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December 20 AFA Update

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The AFA and IAM agreements do not change pension funding or the multiplier and only ALPA is expected to take retirement cuts.

In addition, the AFA TA provides "me too" changes in duty rigs and scheduling.

The AFA MEC, just like the other unions, are recommending their members ratify their TA's.

December 20, 2002
Dear US Airways Flight Attendant,
Your AFA Master Executive Council is bringing you this final proposal for ratification after difficult discussions between your negotiators and advisors, and US Airways management.
The talks were conducted after management threatened that it will shut down the airline and liquidate under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code unless all of the labor groups agree to additional cuts in our contract. All of the other labor groups have had talks with management and are voting on additional cuts (the pilots and flight dispatchers have already ratified additional cuts).
After repeated attempts to negotiate a fair and just agreement, management insisted that its final proposal be presented to you for a vote. Faced with the threat of the loss of all flight attendant jobs if management were to shut down and liquidate, your MEC voted to send this proposal to the membership for a vote, with a recommendation by a majority of the MEC that flight attendants vote “FORâ€￾ this agreement.
In Solidarity,
The US Airways MEC
2% lump sum payment on 3/1/2007 and 2% lump sum payment on 3/1/2008; Modify Variable Minimum Day to 5+00 hours with no floor and no ceiling and change day and night rigs (Me-Too with ALPA)
Modification to claiming sick leave;
Minor change to rescheduling;
Major changes to Reserve system;
Increase in Reserve Inviolable Days to 8 days;
Automatic release after trip assignment for Reserves (with exceptions);
Preferential Bid System;
Maintain the Bid Sheet;
AA Eagle wages, work rules and benefits for Mid-Atlantic; US Airways seniority and longevity for pay purposes;
Changes in Medical/Dental (same as all other employee groups with the exception of ALPA and senior management - higher costs for ALPA and senior management);
Enhanced profit sharing;
Additional equity participation;
War Contingency -- 5% salary deferral (also applies to management);
Changes to LTD and Workers' Compensation;

We just got an email tonight from our MEC President, Perry Hayes. He admits to not thoroughly reading the language of the latest T/A for the flight attendants. My take on the email was AFA no longer recommended a YES vote, but asked us to vote our conscience. They did not recommend a NO vote either. I appreciated our MEC recognizing the flight attendants have intelligence enough to vote with a cool head after much consideration in this current round of concessions.

I haven't checked but this letter may be posted of the AFA website.

I know many of us are extremely angry and disappointed with the way labor relations are now conducted. I was horrified with the way TPA was closed, terrified at the thought our maintenance might be "farmed out" to the lowest bidder. Closing MCO RES was another slap in the face to MY fellow coworkers. I can't begin to imagine the inconveniece this will cause to our customers!

Management really needs to get out of the Palace and take a day or two in the trenches. They would be overwhelmed by the professionalism of our staff. Who do they think are responsible for our high stats? Some bean counter in a cubicle? Why do they think we have such a loyal customer base? It's because our staff knows how to treat people right. And that is an art unto itself. It's not something that can be taught in a few hours, it comes with years of experience and from the heart.

I will still vote YES while I ratchet up my job search. I might have to take a part-time job as well. I live a fairly modest life, no credit card bills, no car payments. I love my job and it will be hard to leave. But, I don't think I can stay with a company whose ethics and morals seem on par with Tony Soprano's.
Dea,[BR]Don't insult Tony like that, at least the mafia has loyalty and they take care of their own.
On 12/28/2002 2:08:07 AM Dea Certe wrote:


We just got an email tonight from our MEC President, Perry Hayes. He admits to not thoroughly reading the language of the latest T/A for the flight attendants. My take on the email was AFA no longer recommended a YES vote, but asked us to vote our conscience. They did not recommend a NO vote either. I appreciated our MEC recognizing the flight attendants have intelligence enough to vote with a cool head after much consideration in this current round of concessions.

I haven't checked but this letter may be posted of the AFA website.

