The IAM contract looks like crap! And not just for me and other currently non represented employees but for everyone at the new US Airways. Being realistic about it, and it isn't easy, outsourcing is happening on both sides of the house and the way the industry is going, it's going to continue to one degree or another and that's the ONLY thing that the IAM voices have been spinning as a positive, along with the pension that I will NEVER agree with, it's like giving your money to the devil........hopefully a transition agreement can be negotiated in everyone's best interests. I don't think that the IAM contract has a majority of positives for anyone at the NEW US AIRWAYS!!
VOTE IBT!! You/we may have to deal with the IAM contract for a while but through negotiations with the IBT, an amalgamated contract and eventually a new contract, it's got to be better. Through a change in representation, at least the NEW US AIRWAYS can strive for NEW and not just put a dust ruffle over the old dirty mattress.
Call the Teamsters Hot Line 1-800-208-3089. Listen to options 1 for east and 2 for west......listen to them both. Rather positive information, in my opinion.