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Delta Air Lines Seeks 'Crown Jewel' for New York-JFK Hub: Nonstop Flights to London

Cabin Service? I don't think that AA is on the same level as VS or BA.
Delta will have 2 or 3 767 daily with the support of connections. I just wish they took the opportunity to re-launch BIZ Elite with 5 abreast on the 767 like CAl Business First. Some people will fly to LGW because they can upgrade on Delta but if I was paying for Biz Class I would fly Virgin's Upper Class and get my Delta miles too.
Cabin Service? I don't think that AA is on the same level as VS or BA.
Dont be too sure. I fly London, and have a met more than a few converts from BA. Cant say I have talked with any from VS though.
Dont be too sure. I fly London, and have a met more than a few converts from BA. Cant say I have talked with any from VS though.
Give me a freebie so I can make that assessment myself--your coach sux just like all the rest....at least DL is trying to rectify some of that.
Give me a freebie so I can make that assessment myself--your coach sux just like all the rest....at least DL is trying to rectify some of that.
What sux, and what is Delta doing different? Did one MIA-ORD-LHR and heard a couple times people surprised and how mant times we were doing a service in the aisle. I always assumed alll the carriers were the same.

Sorry saving all my D3s for possible NWA people if needed.
What sux, and what is Delta doing different? Did one MIA-ORD-LHR and heard a couple times people surprised and how mant times we were doing a service in the aisle. I always assumed alll the carriers were the same.

Sorry saving all my D3s for possible NWA people if needed.
DL F/A's always do multiples in the aisles dude, I was referring to inflight entertainment systems, as in SONG/JETBLUE. 🙂
Sorry bout that...just trying to point out that AA isn't the best at everything...(stemming from hatred of Crandall).

Oh for Heaven's sake. And, Crandall has been gone for how many years now? :shock: You must lead a pretty blessed life if you have to reach back that far to find something/someone to be upset about.
Oh for Heaven's sake. And, Crandall has been gone for how many years now? :shock: You must lead a pretty blessed life if you have to reach back that far to find something/someone to be upset about.
Fact is, No one at any of the other carriers can trust the motives of AA management due to Crandall's cutthroat tactics of years past, and I doubt if anyone at DL,NW,UA,CO or US wants to be their next victim.
my question remains the same for you, driver. What have you contributed to this board? I know. You're a bench warmer that has sat in the grandstands yelling cat calls. Show me something constructive or forward looking you've posted.

Actually World, I'll have to admit I don't contribute nearly as much as you do. With work, a family, a vacation here and there and summer ever so brief in IL, I guess I have more important things to do, especially recently. I just don't have time to step up to the line and take my shots.

But I did start a thread a while back where I posted that I felt fare increases were coming, one way or another. I figured that either a player would go away and temporarily decrease supply so much that prices would have to go up, or our little oligopoly would finally come to its senses and actually price its product to cover its costs instead of trying to play games and put each other into Chapter 7. Low and behold, they started coming rapidly soon after I started the thread. They were coming so often (including the $5 fare increase DAL initiated a few days ago) that I didn't even bother updating the thread anymore. I must have been a genius to figure that one out. I probably should change my electronic signature on US Aviation so that everyone knows how smart I am.

I also contributed to your knowledge, World. Remember when you were on the UAL boards posting INCESSANT paragraphs about how UAL didn't have a business plan and how UAL didn't have exit financing? Remember? I do. Remember when I told you that just because Tilton didn't call you on the phone so that he could fax over a non-public plan for you to personally view that it still might just exist? And low and behold, one was submitted to the court shortly thereafter. I must have been psychic, or just really, really smart, huh? And then, of course, I gave you a link to the MarketWatch article that showed who was providing UAL with exit financing and you STILL kept posting that we hadn't found a willing bank to provide us a loan to exit? Man, were you confused.

What I have done in the past, World, is throw down the bulls--t flag. I think you're mistaking that for cat calls.

Who has a better understand of the airline industry than you?

Cosmo, BY FAR. You don't even have a fraction of the understanding of the airline business as he appears to. And just about anybody else who uses real numbers to back their claims. You often speak in platitudes and generalizations without using verifiable numbers to back up your claims. Take a look at what CH12 did, for example, at the beginning of this thread. You'd rarely if ever post anything like that. You'd go on and on about how Delta is about to dominate the airline industry and buy pieces of UAL and, and.....well.......kind of like you did in response to me a couple of pages back. FWAAA, Busdrvr, and a few other people whose screen names I can't remember seem to be pretty sharp, too.

And let's see a refutal to Artie's CASM analysis.

He caught my attention with that 40%+ advantage statement. I have a feeling he's a ringer and that you know him. And if that's true, he's probably the guy that has been feeding you your information. Let's ask him!

You also realize DL is planning to operate at least 2 flights/day come spring and could operate as much as five based on UA's current allotment under Bermuda 2.

I don't care. We got 20M for the route authority and it's gone. JFK has been withering on the vine for quite a while now and it doesn't surprise me that we're pulling out and using those aircraft for Kuwait and the Pacific. I'm surprised we weren't out of JFK a year or two ago.
Delta has an adjusted CASM only 58% of what United has, just 70% of what American's figure is. (VS and BA higher costs still)
They will have no problem making this work by virtue of their cost advantage alone.

Hi Artie-

That statement really interests me. When UAL officially released its numbers for 2Q06 today, I started poking around the latest data for both DAL and UAL that was available for both airlines (1Q06) and came up with the following numbers. Granted, they're system wide averages, but here they are......

DAL 11.12 Mainline/12.15 Consolidated
UAL 11.43 Mainline/12.11 Consolidated

They seemed pretty similar so I started looking at the DOT Form 41 data for individual aircraft at both airlines (unfortunately the most recent data is three quarters old) thinking that maybe DAL had an ace in the hole with a particular aircraft that was really cheap to operate but didn't see any significant advantages there, either. Or at least none that would equate to a double digit advantage.

Just curious as to how the 42% adjustment was derived from for UAL and the 30% for AMR?


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