My Analysis is based on many factors, years of flying between JFK and LHR Business Class, knowing how slow to react Delta's management has been in the last 20 years, the sharks at BA & AA managements, the type of airplane DL is using agianst BA, AA and VS aircarft, the product Delta will offer and other factors.
Delta offering seems to be by the summer of 2007 2 daily nonsop 767-300ER from JFk to LGW, if DL offers a limited frequency service with two 767 with 400 seats daily they could make it work. This is not your standard atlantic route, BA offers 8(soon 9) daily flights, AA & VS offer 5 or six each with 744, A346 and 777. Delta has older, smaller airplanes with an inferior BIZ Class and less frequency. Delta also has EOS and Maxjet to compete against, this is the biggest international route in he world. Delta needs to make a splash, 777 anybody.