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Article 4 Industry Comparable Pay rate

CMH_GSE said:
More to this point, can someone from the international please clarify how the math is going to work for the wage comparison next year?
Will US Air's wages be considered in any way and how?
If we have the SOC at that time there isn't a US Airways officially, just AA.
Will it just be an average of Delta and United vs AA?
Anyone from TWU want to step up here and chime in feel free.
The wage adjustment will use not use US once the IAM and TWU file for single carrier status. I am not sure why that has not been done yet.
swamt said:
I have to pipe in here.  The question of "what does the Seniority Integration Agreement"  look like or reads?  Has not been answered.  Everyone seems to be skipping around this question and especially all the union guys.  If it is such a good thing then why not publicize it?    Stop avoiding the question and answer it,  What does the SIA consist of???
Nobody is avoiding it. Stop creating drama out of nothing.
CMH_GSE said:
More to this point, can someone from the international please clarify how the math is going to work for the wage comparison next year?
Will US Air's wages be considered in any way and how?
If we have the SOC at that time there isn't a US Airways officially, just AA.
Will it just be an average of Delta and United vs AA?
Anyone from TWU want to step up here and chime in feel free.

If AA and USAirways are a single carrier and there’s a single agreement covering AA and USAirways mechanics by September 2015 (and there is no reason there should not be) there will no longer be a USAirways rate and it wouldn’t be in the industry comparison or the computation of industry standard at all. The industry standard would be based only on the Delta and United rates. Those rates would presently call for pay of around 37.40 for an AMT, but the UAL contract is far beyond its amendable date and it’s highly likely that mechanic rates at both carriers will increase by September 2015.

700UW said:
Mechanic and Related SIL Agreement which has been posted since May of 2013.
This doesn't really specify which template will be used for M&R. TWU has two different title groups, IAM are all on one list correct?

My opinion is they will use the one that is the most divisive so a contract vote can be easily manipulated!!
At US under the CBA a mechanic is a mechanic, you have different classification, but everyone is on the same basic list.
But you have a premium dates and lists also for leads, inspectors, lead inspectors, lead mechanics etc....
The SIL is DOH into the classification, premium positions are the same, by date of getting it.
700UW said:
At US under the CBA a mechanic is a mechanic, you have different classification, but everyone is on the same basic list.
But you have a premium dates and lists also for leads, inspectors, lead inspectors, lead mechanics etc....
The SIL is DOH into the classification, premium positions are the same, by date of getting it.
Our lists are separate! Title I & Title II
737823 said:
There was a seniority agreement in place for TWA and how did that work out?

No there wasnt, you are wrong again.
It went to arbitration.
700UW said:
No there wasnt, you are wrong again.
It went to arbitration.
Yes there was before the TWA purchase. But Jim Little flip flopped and let it go to Arbitration. He sidestepped the responsibility away from his hands and into the federal arbitrators hands. Spineless ATD director did not want to take a stand and responsibility. Go ahead and tell me I am wrong. I am a AMT at AA before, during and after that gutless Little flipped on us.
AA forced the IAM at TW to give up the labor protection provisions or face chapter 7.
Explain this, how can you have an agreement BEFORE a purchase, that means there was no agreement.
700UW said:
AA forced the IAM at TW to give up the labor protection provisions or face chapter 7.
Explain this, how can you have an agreement BEFORE a purchase, that means there was no agreement.
Give it up, I was there and heard it from the horses mouth at a meeting.
You are not a AMT nor worked for AA or TWA. Let it go but I know you can not so go ahead and persist.
Not what William O'Driscoll said, do you know who he is?
700, give it up, there was an agreement made prior to the merge, period.  Stop, you were not there nor were you involved...
1AA said:
Give it up, I was there and heard it from the horses mouth at a meeting.
You are not a AMT nor worked for AA or TWA. Let it go but I know you can not so go ahead and persist.
700UW was never a labor "leader", although he paints a somewhat revisionist history version of his own importance, contribution, and impact (and departure)... he's been gone for years but never left the message boards.

Dilligas said:
I will state that 700 has a lot of knowledge regarding the IAM and was on the BK contract "negotiating committee". I personally feel his allegiance to the IAM socialist doctrine is misplaced but he has been consistent
Dilligas said:
That guy would be me. And he has not been a US employee for many years now.

But he was on the negotiating committee during the BK contract concessions and BK contract. Sorry dude.

And he may have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express at one time or another also.

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