I have a story. There's aboout 50-100 people who visit a local gun range where the shooters practice their sharp shooting skills. Most of the people just sit in the stands and watch because they enjoy watching skilled marksman. A small portion of the group actually come out of the stands, pull out their pistols and take shots at the bullseye targets downrange. A few of the shooters are just all over the place, but some are actually pretty good marksmen.
On this particular day the regular shooters go down to start shooting at their targets. After emptying their 9 shots from their pistol, TW (name changed to protect the "innocent") walks up to his line, pulls out his shot gun, and literally sprays shot everywhere. Some of the shot ineveitably hit his target but most miss entirely and just litter the gun range downrange with wasted shot. TW then raises his hand, walks up to the targets, glances at his fellow shooters' targets, then looks at his. He sees that his target is just covered with 100's of shots from the spray of his shotgun and proclaims himself the best marksman at the range because he has more balls of shot on his target than anyone else currently at the range. TW then pulls a large gold medal out of his pocket, puts it around his own neck, then returns to the line to continue target shooting with his shotgun. The others, standing in disbelief, just shake their heads. The lack of anyone challenging TW on this ridiculous marksmanship claim is proof in TW's own mind that he is, indeed, the best marksman at the range. Anyone familiar with shooting, however, knows otherwise. Even a novice shooter could spray a target 50 feet away with a shotgun and get some of the shot to hit the bullseye.
The other marksmen, some far more qualified than TW to shoot on this range, kind of look at each in disbelief, but enjoy shooting so they just keep shooting at their own targets while TW continues to spray shot all over the range. Some of the people in the stands heckle TW, but TW just holds up his self awarded marksmanship gold medal to the crowd as proof of his "ability" as a marksman. The other qualified marksman know that TW needs a lesson in both humility and sharpshooting, but choose not to waste their limited time at the gun range trying to explain to TW that anyone with a shotgun can hit a target 50 feet away, and some of that spray may even hit the center of the bullseye, despite the ability (or in this case lack of) the shotgun shooter may have.
Almost 1700 posts sprayed on these forums, a new green "signature" at the bottom of his posts (check out that gold medal), and the quote below. Need I say more?
So regardless of how much you want to throw mud, there is not one other person on this board that has more accurately predicted where the industry would go and has been right. None. Absolutely none.