Thomas; There are Delta employees that were sic of being treated the way they were with no say so in anything that the company did. Since they were not union Delta laid off who they wanted and kept who they wanted. Delta released, as high as 15 year men, when 5 year men stayed on. I know a mech that was based at DFW with Delta, was offered to move to ALT, and he chose not to disturb his family and quit Delta after 18 years with nothing, absolutely nothing to go to at the time he quit. He said he was tired of the up and down roller coaster with Delta and having no say so in anything they wanted to do.
Thomas you are correct about Delta hiring out of A&P schools as this is exactly where my buddy above was hired from over 20 years ago. He has told me in the past that Delta would in fact spend millions of dollars to keep the unions out. They would also spend millions on educating their employees about unions, or brainwashing, however anyone wants to look at it, but Delta called it educating the employees about unions.
He has recently told me that there is an effort to try to get AMFA in at Delta, but he too thinks Delta will step up again (when the time is right) and offer raises, better the PS percentile, and once again "educate" the employees about unions. He says Delta is very good at convincing their employees not to vote for the unions. Delta knew exactly what to do while in BK, by Delta not taking the farm from the employees (like other airlines did to their employees) then Delta could still use the other airlines as examples to their employees on how the unionized employees are treated even though they are represented and paying union dues to do so. Sorry for rambling Thomas but just wanted to verify that you are correct about Delta hiring inexperienced mechs from trade schools and how Delta does work very hard at keeping the unions out. Just wanted to share what an 18 year employee did instead of putting up with it any more. Kind of like the 16-24 year AA mechanics have done out of AFW, Tulsa, DFW and DHW, they were all done with how they were being treated and all decided to start over as it was not worth it anymore...