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Delta mechanics getting raise again

The only source I know of is our employee website, which isn't linkable. I'm on my phone, so maybe someone else can confirm the base rate #'s? I can tell you that DL AMT's get sft. Differential, and are getting a raise later this year.
silverbird007 said:
If all airline unions shut down tomorrow (for whatever reasons), Delta would have a field day with their non union employees. As well as every other airline. The cuts would probably go into effect so fast the non union employees wouldn't know what hit them. Our union dues help Delta employees more than they help us. They benefit from our unions more than we do. And they don't have to pay a dime in union dues. Not complaining just stating the truth. Why pay for the cow when you get the milk for free? I'd probably do it too if given the chance!
I think delta would do exactly what they are doing now if there was no airline unions, treating their employees good to maintain their culture and to keep the unions out.

We have a union and look what we have for contract, and how we are treated. Our union dues help Delta? Our union dues don't even help us!
Overspeed said:
If you voted no on the 2010 TA you did it to yourself. You would have been making $38 four years ago under a TWU negotiated contract.
Truer words have never been written. Even with the concessions in the 2010 contract, we would have been better off then all the other airline mechs. Pension , OH, and pay, but the vote "no" know nothing's and the Tulsa "I'm not working weekends" killed that deal only to lose everything in bankruptcy.

I don't believe the TWU got this for us, this is what AA was willing to give us.
Overspeed said:
If you voted no on the 2010 TA you did it to yourself. You would have been making $38 four years ago under a TWU negotiated contract.
NO, more like $28 after the scam BK.
Bandit6794 said:
Delta rewards their scab mechanics to keep the union out.
Why would their mechanics be considered scabs if they don't want a union and make more
than the unionized workers?
WT and 700,  I can only speak for us at SWA as far as profit sharing.  We employees have enjoyed profit sharing every year since it started.  And as one of you two asked, YES, sometimes it is more than a months pay, sometimes 2 months pay depending on how much you worked or not as it is released as a percentile of our gross earnings of prior year.  At one time some were receiving PS equal to 3 months pay.  When we get our totals for 2013 I will let you know, but as a guess, we will be a months pay or more.  Sorry for the interruption but it was asked and never answered.  I have no clue on any other airlines PS distributions, hope this helps...
Under the TWU we have shrunk our membership of title 1 from a high of 14,000 approx down to 7,900
and they stole our pension,retiree medical, double time etc....... and still reduced our group so the "we saved jobs holds little weight"  
Delta has the same amount of mechanics as us now(give or take) they shrunk, we shrunk and we hold the bottom of the industry in pay and benefits.  
keep dreaming of more spins on this but the bottom line is we are gave up industry pay and benefits and shrunk like everyone else!!!!!
the kicker is:
our stockbeing issued is being sold as for all our give backs thus far. In other words, do not bring up the past as this cleans the slate.
all i can say is:    Never a clean slate
Bandit6794 said:
Delta merged with NWA and all its scab mechanics ...that's why Derp
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings...Trolling and name calling will only get you RED! B)
Oh well,  you know the old saying "you hired on with the wrong airline" eventually comes around to haunt us all.
let's get one thing absolutely clear.

DL employees ABSOLUTELY said they wanted to reduce the percentage of profit sharing they received in return for increased base pay. DL's unionized pilots agreed to the change in profit sharing formula, DL's non-contract employees were polled by the company and preferred the change, and kev3188 himself on this forum expressed his support for reduced profit sharing.

It is completely incorrect for 700 to argue that DL mgmt thrusted this change on employees - contract or non-contract - and it is completely disingenuous for kev to sit here and pretend he didn't actively support the change and was fully aware of the tradeoff that DL employees, union and non-contract, made.

Further, DL employees not only received base pay increases in 2013 and will also receive 2013 profit sharing that is larger in dollar amounts than they received for 2012.

DL employees are receiving the richest pay and benefits increase in 2013 in the US airline industry, bar none. No ther airline's employees will see percentage increases in total compensation of the same amount.

I am glad to hear that WN has had healthy profit sharing payouts in the past. I would absolutely be interested in seeing the amounts in recent years. It is usually public knowledge and part of the earnings statement for most companies, including WN.

you can save your endless discourse about chapter 11 and the reduced salaries. we all know all of the legacy airlines went thru it.

What you can't deny because it is factually true is that DL employees have enjoyed larger pay and benefit increases since DL exited BK than any other large airlines.

You are completely incapable of admitting that DL's unionized and non-contract employees are far better off than their peers at any other network airline and are rapidly cutting the lead that WN employees have long had.

It is precisely because you seem to perfectly remember every possible negative thing that has happened to DL employees without considering the industry perspective for the same issue and yet you seem to have complete amnesia when it comes to remembering actual details such as that DL employees actually did request the reduced profit sharing percentages. DL employees and the labor movement have absolutely no use for labor leaders/snake oil and used car salesmen like you.

You continue to be the best antidote that any sane person could need to stay as far from the labor movement as possible.
WorldTraveler said:
let's get one thing absolutely clear.

DL employees ABSOLUTELY said they wanted to reduce the percentage of profit sharing they received in return for increased base pay. DL's unionized pilots agreed to the change in profit sharing formula, DL's non-contract employees were polled by the company and preferred the change, and kev3188 himself on this forum expressed his support for reduced profit sharing.

It is completely incorrect for 700 to argue that DL mgmt thrusted this change on employees - contract or non-contract - and it is completely disingenuous for kev to sit here and pretend he didn't actively support the change and was fully aware of the tradeoff that DL employees, union and non-contract, made.
Kev3188 said:
I took the survey they state the question(s) were in. I don;t remember it being there, nor does anyone else I've asked. 
You are lying once again WT.
WT, you are once again showing your true colors, now stop it, you are looking very bad.  Take the advise. Yes DL is doing very well right now and may very well do good in the future, but pls stop the lying, it is getting very OLD sir, carry on as you will in your own manner...

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