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Delta mechanics getting raise again

Enlighten me...
Subsidized by my match?
No, some who came later in life after 1992 paid much higher rates than those grandfathered in at the low rates. Since they contributed much more they were matched more and the earnings from being invested brought that figure even higher. this "assumes" we get the match.
Thomas;  There are Delta employees that were sic of being treated the way they were with no say so in anything that the company did.  Since they were not union Delta laid off who they wanted and kept who they wanted.   Delta released, as high as 15 year men, when 5 year men stayed on.  I know a mech that was based at DFW with Delta, was offered to move to ALT, and he chose not to disturb his family and quit Delta after 18 years with nothing, absolutely nothing to go to at the time he quit.  He said he was tired of the up and down roller coaster with Delta and having no say so in anything they wanted to do.  
Thomas you are correct about Delta hiring out of A&P schools as this is exactly where my buddy above was hired from over 20 years ago.  He has told me in the past that Delta would in fact spend millions of dollars to keep the unions out.  They would also spend millions on educating their employees about unions, or brainwashing, however anyone wants to look at it, but Delta called it educating the employees about unions. 
He has recently told me that there is an effort to try to get AMFA in at Delta, but he too thinks Delta will step up again (when the time is right) and offer raises, better the PS percentile, and once again "educate" the employees about unions.  He says Delta is very good at convincing their employees not to vote for the unions.  Delta knew exactly what to do while in BK, by Delta not taking the farm from the employees (like other airlines did to their employees) then Delta could still use the other airlines as examples to their employees on how the unionized employees are treated even though they are represented and paying union dues to do so.   Sorry for rambling Thomas but just wanted to verify that you are correct about Delta hiring inexperienced mechs from trade schools and how Delta does work very hard at keeping the unions out.  Just wanted to share what an 18 year employee did instead of putting up with it any more.   Kind of like the 16-24 year AA mechanics have done out of AFW, Tulsa, DFW and DHW, they were all done with how they were being treated and all decided to start over as it was not worth it anymore...

so DL spends hundreds of millions of dollars on increased salaries to keep the unions out, didn't cut as much as ot her airlines, and now pays more than other network airlines and outsources less?

if DL is willing to do that to keep the unions out, then maybe DL employees are smart to keep voting no and just keep the money coming.

If the purpose of a union is to keep salaries up and DL employees manage to get higher pay by threatening a union vote every couple of years, why would anyone vote for a union? No dues, no intermediaries, and no messy contract negotiations.

DL employees really do have it better. what could be better than having mgmt throw money at you to maintain what has made DL desirable to employees for decades?

No wonder the OP asked why AA employees can't have the same thing.
Swamt thats a sad story the 18 yr veteran quit andnhas nothing to show for not surenifnhe had chosen to go to atl if he cld of worked say 2 doubles n a single for exakple n have an extra day or 2 off not sure if dl allows that....but that cld of been 1 viable option.

than again wt dl can choose who they want and they can reduce thwir employees pay at will anytime
With decades of history showing that DL employees are paid as much or higher than their network peers in many casesand have cut less in recent downturns in the industry, then people believe what has actually happened, not what a contract was supposed to do but failed to deliver.

All of the "look at what a contract does for you" is trumped by reality which is far better, people don't believe the union contracts as being valuable.

You can argue why it takes place but the bottom line is that DL employees are the winners.

Remember that this thread was started by an AA employee asking why AA's unions couldn't provide what DL employees are getting.

So far, we have yet to see anyone answer that question.
  If you know the Delta as you claim you do then you would know that every time a union has tried to come in the company ponied up the funds and gave raises.  And yes they cut less to prove a point to their employees.  Same thing happens over at FedEx, as it just happened not long ago.  The F/A's might be looking at a raise soon, but, it looks like their union drive is not very strong so they may not have to do anything, time will tell.  Believe what you want, you said they have spent hundreds of millions.  I said millions as it was told to me.  I never said hundreds of millions.
It was sad Robbed.  However, after a short time he was able to get hired by another carrier, at DFW, working out of same term and gate.  Not seeing into the future, he saw what he called "the writing on the wall"  , so he found other employment  elsewhere.  He's still in aviation and stayed local with family which mattered most to him.  He is doing fine now, and getting paid better...   
robbedagain said:
than again wt dl can choose who they want and they can reduce thwir employees pay at will anytime
There's the DL magic right there!  From a management standpoint,being non-union is a godsend!
MetalMover said:
There's the DL magic right there!  From a management standpoint,being non-union is a godsend!
The only reason they ever adjust it up is because of upward pressure from unionized airlines. If all the airlines could get away with getting rid of unions does anyone honestly think they would "make it rain" on AMTs? Hell no!  
It sure was magic when DL said they were outsourcing all airframe overhaul and those happy DL mechanics who hit the street. 
Except that DL does more mtc insourcing than any other US airline.

If DL keeps throwing money at its employees to keep them higher paid than their peers at other carriers then DL AND its employees win.

Remember one more time that this thread is about AA employees asking why they can't have what DL employees have.

No one has yet to answer the AA employee questions.

Overspeed said:
The only reason they ever adjust it up is because of upward pressure from unionized airlines. If all the airlines could get away with getting rid of unions does anyone honestly think they would "make it rain" on AMTs? Hell no!  
It sure was magic when DL said they were outsourcing all airframe overhaul and those happy DL mechanics who hit the street. 
Upward pressure?  Safe to say, any AMTs represented by the TWU are not exerting any upward pressure on Delta to raise the pay of their AMTs.  Overspeed, there has got to be something wrong with you.  No self respecting AMT on the property at AA could be satisfied with what the TWU has done to us.  Yet here you are; day after day, attempting to defend every stupid decision made by the TWU over the last 30 years.  There really are not too many explanations for your irrational support of this self serving dues collection agency.  Are you one of the greedy, unqualified international parasites that stands to lose his job - or wants his job back?  Or possibly a marxist?
WorldTraveler said:
Except that DL does more mtc insourcing than any other US airline.

If DL keeps throwing money at its employees to keep them higher paid than their peers at other carriers then DL AND its employees win.

So it is safe to say that DAL employees are enjoying their higher than average pay BECAUSE OF UNIONS!
And to answer your question about AA employees wanting what DAL has, let me put it to you this way.
With the exception of pilots, DAL has always been non-union. Their culture is based on a non-union environment. DAL was born non-union.
Do you think they would be getting what they're getting if weren't for unions?
No you may ask why don't all union airline employees just vote to get rid of their union (it that were possible) so they can enjoy what DAL employees enjoy....
If the airlines all of a sudden found themselves free of unions, it would be like a free for all with them acting like sweets starved kids in a candy store.. They wouldn't know what to do first.
And if that day they ever came, DAL employees would no longer find themselves enjoying higher pay and benefits. There would no longer be a need for DAL to occasionally up the ante to keep unions out.
Overspeed wrote:
"It sure was magic when Dl said they were outsourcing all airframe overhaul and those happy DL mechanics who hit the street"
Are you serious?   You are a sic puppy!  I don't know a single person out here that would think that was just magic.  Only you would Overspeed, only you.  Your statement speaks volumes about you and your character...

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