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Delta mechanics getting raise again

Delta's dispatchers are TWU and according to Delta's 10k the Delta's workforce is 15% unionized.
So explain WN then there WT, highest percentage of unionized employees, highest paid and most consistent and profitable airline over the past 30 years.
How happy were the Delta Mechanics in TPA and DFW when they closed their hangar and laid off mechanics?
And did NW or DL close Duluth and MSP?
I do believe NW closed ATL heavy.
Guessing they were about as happy as U mechanics when they locked them out of the TPA Maintenance Hangar under the watch of the IAM.  Union or not the entire industry stinks anymore from the employee side, just feel sorry for the new hires as they don't realize what they are getting into....
The IAM sued and won them 60 days additional pay and benefits, what did DL do?
At least Tom Regan handled it and won against the company, so the IAM represented its members to the fullest, what recourse did the DL mechanics have?
DL employees, must like WN employees, are paid above average to the industry because both companies are making money and CAN pay their employees well. The fact that DL is largely non-union while WN is largely unionized doesn't make a hill of beans worth of difference and wouldn't if both companies didn't generate strong profits.

It is no surprise that DL employees have risen post BK as the company itself has gained from its restructuring.

DL's position of being first to finish in the megamerger phase of consolidation is why DL has the advantage as a company.

DL and WN recognize that employees can make or break the company and work hard to keep their employees happy - and pay has a great deal to do with happiness. it's called work for a reason, no matter how much you may or may not like it.

No company pays a premium to keep unions in or out. They pay market rates.

As much as some people want to throw rocks and try and find every reason that the rest of DL's employees should unionize, they aren't biting.

I doubt that the union mindset of this board will allow many to understand these principles but that is the way the free market system works. If anyone should be aware of the factors that they should consider regarding unionization, it would be DL employees. Thinking that a non-DL employee is going to tell them something they don't already know is a little beyond the reality check.

In the meantime, no one has yet to offer a clue as to how AA employees who want the compensation that DL employees have can have it.
surprise, surprise. old data, no profit sharing.

We would never expect anything but from you.

you also missed the fact that all of those carriers except AA outsource far more maintenance than DL does. So much for job security from unions.
Profit sharing is not an hourly wage.

Its not old Data, its from September.
Delta outsources ALL, do you understand what ALL means heavy maintenance checks and interior mods.
it says 08/2012.

Do you not realize that maintenance consists of far more than overhaul airframe maintenance? DO you also realize that DL insources a large amount of maintenance that is responsible for hundreds if not thousands of jobs? Tell me what other airline does the same amount of insourcing.

Profit sharing IS compensation. DL employees could care less what you consider it. They will get a fat paycheck on Valentine's Day whether you want to count it or not.

your inability to grasp the real issues is truly frightening and again highlights why DL employees don't want any more unions.

Get it?

and again your job is to figure out how to provide something to AA employees that they see DL employees have. given that the IAM is about ready to lose thousands of more employees as a result of the merger, common sense says to focus on the employees you do have first. but then unions, and you, have never demonstrated common sense business strategies.
Once again you post lies and misinformation.
The IAM isnt losing any members nor is the TWU.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Just stating the facts.

No airline except WN has been immune to job losses, and WN and others have made buyouts available to lessen furloughs.
700UW said:
Just stating the facts.
No airline except WN has been immune to job losses, and WN and others have made buyouts available to lessen furloughs.
We just need Josh to show up so you three can have a manaja twa.
Here is a tip for you:
WorldTraveler said:
Except that DL does more mtc insourcing than any other US airline.

If DL keeps throwing money at its employees to keep them higher paid than their peers at other carriers then DL AND its employees win.

Remember one more time that this thread is about AA employees asking why they can't have what DL employees have.

No one has yet to answer the AA employee questions.

That's not true. TAESL makes more in 3P revenue than DL Tech Ops.
DL Tech Ops generates around $650M in revenue, TAESL generates $700M in revenue and that is only for the RB211 and Trent engines, that does not even count the revenue AA makes on components and other engines.

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