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Strikers To Get Unemployment !

TWU informer said:

Why am I a "scoundral" because I work for AA?
I don't know lets find out. Did you work for TWA first then went AA?

You have no solutions, you have no anwers, you are nothing more than a habitual complainer without direction.

I have the solutions but they will not work because of your own prejudices'

I don't think Big E twisted the truth at all in his last post. In fact, I think he hit the nail dead center on the head, and that is why you could only answer with personal attacks and name calling.

Give me a break all he has had to offer this board in a month is his scab-mobile.

You hog bandwidth like industrial union officers hog oxygen at election time.

I have read some of your posts TWU I think you are ahead of me.
PlayTheOdds said:
Why am I a "scoundral" because I work for AA?
I don't know lets find out. Did you work for TWA first then went AA?

You have no solutions, you have no anwers, you are nothing more than a habitual complainer without direction.

I have the solutions but they will not work because of your own prejudices'

I don't think Big E twisted the truth at all in his last post. In fact, I think he hit the nail dead center on the head, and that is why you could only answer with personal attacks and name calling.

Give me a break all he has had to offer this board in a month is his scab-mobile.

You hog bandwidth like industrial union officers hog oxygen at election time.

I have read some of your posts TWU I think you are ahead of me.


There you go again with your alligator mouth.

I provided you with the information of where I am employed over 700 of your posts ago but let's not have the facts get in your way again 🙄 . And considering the 'information' that you have provided with your 20+ post a day average, my few post have more content than 99% of yours 😛 . That's why you are a scourge to this forum as you provide no added value or intellectual discourse.

This is the way of you diehard TWU/IAM slugs. :down:

Put on your dancing shoes and repeat the same thing over and over until you can get someone to believe you. You are dead wood and your arrogance and stupidity will not allow you to see it.

You’ve proven yourself to be a fool and a liar from your first post and the other 763 posts (to date) have done nothing but solidify this fact.

Everytime I make a post here I get slammed it makes no difference what it is. It is simply because I am a Northwest Scab. If you guys don't want to hear from me put me on your ignore list or stay in your own AA forum. I would trade every one of your pricks for one real NWA AMT on strike. Or maybe I should invite all my scab buddies to come here. I'll bet all those X-AA scabs wouldn't mind giving you an earfull. All you guys that came from TWA and are still working for AA after they got laid off and they worked for the company long before there was ever a buyout considerd, they think you are scabs. You guys want me out of here because I don't fit into your little communist click. You are scared of the truth and you can't stand the fact that I am here to spread it. You guys have tried to verbaley beat me out of this forum for a month on a daily basis and cannot do it and it is just driving you crazy. You guys better hope the TWU never ever even thinks about striking because I will be there and I will pay the AA board regular visits.

All of you are just like proAMFA, You attack and then run and hide in a hole when the truth is too much for you to bare.

Without your unions you people are nothing. US Aviation built these forums for the people in the aviation industry, you people have turned them into union boards. That is all you talk about is what union is screwing the next what union is more worthless than the next. what union stole the most from its members what union took the most concessions what union has the highest dues what union should represent what workgroup what union sucks up the most to management............................................................
.......................................................You guys are sad sad pricks.
PlayTheOdds said:
Everytime I make a post here I get slammed it makes no difference what it is. It is simply because I am a Northwest Scab. If you guys don't want to hear from me put me on your ignore list or stay in your own AA forum. I would trade every one of your pricks for one real NWA AMT on strike. Or maybe I should invite all my scab buddies to come here. I'll bet all those X-AA scabs wouldn't mind giving you an earfull. All you guys that came from TWA and are still working for AA after they got laid off and they worked for the company long before there was ever a buyout considerd, they think you are scabs. You guys want me out of here because I don't fit into your little communist click. You are scared of the truth and you can't stand the fact that I am here to spread it. You guys have tried to verbaley beat me out of this forum for a month on a daily basis and cannot do it and it is just driving you crazy. You guys better hope the TWU never ever even thinks about striking because I will be there and I will pay the AA board regular visits.

All of you are just like proAMFA, You attack and then run and hide in a hole when the truth is too much for you to bare.

Without your unions you people are nothing. US Aviation built these forums for the people in the aviation industry, you people have turned them into union boards. That is all you talk about is what union is screwing the next what union is more worthless than the next. what union stole the most from its members what union took the most concessions what union has the highest dues what union should represent what workgroup what union sucks up the most to management............................................................
.......................................................You guys are sad sad pricks.

As you SCABS and ‘other’ entities take advantage of this opportunity to beat us down, let’s reflect on where we are and how we have achieved our position. We are where we are today due to the sacrifices of our ‘Union Mentors’ and the personal sacrifices that these individuals have made to secure our current status in regards to respect, pay and benefits in this society. The call for the ‘DeUnionization of America’ as ‘Unions’ are defunct because of the ‘Globalization’ of the workforce is yet another ruse. People will not wake up until we are back at 80 hr work week and no vacation!!! Then piss and moan as to ‘How did this happen’?.

You SCABS are taking advantage of the wages and benefits that were ‘EARNED’ by ‘Union Members’ then have the tenacity to blame ‘Unions’ for being bloated, restrictive work rules, etc…

Tell ‘US’ SCABS, how can you work for $21 an hour when the bar has been set at $30? If the ‘BAR’ were not set on the backs of ‘Unionized Labor’ to $30.00 an hour, how much do you think you would be making and why would you even pursue a career that offered less?

You are a ‘FOOL’ and a ‘LIAR’!!!

