
It should be a one sided debate as the hobbit isn't in Jim Little's league. It should prove interesting to see Wildmouth and Seeham, in the background, holding up flashcards for the little old man.
It should be a one sided debate as the hobbit isn't in Jim Little's league.

Ah yes, The Little League. We can tell by our contracts.
twuer said:
Well, well, well!!!! amfa cries about not getting Mr. Little, now you are going to get Mr. Little and you amfa boys are still crying. Noone said anything about this being some sort of debate because the TWU is conceding to a "loss" or that there will be a vote. I myself am glad to know that Mr. Little is well enough to do this now. amfa is in for another bumpy ride. :D

So, who will amfa bring???? Or will they even take the challenge or be a "no show" again????? Decison, you seem to be the official spokesperson. . .please enlighten us. . .will Delle be there?? Better get the big guns ready!!

Decision. . .just curious. . .will you stand out in the hall again with your partners-in-crime again or will you actually come in the room??
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Truth is, I have not seen a propsoal.

Have you?

You want a reponse to rumor?
Checking it Out said:
I see a few are speechless! Lets see if Amfa tries to deny this and comes out with a quickie response to twist the issue! Or, attempts to debate on the Internet about piddle issues of who announced first!

It will be interesting to see! Will they act like adults about the debate or stoop to the low road? By the comments already, we may see every excuse in the world not to debate!

The TWU colors do not run!!!!!!! Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!
cio, first off, let's see the actual offer to a debate. Will this be a real debate? Or one like teamtwu manufactured and had paid union officers and retired employees attend?

Will this "debate" you mention have teamsters, stock clerks and rampers present?

The point is the twu international is not capable of having a debate, let alone attend one. This will be a last gasp attempt at air for the twu. Like a previous post mentioned, the twu knows they have lost. They had to hire a PR firm, hire a coffin and trailer, request people that DO NOT have a vote in the upcoming election between AMFA and the twu, perform a phone survey, have cowards that support the twu post behind an alais while attacking AMFA and NOT defend the twu's sell out, inept actions. Now you claim they have offered a debate. Will this debate offer have a signature on it?

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

As for acting like adults are you speaking about actions the rampers and teamsters and stock clerks, and Art Luby (since he was their too) displayed outside the Brady Theatre while they chanted, "Scab!, Scab!, Scab!"? At this rumored debate will teamtwu have the old coffin or will they upgrade to a sarcophagus?
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  • #20

As AMFA’s ongoing raid of TWU at American Airlines comes to a head, the TWU is challenging AMFA to four debates.

James C. Little, director of the TWU Air Transport Division, challenged O.V. Delle-Femine, AMFA’s national director, to two debates at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa on April 21 at 12 noon and 4 p.m.

Little then issued a challenge on behalf of a team of TWU’s rank-and-file supporters to debate a team of AMFA’s rank-and-file supporters at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa on April 27 at 12 noon and 4 p.m.

“After our personal debates, we challenge you to give our rank-and-file supporters the chance to debate the issues between themselves. Ultimately, they will be the ones affected by the outcome of this representational dispute. Their jobs are on the line and they are the ones who need to debate this decision,†Little wrote in a March 22 letter to Delle-Femine. “Since supporters of your organization failed to show up at the January 15 debate that we hosted in Tulsa – we will give AMFA one more chance to put its supporters in front of the membership.â€

All members of mechanic and related class or craft from any and all airlines are invited to attend the four debates. The debates will also be open to the media.


WHEN : Noon and 4 p.m. April 21 and 27

WHERE : Renaissance Tulsa Hotel;
6808 South 107th East Ave, Tulsa
Checking it Out said:

As AMFA’s ongoing raid of TWU at American Airlines comes to a head, the TWU is challenging AMFA to four debates.

James C. Little, director of the TWU Air Transport Division, challenged O.V. Delle-Femine, AMFA’s national director, to two debates at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa on April 21 at 12 noon and 4 p.m.

Little then issued a challenge on behalf of a team of TWU’s rank-and-file supporters to debate a team of AMFA’s rank-and-file supporters at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa on April 27 at 12 noon and 4 p.m.

“After our personal debates, we challenge you to give our rank-and-file supporters the chance to debate the issues between themselves. Ultimately, they will be the ones affected by the outcome of this representational dispute. Their jobs are on the line and they are the ones who need to debate this decision,†Little wrote in a March 22 letter to Delle-Femine. “Since supporters of your organization failed to show up at the January 15 debate that we hosted in Tulsa – we will give AMFA one more chance to put its supporters in front of the membership.â€

All members of mechanic and related class or craft from any and all airlines are invited to attend the four debates. The debates will also be open to the media.


WHEN : Noon and 4 p.m. April 21 and 27

WHERE : Renaissance Tulsa Hotel;
6808 South 107th East Ave, Tulsa
There it is!!!!! Is it a rumor now Decision??? HAHAHA!!!! So, which one of the two debates will amfa attend? One. . .both. . .hard to tell.

If they do agree to both then I suggest you get to studying your notes Decision. You will be picked to be on the panel won't you???? :unsure: Wonder who else will fill the bill???? Maybe the 3 who stood out in the lobby at the last debate. Dave, Dan and who was it. . .Don, Gary. Oh I don't know. Maybe Ken or Bob would like to participate!!

If they turn down the offer it will look pretty bad on amfa's part. I myself hope they don't, I want to see them get their butts kicked in front of everybody!!!!! I'm getting a front row seat for this one!!!

Delle doesn't stand a chance!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(Decision. . .)

