You can blame the unions all you want, before 9/11, SARS, the wars in the Middle East that caused fuel to spike and inept management has caused the damage.
I was on the NC for the M&R for the IAM during the second chapter 11 case which was 2004/2005, the bankruptcy laws are in favor of a company not the employees and a union.
We had our CBA abrogated, do you know what that means?
Its easy to blame the unions, but until you really are part of the process you will see the main cause if greed and the laws.
At US they got a transition agreement in 2008 which raised pay, benefits and increased scope language.
They have been in Section 6 Negotiations for almost three years and received two 3% increases as the CBA has gone past its amendable date without a new CBA, last May or June the IAM has petitioned the board to be released with no avail. The IBT raid caused a stop to negotiations, so that pushed things back. The IAM is meeting Tuesday again with the NMB second time since the election was over to see what is going on.
The IAM at US has worked safe during Thanksgiving and X-Mas, the company sent a letter claiming that the employees werent taking overtime, well in the M&R CBA at US there is no mandatory OT. They got so mad that the planes in CLT Heavy werent making their ETRs that they farmed out a 757.
The IAM and its members for the M&R at US are doing their part, but the company doesnt want to settle.
So you can blame the unions all you want, until the playing field is leveled, the unions will always be at a disadvantage, you do realize the RLA was enacted to stop all the wildcat strikes in the Railroads and gave the employees the right to organize, heck the RLA was enacted even before their were airline. The law is set up to prevent the stoppage of interstate commerce.
So flame away.