Big E the fact that you think you belong to a union that is comparable to the old unions that actually fought for peoples rights to decent wages and a safeplace to work is an absolute joke.

The unions of today has had a free ride off the backs and the sweat and blood of the old unions that actually stood for the people. They have abused that ride to no end.

The AMT's here have fought for nothing, everything they have was given to them on a silver platter. They tithed to their defunct religion, AMFA, and lost.

The majority of the Nation has spoken NWA continues to fly without a hitch, this strike is a joke, your unions are a joke, you are a joke.
PlayTheOdds said:
Big E the fact that you think you belong to a union that is comparable to the old unions that actually fought for peoples rights to decent wages and a safeplace to work is an absolute joke.

The unions of today has had a free ride off the backs and the sweat and blood of the old unions that actually stood for the people. They have abused that ride to no end.

The AMT's here have fought for nothing, everything they have was given to them on a silver platter. They tithed to their defunct religion, AMFA, and lost.

The majority of the Nation has spoken NWA continues to fly without a hitch, this strike is a joke, your unions are a joke, you are a joke.

Good diversion while never addressing the core issues.
Hope you can recover the 2 years earning your tickets for $21 bucks an hour.
Keep putting your livelihood on the line by signing off write-ups that have the potential to make a flying aluminum tube into a yard dart for $21 bucks an hour.

It is your choice, not mine.

Now, ‘who is the Fool?’
PlayTheOdds said:
I understand that I just don't understand why there are not more NWA posters here. Is there another site that they prefer to use?

Yes, the-mechanic.com

Most of the people on this site are from USAIR and AA.
Emil.Howes said:

There you go again with your alligator mouth.

I provided you with the information of where I am employed over 700 of your posts ago but let's not have the facts get in your way again 🙄 . And considering the 'information' that you have provided with your 20+ post a day average, my few post have more content than 99% of yours

Big E are you TWU Informer also? Are you confused as to who I was addressing or are you confused about what screen name you were logged onto with?
Emil.Howes said:
Good diversion while never addressing the core issues.
Hope you can recover the 2 years earning your tickets for $21 bucks an hour.
Keep putting your livelihood on the line by signing off write-ups that have the potential to make a flying aluminum tube into a yard dart for $21 bucks an hour.
It is your choice, not mine.
Now, ‘who is the Fool?’

I do apologize Big E I didn't realize that there was a core issue in post 49. ..,I must apologize again for I still fail to see a core issue. As for the riff-raff your post was more than adequately answerd.
Emil.Howes said:
As you SCABS and ‘other’ entities take advantage of this opportunity to beat us down, let’s reflect on where we are and how we have achieved our position.  We are where we are today due to the sacrifices of our ‘Union Mentors’ and the personal sacrifices that these individuals have made to secure our current status in regards to respect, pay and benefits in this society.  The call for the ‘DeUnionization of America’ as ‘Unions’ are defunct because of the ‘Globalization’ of the workforce is yet another ruse.  People will not wake up until we are back at 80 hr work week and no vacation!!! Then piss and moan as to ‘How did this happen’?.

You SCABS are taking advantage of the wages and benefits that were ‘EARNED’ by ‘Union Members’ then have the tenacity to blame ‘Unions’ for being bloated, restrictive work rules, etc…

Tell ‘US’ SCABS, how can you work for $21 an hour when the bar has been set at $30?  If the ‘BAR’ were not set on the backs of ‘Unionized Labor’ to $30.00 an hour, how much do you think you would be making and why would you even pursue a career that offered less?

You are a ‘FOOL’ and a ‘LIAR’!!!

Emil, I am no fool nor am I a liar just because I dont believe the same things you do.  I dont make 21.00 per hour at NWA, I am not complaining about what I EARN nor is anyone else here (at NWA) if you dont like what is happening in this country economically than you should have done something about it alot sooner rather than when amfa did which was entirely too late.  Global economy is here so you better learn to live in it, if aviation isnt making you the kind of money you want then GET OUT.  For that matter anyone currently in aviation should be working to get out.  The blame directed at unions about outlandish work rules isnt anyone else's blame, it is an obvious case of inflated ego.  You cant deny that the basis of current union status is based on the threat of strikes, which in and of itself is a form of legal blackmail and the entire foundation of the "injury to one is an injury to all" indicates that in today's society we are not free to leave our employment and we, as individuals, are not free or capable to seek employment elsewhere, rather it attempts to enforce a false belief that we must follow the crowd that without the approved crowd we lost and all alone and incapable of living a happy and full life, either personally or professionally.  I hate to bring this to your attention but that is the very basis of gang activity in the United States today as well as the major drug cartels, although the union members have not yet resorted to violence they have resorted to many of the same tactics, threatening family members ect.  My allegiance will never lay with any organization my allegiance is with my family and theirs with me, I do not need a cult nor do I need to belong to a group to feel empowered.

Bob Owens said:
Yes, the-mechanic.com

Most of the people on this site are from USAIR and AA.

Geezzz that site is sad, one sided, if you dont say what they want to hear the guy that manages the site just deletes it instead of posting it. There is also amfanuts.com which tells the other side of the story the side the-mechanic wont publish.
Opus said:
although the union members have not yet resorted to violence they have resorted to many of the same tactics, threatening family members ect

Please explain where family members have been threatened? Informing one's neighbors hardly qualifies as threatening family members.
What a junkie website. I guess the old adage is true about becoming the company you keep. A communist website for a communist union and all its brainwashed lost souls.

My hat is off to US Aviation for running such a diverse forum. Freedom of speech reins in America and it is really sad to see censorship on open public forums in this country.

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