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Official Delta AFA flight attendant group!

Actually, Dignity they weren't really general comments. I will readily admit that I was one of the ones that gave BB "the business" last year about being on the fence.
well I just did not read any personal bashing in this thread, so it was confusing to me? but now I understand a little better..

My frustration was based on all the things you have expressed--how come one can't figure this out. But since that time, I have learned that it's not my place to force someone's decision or berate them for their indecision.
(this can apply to several different scenarios) personally, I like the fact someone is able to make up their mind and make a decision.. to me it shows leadership ability..the ability to address an issue and establish a timeline are also very important to me. I also do not think its berating anyone to request a decision to be made so a group can move forward..

I found confirmation in that BB told the afa poll taker that he/she was a "2", meaning he/she leans towards no union (rather than truly being undecided) That is something that I wasn't sure of last year as I thought he/she was solidly on the fence until his/her comments became more negative towards AFA and then I knew he/she was not a true fencesitter. As has been said here before, most lean one way or the other.
those types of polls in this situation are a complete waste of time, just have an election.

Yes, and that's why when the ballot comes with the PIN # from the NMB it is so easy to just ignore it because you don't know what to do...ignoring it is basically a "no" vote. That's why I think everyone should have to vote YES or NO.
personally prefer everyone participate, however do not feel the current way the elections are handled at this this time should be changed..but get what you are saying..

but the incident, disciplinary action, hearings, etc... is important for FAs to be aware of...as an example.
it just doesn't seem professional to me discussing personal related matters.. because unless someone was actually there and chooses to tell their side, the story after the fact.. discussed by those who werent even there.. sometimes becomes hearsay, rumors and one sided.. and then sometimes people add their two cents which can add up to things being said that never happened in the first place.. but I understand the concern..
Yes, and that's why when the ballot comes with the PIN # from the NMB it is so easy to just ignore it because you don't know what to do...ignoring it is basically a "no" vote. That's why I think everyone should have to vote YES or NO.
I don't think this says much for the F/A population. F/A's can't follow simple direction?
That is one of the problems I have with the AFA. (not you Luke) Statements such as "we are misled" "Impeading due process" etc.
As if we are a bunch of dithering air heads. We know about yet another vote, and if
we want a Union we know how to follow instructions on how to vote. Simple. No one
nor anyone I know can honestly say "Delta hindered our vote". We would have to be
deaf, dumb and blind. Sometimes the material from the AFA makes us out to be that way
when they lost in the past. JMHO
I don't think this says much for the F/A population. F/A's can't follow simple direction?
That is one of the problems I have with the AFA. (not you Luke) Statements such as "we are misled" "Impeading due process" etc.
As if we are a bunch of dithering air heads. We know about yet another vote, and if
we want a Union we know how to follow instructions on how to vote. Simple. No one
nor anyone I know can honestly say "Delta hindered our vote". We would have to be
deaf, dumb and blind. Sometimes the material from the AFA makes us out to be that way
when they lost in the past. JMHO

I agree, BB. But I fly with a lot of people who just seem so disconnected from what's going on.
My point was that it's really sort of a way to not address the issue when the ballot comes. In other words, I may get something, say a coupon in the mail..say for an item I'm interested in buying that might be on sale. I have often found myself putting it in the pile on the desk because I wasn't sure I really wanted to spend the money on that item at that time; even if it's marked down 10%. I think, well..maybe it will be marked down 30% in a couple of months. So, it gets relegated to the "pile". I don't think it's that far-fetched for some (not many mind you) f/a's to do this when their ballot comes because they are either: too busy, not engaged, or are unsure.
That's all I'm saying. JMHO also.
this is how I see the situation..

The fence sitters are going to sit on the fence.

No one has been mislead, after two and now three attempts? no way...the bottom line is simply the numbers were not there in the past to support representation.. for (whatever reasons)

The main focus now seems to be the money and the thought of those dues going ...'buh bye'..

The majority has made up their minds, an election will determine the direction the group will take, there is not a need for further delays.
The main focus now seems to be the money and the thought of those dues going ...'buh bye'..

Interesting. So the $43/mo. savings is actually causing some NW f/a's to not vote? They'll spend a lot more than that monthly when they retire and transition from NW's Retiree Healthcare to DL's. (About a $300/mo increase at Delta). Of course, that's with the assumption that that rate or a similar one could be re-nogotiated at the time of the f/a's retirement. The 4:15 daily gurantee/average will also make a difference vs. the 4:45/day trip average.
Interesting. So the $43/mo. savings is actually causing some NW f/a's to not vote?
dont know? I do know that some of the more vocal supporters of having a union are now honking the "lets try it without a union" horn all over the internet (and arent very shy about it either) maybe you should ask them?

They'll spend a lot more than that monthly when they retire and transition from NW's Retiree Healthcare to DL's. (About a $300/mo increase at Delta). Of course, that's with the assumption that that rate or a similar one could be re-nogotiated at the time of the f/a's retirement. The 4:15 daily gurantee/average will also make a difference vs. the 4:45/day trip average.
and while you are at it, explain that to them too..
TA1 that was imposed on our group had the averaging instead of minimum credit 4:15, it did not work..trip values were reduced and it required more days to fly for the month (roughly an extra 2 days) to receive the same amount of hours previously with minimum duty credit (it was changed back and minimum duty is in place with TA3 that was ratified).. I hope we do not go back to averaging..

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