I think it is more like this. . .

The TWU will take care of this once and for all!!!!
It's a shame that the twu did not have confidence standing up to AA when they came with their demand for concessions.

If they turn down the offer it will look pretty bad on amfa's part. I myself hope they don't, I want to see them get their butts kicked in front of everybody!!!!! I'm getting a front row seat for this one!!!

You mean little wants twu promoters to debate AMFA promoters? You mean like we do at work and on web sites every day?

The only front row seat you should worry about getting is that seat in the front of the bus the twu will be driving back from Washington after the NMB certifies AMFA as our new union.

Why is little only now deciding he should debate AMFA? Actually, I am glad to see that the twu is going to face the membership for their sell out, inept actions against our profession. The only butt little has kicked was the collective arse of our profession by his fear of fighting for AMTs.

If there is a debate in Tulsa will that front seat you mention be reserved for cowardly posting twu supporters that hide behind an alias? That will be one big row!

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up:
I came across the debate challenge letter from Jim Little. It had a TWU letterhead on it. Again the TWU is requesting a weekday debate. The first on the 21st of April. This is a Wednesday. Yea, all the TWU officers and shop stewards will attend on UB and the others will have to take time off. This one is a debate head to head with the Intenational Officers/Directors. The other debate will be on the 27th of April. This is a Tuesday. This one is the membership against themselves. Haven't we been debating on this issue amongst ourselves since 1988? It is crunch time and the membership wants to hear from the big boys. Again the TWU is requesting another restrictive debate. Even if the AMFA accepts the debate, turn out will be low because it's on a weekday. I can just hear the TWU supporters claim no significant support at the debate. Here we go again.........

The TWU is afraid to debate when most of the membership can attend. The TWU is afraid that the membership will be informed and see the true colors of the TWU.
I have no problem with AMFA defending themselves, but lets get it out in the open for all to attend.
What will the twu do if the AMFA National does show? Many, many people will attend this one. Once all of the twu's lies, deceptions and half-truths about the AMFA are exposed, there won't be but a few wannabes left to vote for The Worthless Union. This is what the twu wants the least. It will be interesting to see how this side show plays out!!
The AMFA may not be perfect, but thanks to the afl-cio's no raid policy, the AMFA is our only other choice to the "proven track record" of the twu!!

Keep the Faith..........VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well way I see it the way twu has it set up where only a selected few will be able to go. The room at the hotel is not big enough for everyone and even if they did manage to get everyone in, just as it gets good and started people will have to leave and go to work if they work on afternoon shift.

To bad the twu just don't want to debate on a Saturday when anyone who chooses can show up and debate all day long if they want to settle the issues.

I figure the twu cronies will show up and fill all the seats with fleet service and stores people.Will this be for all who want to show or Mechanic and Related only?

With nearly 10 million in the bank I would think that the twu would rent the Brady or something equivalent.

Why would the twu put this in the Tuesday morning Tulsa World when they have not even agreed to a time and place with AMFA? They must have sent the fax to Dell Monday and then turned right around and called the Tulsa World to have an article put in the business section.

Sorry I feel the twu is dealing under the table on this one for some reason..... just my thoughts right, wrong or indifferent.
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  • #28
Do I need to go back and copy some of the old amfa wannabes posts! I believe they tell a different story than what I am reading now! Jim Little has challenged! Delle received a Certified letter from Jim inviting him to a debate with a signature!

Why are the amfa wannabes complaining? I believe they should be proud to see this finally happening! Wait maybe that's not what they wanted? Could it be they just want to complain?

Here is a copy of a post from just one of the amfa wannabes:

Received: 03/21/04 19:06:19 EST
Name: Chuck Schalk
Employer: AA
Location: JFK

I just watched the Team TWU video. I have to say Team TWU is great at listening to themselves in a one way conversation. They make statements about AMFA with no AMFA Natinal reps present to set the truth. Team TWU only wanted to debate TWU/AMFA organizers not AMFA National Officers. AMFA national officers have asked TWU international officers to debate year after year since 1998 and they refused. What you have to ask is why the TWU international will not meet face with AMFA national officers? what is the great and powerful TWU afraid of? They should be begging for a debate if the twu is so sure of themselves. AMFA will debate but the TWU avoids the issue. Local 514 needs to hear both sides of the issues at the same time in one location. TWU international officers,AMFA national officers, Team TWU, AMFA organizers and the membership will be present. This way no issue can be avoided. All the players are there. Lets get it out in the open once and for all! anybody can make accusations but can you back them up in front of the people you are accusing? come on TWU step up to the challenge or stop talking just to talk

So what will it be?
Since the TWU has finally offered a debate with Jim Little, AMFA should respond back with a counter proposal. The debate needs to be held on a SATURDAY in TULSA at a different location than the Renaissance hotel or the Brady theatre with the funds to rent the place split equally between AMFA and the TWU. I would suggest the Maybee center or that arena at the fair grounds. Only mechanics and related should be allowed in! No stock clerks, No fleet service!No coffins,No mooning people!No ranting,raving mob!

I personally think it is stupid for a debate to be held in the middle of the week and this proposal of three more "debates" where members debate members is stupid also! We debate amongst ourselves everyday! If Jim Little is really serious about having a real debate, he better accept a better format than that scam the TWU pulled Jan.15 or the stunt the TWU pulled Jan.17!
Complaints? I see them questioning the TWUs motives but I dont see any indication that they are not going to debate.

Why arent they doing it on the weekend?

Is it because Jim Little doesnt work weekends like most of us?

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