Me too, two cents for working the pm shift :angry2:
I hear ya.
WorldTraveler said:
don't forget the profit sharing DL employees will receive on Valentine's Day which will amount to about 8 percent more or roughly another month's pay.
Don't forget the magical formula they us (percentage of an employees gross income) changes depending on whatever mood the C-suite is in...
Let's also get something out of the way here- Every actual DL employee-including the UNIONIZED pilots & dispatchers- earned every nickel of that.
MetalMover said:
Let's also not forget that the only reason they get what they get is to keep unions off the property.
Not that there is anything wrong with that from a business standpoint. But that is the reality.
silverbird007 said:
If all airline unions shut down tomorrow (for whatever reasons), Delta would have a field day with their non union employees. As well as every other airline. The cuts would probably go into effect so fast the non union employees wouldn't know what hit them. Our union dues help Delta employees more than they help us. They benefit from our unions more than we do. And they don't have to pay a dime in union dues.
Also +1.
Worse, there are some people at the airline that see that as a sort of badge of honor.
WorldTraveler said:
wrong.... DL cut the profit sharing PERCENT accrual but the actual profit sharing is going up by 25%.
Only because we laid the groundwork for such a high profit. There's a difference between a record setting year, and your inference that a 25% increase is the new norm (though it'll be great, if it winds up that way).
DL doesn't provide that kind of profit sharing because any union airline does it.
That's right; they do it as part of a strategy to both manage expectations and also to keep unions off the property.
737823 said:
You conveniently neglect to say that this was done at the suggestion of active DL employees.
I took the survey they state the question(s) were in. I don;t remember it being there, nor does anyone else I've asked.
737823 said:
What about the medical premiums for the UA employees under the new "monumental" agreement they have?
What about it? It's sh*t. That's not news. Where're you going here?
WorldTraveler said:
tell us what union contract - anywhere - that unions have successfully kept medical premiums from increasing while increasing compensation across the board.
Tell us what ones haven't successfully secured caps on premium increases?
on yet one more topic, labor is rendered mute...
You're free to feel that way, but at DL labor is many things... "Mute" isn't one of 'em. Even your former employer recognizes that.