Vortilon said:
There are complaints from around the system. DFW isn't the only station with issues, ORD has had several as well.
I’m not a lawyer but I’ve read the Complaint. Two things strike me – first, they claim that people are being intimidated into pencil whipping and performing inadequate maintenance. The first thing the Court is going to ask is why isn’t the FAA involved and why should it be doing the FAA’s job of reviewing maintenance practices. It will also ask why this isn’t a minor dispute subject to arbitration. More important, if any of this was true and could be proven why isn’t the lawyer seeking emergency or even preliminary relief. Maybe I missed it, but right now this thing could take years before reaching trial – if it ever does - time during which AA won’t be prevented from doing anything.
This looks like a lot of lawsuits brought by Seham against ACA, NWA, USAirways, and ALPA which are always announced with all kinds of dramatic press and fanfare and then are quietly dismissed a few years later. In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees are racked up for no result. My understanding is that Seham was paid over a quarter of a million dollars for the case that was just dismissed in DC. He may have his supporters among the true believers who get on this Board, but there’s a long line of American and USAirways pilots who are less than thrilled about the results of his work.