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Delta mechanics getting raise again

wrong.... DL cut the profit sharing PERCENT accrual but the actual profit sharing is going up by 25%.

Again, let us know what unionized workforce in the airline industry will earn the equivalent of an extra month's salary?

DL doesn't provide that kind of profit sharing because any union airline does it. They provide that level of profit sharing because their employees - unionized and non-unionized - recognize that when DL succeeds, they succeed - and therefore employees want nothing to do with anything that limits the compensation increases that have been coming continually to DL employees at an increasing rate since DL emerged from Bk.
700UW said:
And don't forget DL cut the profit sharing by 1/3.
You conveniently neglect to say that this was done at the suggestion of active DL employees. Didn't the unions decry DL profit sharing/variable comp during the 2010 elections? Would seek you are looking under rocks for things to blast DL over.

The employees at DL did not advocate for the cuts.
The profit sharing was cut, by 1/3, thats a fact, so they will indeed receive less money.
Thats the facts.
The profit sharing cut was announced when DL announced a 3% raise.
Plus their medical went up.
What about the medical premiums for the UA employees under the new "monumental" agreement they have?

Typical, you cant reply to the facts to you deflect, this is about DL not UA.
tell us what union contract - anywhere - that unions have successfully kept medical premiums from increasing while increasing compensation across the board.

doesn't exist because labor leaders have been completely ineffective in solving the largest employee cost and QOL issue - health care costs - American workers face. So the government and business are coming up with their own solutions and labor is once again left trying to act like they have any influence on the issue - but they don't.

again, 700, you who are famous for dodging the real issue - tell us what unionized airline employees other than at DL will be receiving the near equivalent of one month's extra pay in profit sharing? NONE is the correct answer.

While you advocate the failed strategies of labor to fight over the a shrinking or same size pie, DL is creating a bigger pie which means more for everyone. Labor is incapable of thinking in terms of creating a bigger pie which is what everyone wants - except for labor because they can't control it.

on yet one more topic, labor is rendered mute and ineffective and DL's non-union employees win.

not hard to see why they want nothing to do with labor while AA employees on this board look at their DL industry peers and ask what they are getting for their union dues.
Pilots and FAs at US are getting profit sharing.
And I would think other airlines have it also.
And funny how you ignore the unilateral cut in profit sharing DL management imposed.
US Airways has a profit-sharing plan for employees, and its financial performance led to $61 million in profit-sharing for 2012, and another $19 million in incentive payouts through November, the airline said. The profit-sharing payouts amounted to a 408% increase over 2011
Therefore, it appears this year's pilot profit sharing payment, which in previous years was paid on March 15th or presumably will be paid on March 15, 2014, should be 75% to 100% higher than last year dependent upon Q4's earnings.
WN the highest unionized airline and most consistent and profitable airline has a 15% profit sharing to employees, gee thats higher than the 10% DL employees get.
Co-workers earned $119 million in profit sharing for full-year 2012, which will be distributed on Feb. 14, 2013.
And AA also has profit sharing.
you can't grasp that profit sharing is INCREASING! It will be about 1/3 HIGHER this year for DL employees - nearly equivalent to one month's salary.

Again, how many unionized airlines will enjoy profit sharing that high. I can assure you that US' levels won't come anywhere near that level.

no wonder DL employees want nothing to do with labor leaders like you that can't admit the honest advantage that DL employees have.
Me too, two cents for working the pm shift  :angry2:
I hear ya.
WorldTraveler said:
don't forget the profit sharing DL employees will receive on Valentine's Day which will amount to about 8 percent more or roughly another month's pay.
Don't forget the magical formula they us (percentage of an employees gross income) changes depending on whatever mood the C-suite is in...

Let's also get something out of the way here- Every actual DL employee-including the UNIONIZED pilots & dispatchers- earned every nickel of that.

MetalMover said:
Let's also not forget that the only reason they get what they get is to keep unions off the property.
Not that there is anything wrong with that from a  business standpoint. But that is the reality.
silverbird007 said:
If all airline unions shut down tomorrow (for whatever reasons), Delta would have a field day with their non union employees. As well as every other airline. The cuts would probably go into effect so fast the non union employees wouldn't know what hit them. Our union dues help Delta employees more than they help us. They benefit from our unions more than we do. And they don't have to pay a dime in union dues.
Also +1.

Worse, there are some people at the airline that see that as a sort of badge of honor.
WorldTraveler said:
wrong.... DL cut the profit sharing PERCENT accrual but the actual profit sharing is going up by 25%.
Only because we laid the groundwork for such a high profit. There's a difference between a record setting year, and your inference that a 25% increase is the new norm (though it'll be great, if it winds up that way).

DL doesn't provide that kind of profit sharing because any union airline does it.
That's right; they do it as part of a strategy to both manage expectations and also to keep unions off the property.

737823 said:
You conveniently neglect to say that this was done at the suggestion of active DL employees.
I took the survey they state the question(s) were in. I don;t remember it being there, nor does anyone else I've asked.
737823 said:
What about the medical premiums for the UA employees under the new "monumental" agreement they have?

What about it? It's sh*t. That's not news. Where're you going here?
WorldTraveler said:
tell us what union contract - anywhere - that unions have successfully kept medical premiums from increasing while increasing compensation across the board.
Tell us what ones haven't successfully secured caps on premium increases?

on yet one more topic, labor is rendered mute...
You're free to feel that way, but at DL labor is many things... "Mute" isn't one of 'em. Even your former employer recognizes that.
WorldTraveler said:
you can't grasp that profit sharing is INCREASING! It will be about 1/3 HIGHER this year for DL employees - nearly equivalent to one month's salary.

Again, how many unionized airlines will enjoy profit sharing that high. I can assure you that US' levels won't come anywhere near that level.

no wonder DL employees want nothing to do with labor leaders like you that can't admit the honest advantage that DL employees have.
You are truly a spinmaster.
15% of the profit sharing is larger than 10%, you cant change that fact.
So they are getting 1/3 less.
Chuck Schalk said:
Delta mechanics all in rate is  $38.28 per hour      Over 4 dollars an hour more than us
Delta mechanics are getting a 3% raise in April 2014
Delta mechanics all in rate going to $39.28 per hour (approx)
Delta still has double time........
How sad is it that we are lagging non-union labor
How do we sell TWU unionism with this?   
The answer is .........we can't
If you voted no on the 2010 TA you did it to yourself. You would have been making $38 four years ago under a TWU negotiated contract.
DL employees absolutely earned every bit of the $500M in profit sharing they will receive in a month and that level is higher than ever for DL and unmatched at any unionized airline outside DL.

Enjoy it Kev but also know that what your peers receive is a powerful disincentive to mess with a formula that is very lucrative for DL employees and one which union proponents like 700 can't begin to match elsewhere.

Meanwhile AAvs mechanics look on with dismay at what they r paid.
And AA just exited chapter 11, how many years ago did DL exit and most employees arent at the level where they were before chapter 11.
And lets see DL closed TPA and DFW hangars, which resulted in layoffs.
And you can tout profit sharing all you want, it was still cut by 1/3, unlike WN who gives them 15% and what happens when the next down cycle happens and there are no profits to share?
Why arent their hard caps on medical insurance increases?
And say what you want, DL outsources all their heavy checks and all the interior mods, retains 50% of hmv inhouse.  US doesnt use vendors at their own stations where staffed to work on planes, unlike DL who uses DGS mechanics at TOC.
SO.........I`m guessing there is no link to Delta AMT compensation? Are we just throwing numbers out there?

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