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Delta Flight Attendants Meet at Winpisinger Center

Nothing to see here, same thing different year with the same results. The Majority of the F/A's voted numerous times, NO! Let them continue to waste money. If it weren't sad it would be comical.
And, the increase in premiums at AA came with a cut in benefits/coverage as well. So, I wouldn't necessarily lay the loss in benefits at the foot of losing your union representation.

I would, if for no other reason than the plans were incorporated into our respective CBA's, and disappeared as soon as possible after that...
Do you not understand your company is in chapter 11 bankruptcy and you were in concessionary bargaining?

If you werent in a union the company could have done anything they wanted too without talking and just implemented it.

What did they do to the non-union agents?

If you aren't in a union the company can unilaterally change benefits at anytime, they don't need to file for chapter 11 as it should be. You work for the company under their terms, don't like what they are offering go work somewhere else that is upto your standards or be an independent contractor. This is how the relationship of ~95% of workers in the United States is with their employers, I have never been in a union (proudly) and have been treated fair, am well compensated and enjoy my job.

Did they get to fly in on the Lear Jet or mooch off their employers pass privileges for commercial purposes? The IAM will have their arse handed to them, they are desperate to organize more workers to keep the dues and gravy train flowing for the officials.

Once again your spreading hate and discontent.

No one mooches off pass privileges, they are negotiated and the company and the union agree to it, and the reps that have the pass privileges have them because they are employees on union leave from the airline they represent.

And how many corporations have private jets or use companies like NetJets, make them fly commercial then.

And the company executives and management get to fly space positive for company business also.

And all the CEO in the airlines also get free positive space on most other airlines too.

You just hate unions, you dont work for any airline and the last time I checked its the employees right to want to organize, so who are you to tell them they cant.

Before 9/11 and the fuel crisis, unionized airline workers did fairly well in wages and benefits.
Hey if the IAM wants to squander more of their resources in a hopeless cause be my guest. How many times have the FA elections failed? Must have been a sad and troubling loss of the CO FAs to AFA, several of my friends fly for CO from EWR and say the 2339N local was a real POS. The fact is even if DL FAs unionize it won't cripple the company, but the loss at NWA was more detrimental to the IAM. Information is readily available to people through forums and discussions such as this one, the facts speak for themselves. DL FAs receive market competitive wages, benefits, and work rules and have a positive relationship with management. No need to bring a union onboard to charge dues and create conflict and hostility among their work group.

No one mooches off pass privileges, they are negotiated and the company and the union agree to it, and the reps that have the pass privileges have them because they are employees on union leave from the airline they represent.

True except the IAM does not currently represent workers at Delta Air Lines. The formerly (mis)represented workers at the now defunct Northwest Airlines (thankfully!). Pass privileges have restrictions and can not be used for business or commercial purposes and the company gets to make that determination. Pass privileges are non-contractual even under a CBA and can be suspended, modified, revoked at anytime without notice and the employee has no recourse.

Pass benefits for union reps are part of the CBA, since you arent a rep, nor a union member nor an airline employee, you dont know that.

As a rep I had positive space travel for union business only, when I flew for my own reasons, I flew space available.

And employees have a recourse if they are unionized, its called the grievance procedure.

See once again, you dont know it all.

And yes 2339N has had issues in the past with its leadership and at one time the local was put under a trusteeship.

And tell me this, why do you think a mostly non-union company has competitive wages in a very highly unionized industry.

Look at WN, highest and most consistent, profitable airline, highest paid wages, and highest percentage of unionized employees.

And once again, why do you care about dl employees who have the democratic right under the law to seek union representation, you arent one and you dont work for dl.
Obviously non-unionized companies in the few industries that have high unionization rates like the airlines provide competitive wages and benefits or else their employees would 1) organize or 2) seek employment elsewhere. That is a function of a market.

So you agree 2339N sucks, glad to see we can agree for once. What you don't seem to grasp is the wage you pay a worker and the cost they impose are two entirely different things. You have to look at the big picture. Yes, WN has the highest wages but the high wages are made possible by productivity gains and flexible workrules. Not saying this is specific to WN but Kev keeps saying that people tout high wages but often don't consider benefits, scope, and other parts of the CBA.

...they are desperate to organize more workers to keep the dues and gravy train flowing for the officials.

The employees approached the IAM, not the other way around.

The fact is even if DL FAs unionize it won't cripple the company

I'm glad you recognize that, but the company sure goes to great lengths to convince people otherwise...

Information is readily available to people through forums and discussions such as this one, the facts speak for themselves. DL FAs receive market competitive wages, benefits, and work rules and have a positive relationship with management. No need to bring a union onboard to charge dues and create conflict and hostility among their work group.

It's absolutely widely available, which goes a long way toward telling the "real story" of what's going on on the inside.

No one wants to create "hostility." They want a uniform/consistent platform when it comes to pay/work/benefit rules and policy application.

The formerly (mis)represented workers at the now defunct Northwest Airlines (thankfully!).

That was unnecessary.
Do you not understand your company is in chapter 11 bankruptcy and you were in concessionary bargaining?

If you werent in a union the company could have done anything they wanted too without talking and just implemented it.

What did they do to the non-union agents?

Welll, Mr. Font of all wisdom, fyi, our health insurance plans are not part of our CBA. The non-union agents have the same options we do.
Since you only repeat the same thing over and over again as the world as 700W sees it therefore there can be no other reality, I'm putting you on ignore. Have a nice life repeating yourself over and over.
Not saying this is specific to WN but Kev keeps saying that people tout high wages but often don't consider benefits, scope, and other parts of the CBA.


True, and the company in this case is quite happy to have them continue to do so...
2339N, has had issues for years, I was up there for numerous meetings as I was assigned to CO/IAM FA negotiations, and there is a real bad faction of FAs who are based there, they had had turmoil for years, and thats why the local was put under a trusteeship because of the problems of the local leadership there.

The issue was with Bob Korzuch, a former president of 2339N who lost election..

And here is info on what transpired.


Here is a link to the letter the DOL sent him after he claimed the IAM violated the LMRDA.


And if anyone says the IAM was out to get him, when he was fired from CO, the IAM defended him and won his job back.

August 11, 2004
An interim award regarding the termination of Local Lodge 2339N President Robert Korzuch has been issued.

The System Board of Adjustment determined that termination for just cause did not exist and Robert Korzuch must be returned to work within the next 30 days.
Upon receiving the full award, we will provide details of the decision.
Sincerely and fraternally,​

William O'Driscoll
President and Directing General Chairperson​

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