I know many of us are extremely angry and disappointed with the way labor relations are now conducted. I was horrified with the way TPA was closed, terrified at the thought our maintenance might be "farmed out" to the lowest bidder. Closing MCO RES was another slap in the face to MY fellow coworkers. I can't begin to imagine the inconveniece this will cause to our customers!

Management really needs to get out of the Palace and take a day or two in the trenches. They would be overwhelmed by the professionalism of our staff. Who do they think are responsible for our high stats? Some bean counter in a cubicle? Why do they think we have such a loyal customer base? It's because our staff knows how to treat people right. And that is an art unto itself. It's not something that can be taught in a few hours, it comes with years of experience and from the heart.

I will still vote YES while I ratchet up my job search. I might have to take a part-time job as well. I live a fairly modest life, no credit card bills, no car payments. I love my job and it will be hard to leave. But, I don't think I can stay with a company whose ethics and morals seem on par with Tony Soprano's.

I will vote "no". after reading your clip, I believe you would love any job you did. You seem like a loyal, and consientious employee. USAirways will lose one good employee if you go.
On 12/28/2002 8:35:34 AM Biffeman wrote:

Don't insult Tony like that, at least the mafia has loyalty and they take care of their own.


Hey, did you notice how many of "their own" got to sleep with the fishes in the last few seasons? I believe the Mafia has more of a fear factor than true loyalty. Notice how Chris hired a few outsiders to do some dirty work? Remember those gang members who ended up getting shot? And the crooked politicians who took money to make the HUD deal happen? Sounds a lot like US Airways these days to me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tony. I've been charmed by a sociopath, as Dr. Malfi says. However, I am not charmed by Dr Bronner, Jerry Glass or Ben Baldanza. I believe those three have hurt US in ways that might not heal. Bronner freaked out potential pax by spouting off to the press about Chapter 7 right before the winter holiday. Ben Baldanza insulted many of our regular pax by labeling them "disloyal" for not always paying top dollar for their tickets. Nevermind they fly thousands or more miles on US, and often going out of their way to do so. Jerry Glass has been brutal and from what I've heard, extremely profane during "negotiations." No manners and less class. Heck, I'd take Tony any day over that trio. At least it would clear and upfront business. And Tony does have fairly decent manners.

Thanks for the compliment. I have had a job of some sort since I was 14 years old. I worked after school and on weekends. I enjoyed and got along every place I worked except one. It was a very well paying part time job with flexible hours I could work into my class schedule. After six weeks, I realized this place was crooked and sleazy. Basically a scam being run on innocent people. I had to quit.

I believe Mark Twain said you can be as miserable or as happy as you choose to be. I took that to heart and every day work on seeing the positives in life. In this country we have many reasons to be grateful. Some days it takes a bit of looking to find gratitude but one can manage to if one truly wants it. I choose to be happy and grateful.

You have every right to vote as you see fit. Something to be grateful about. I don't understand your logic, but that's your call to make. However, I am curious where you think the outcome of "NO" will take us. Pride tastes pretty good but tends to get stuck in one's throat. If you think shutting it down is the best way to get revenge or even the score with Dave S., keep in mind HE won't suffer. He's one of the good old boys now and they will find him a nice new home with a good income. Dr Bronner loses nothing, he's top of the creditor's list. Jerry Glass can slither on back to Ford-Harrison.

I don't believe there will be further negotiations as there were no negotiations from the get-go. WE know this. Even though I intend to leave, I'd rather go on MY terms. I'd rather our soon to be furloughed coworkers get their furlough/severance pay. It may give them a bit more time to find a better job. And still have medical benefits a bit longer. And above all, I don't want this management team to blame labor for their failures. To quote Frederick Lewis Allen in "Since Yesterday, the 1930's in America": "To find a scapegoat is to be spared, for the moment, any necessity for further examination of the facts or for further comment." It's a great book and to me mirrors what is happening in America today. I think it's still in print.

So, if you would explain your reasoning, I would be most interested in hearing it. Not to harange you, demean you or attempt to change your mind. I would respect hearing a well thought out answer.

