business.

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