With the LGA-ORD/DFW services, DL is using a 70 seat aircraft. So, they don't need that many pax to be profitable on the route. Plus, from a NY perspective, while the shuttle is a great service, a large piece of the puzzle that Delta has missed is two of NYC's biggest destinations...ORD & DFW. By adding these to their product offering for NY'ers, they gain the ability to sign businesses to additional revenue guarantees/requirements on contracts. The key will be having to guts to stay in the required amount of time to gain the creditability of serving the market.
On RDU-LAX, it's almost all utilization. Flying a 7pm flight to ATL and then on to Florida or something with this same 738 won't do much good. By sending it to LA & back by morning, they get great utilization out of the plane and offer a new service to the market...
With the LGA-ORD/DFW services, DL is using a 70 seat aircraft. So, they don't need that many pax to be profitable on the route. Plus, from a NY perspective, while the shuttle is a great service, a large piece of the puzzle that Delta has missed is two of NYC's biggest destinations...ORD & DFW. By adding these to their product offering for NY'ers, they gain the ability to sign businesses to additional revenue guarantees/requirements on contracts. The key will be having to guts to stay in the required amount of time to gain the creditability of serving the market.
On RDU-LAX, it's almost all utilization. Flying a 7pm flight to ATL and then on to Florida or something with this same 738 won't do much good. By sending it to LA & back by morning, they get great utilization out of the plane and offer a new service to the market...