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UA - US AFA Proposed Contract Comparisons

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The UA AFA proposed cuts are much deeper than the US AFA TA. For example, the duty rig at UAL will be 1:3 versus 1:2/1:2.25 at US and the UA trip rig will be 1:4.5 versus 1:3.5 at US. This means for trip rig pay only, at UA you would have to be away from home 385 hours per month to get 85 hours pay.

Another significant difference is that UA is proposing to reduce the F/A retirement multiplier reduced from 2.22% to 1.3% whereas there are no changes to the US F/A retirement plan, per the TA.

If this contract is used as a benchmark for the other unions, the UA cuts across-the-board could be deeper than those agreed upon at US.

Tomorrow UA is expected to present the bankruptcy court Section 1113 and 1114 motions desigend to terminate UA union contracts. To meet credit facility requirements the airline must have the cuts in place by February 28 while simultaneously maintaining revenue and cash flow targets.

Chip,[BR]U's initial offer to our f/a's was the same retirement % as UAL's offer. However, U realized that our pensions were not the issue and that f/a's would never ratify an agreement that adversely affected our pension. Therefore, the pension concession was removed from the table. [BR][BR]Storms are brewing in PIT & PHL...I expect the vote to be close.
UA Flight Attendant Contract Proposal
-- Abolishment of international pay rates and 9% reduction in domestic pay rates to apply to all. This would result in an approximately 20% pay cut for those who now fly international, for example from $42.04/hr. to $34.57/hr. at Year 7 (the middle of the pay scale).
-- Elimination of other remaining scheduled pay increases and lump sums in the current contract, to be replaced by 1.5% annual pay increases.
-- Elimination of: A-scale COLA; ground pay; ORC.
-- Reduction of: understaffing pay; reserve override pay; holding time pay.
-- Pay based on actual flight (or deadhead) time in duty period instead of scheduled.
-- Reduction of per diem to $1.50/hr.
-- Eliminate eight paid holidays, leaving two.
-- Scope changes to allow F/As to work in boarding areas and on passenger boarding devices. (Someone should let the IAM know about this threat to the CSR job!)
-- Revise foreign national side letter to enable UA to respond to rapidly changing industry environment.
-- Voluntary furlough awards and any associated benefits will be at Company discretion.
-- Quarterly maximums increase to 90/180/255 with opting to 95/190/270.
-- Elimination of: 8-in-24; 1-in-7; 30-in-7; all duty rigs; and one for three after four.
-- Time away from home trip rig reduced to 1 for 4.5 instead of 1 for 3.5.
-- Can work both ways between West Coast and HI in same duty period.
-- International legal rest reductions: at home, 24 hours rest after 8:01-12:00 flight time; 36 hours rest after over 12:00 flight time. On layover, no more place of lodging minimums, all block-to-block; 11 hours after 8:00 or less flight time; 18 hours after 8:01-12:00 flight time; 20 hours after over 12:00 flight time.
-- Duty day maximums increase to 14:00 scheduled and 16:00 actual for both domestic and international with less than 8:00 flight time.
-- Eliminate restrictions on reassignment rights to maximize productivity.
-- Reserve: May work reserves on up to four days off (move up to four days). No separate domestic / international reserve pools. May work up to 90 hours (or max, whichever is greater) in third month of quarter.
-- Elimination of 65 hour lineholder guarantee.
-- Company has more flexibility to determine, modify, and allocate open flying to ensure efficiency and productivity.
-- Vacation: accrual of 35 days. Vacation pay based on 2.6 hours per VAC day instead of value of trips missed. No more bulk lines. VAC days must be used for all unpaid family leave.
-- Elimination of downtown-like hotel language.
-- Retirement multiplier reduced from 2.22% to 1.3%.
-- Early retirement penalty of 3% yearly reduction from age 62.
-- Company begins matching 50% of employee contribution to a maximum employee contribution of 4% into a defined contribution pension plan (i.e., a 401(k) plan).
-- 20% employee payment of medical and dental premiums.
-- Retiree insurance: payment of 50% of premium cost for over 25 years of service; 75% for 20-25 years; and 100% for 10-20 years.
-- Sick leave bank used for both occupational and non-occupational absences. Benefit reduced for any disability benefit or workers' comp payments.
-- Three years maximum unpaid illness leave.
US Flight Attendant Tentative Agreement
The US Airways MEC accepted a Tentative Agreement that contains more contract concessions. This Tentative Agreement was accepted by the MEC only after repeated threats of liquidation by the Company that would have resulted in loss of all employee jobs. After discussions with the Company that began on December 17th, the MEC accepted the Tentative Agreement late on December 20th. This Tentative Agreement will be sent to the membership for ratification. The decision to send this Tentative Agreement out to the membership was recommended by a majority vote of the MEC.
Information regarding the Tentative Agreement will be mailed to each of you and balloting will be conducted via telephone and internet as it was in the last round of concessionary negotiations.
Management will also be taking cuts during the term of our Tentative Agreement and increases for management will be phased in as they are in the 2002 Restructuring Agreement for the flight attendants reached this past summer. In addition, all other labor groups also reached tentative agreements with the Company. ALPA had already ratified an agreement with the Company prior to the beginning of our discussions with the Company.
- 2% lump sum payment on 3/1/2007 and 2% lump sum payment on 3/1/2008;
- Modify Variable Minimum Day to 5+00 hours with no floor an no ceiling and change day and night rigs (Me-Too with ALPA)
- Modification to claiming sick leave;
- Minor change to rescheduling;
- Major changes to Reserve System;
- Increase in Reserve Inviolable days to 8 days;
- Automatic release after trip assignment for Reserves (with exceptions);
- Preferential Bid System;
- Maintain the Bid Sheet;
- AA Eagle wages, work rules and benefits for Mid-Atlantic;
- Changes in Medical/Dental (same as all other employee groups with the exception of ALPA and Senior Management - higher costs for ALPA and Senior Management);
- Enhanced Profit Sharing;
- Additional Equity Participation;
- War Contingency Salary Deferral (also applies to management);
- Changes to LTD and Workers' Compensation;
When you receive your Tentative Agreement information and ballot, please read over the information carefully and exercise your right to vote on the Tentative Agreement.
Your MEC regrets that this Tentative Agreement comes to you now, during this holiday season.
Chip at this point don't you think this is a useless comparison? You are comparing UA management's opening "dream list" proposal. At UA negotiations are still currently ongoing (meaning the final draft will probably look different from the proposal). You are taking that and comparing it to the "finished product" of what has already been negotiated and agree to by both sides at U (though Round II is still pending membership ratification).

I think to make a meaningful comparison you will have to wait until negotiations are complete at UAL.
I agree! Proposals is the key word... I dont care what they do ! We have our own problems and if i need to find out what ual is doing ill go to the forum designed to read about ual!