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Challenge To Delle

Will Mr. O.V. Delle-Femine (amfa) accept the challenge from Mr. Jim Little (TWU) and show up for the

  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Think about it! Do you really need a debate? The TWU has screwed us long enough. Now it's our turn to pay them back by voting them out!
twuer said:
Looks like the NO's have it!!!!!

So any opinions on that???

Here's mine. . .
HE'S SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well heres my opinion, we already have the cards the majority has spoken and soon it will be brought to a vote. you see sonny hall and jim little were both invited to debate at the brady and instead sent the GOON'S to parade thier coffin around town and desecrate the stars & stripes which by the way helped AMFA'S cause more than you will ever know, there is really no need for a debate because themajorityhave seen the twu in action over the years and the game is up!............get on board boys, or get ran over by the AMFA locomotive! :up: :up: :up:
Didn't I read somewhere recently that the hobbit stated the TWU must be desperste now to want a debate? The desperation I see is the hobbit trying to figure out a way to get his cronies in control of the scenerio, and to get his budding real-estate lawyers on the stage to feed him answers. This would be a new arena for the hobbit, an unbiased agenda NOT run by AMFA.
DECISION 2007 said:
Didn't I read somewhere recently that the hobbit stated the TWU must be desperste now to want a debate? The desperation I see is the hobbit trying to figure out a way to get his cronies in control of the scenerio, and to get his budding real-estate lawyers on the stage to feed him answers. This would be a new arena for the hobbit, an unbiased agenda NOT run by AMFA.
Delle isn't skeeeered...he's a lot smarter than he looks. Mr. Little would open a can of spinach on him if he was dumb enough to show. AMFA and Delle have proven through their short history of negotiations and court proceedings they are no match for the TWU or other AFL-CIO affiliated unions.

AMFA is like a P/T Cruiser..neat to look at 'till you own one and then find it's only a Plymouth Breeze with different metal. :down:
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation. <_<

As I said before both sides have got reasons for not attending debate challenges and I am betting they will continue to have reasons why they cannot attend.

I know some people will say I am pinging the wall again but hey deal with it, cause I got a right to ping :lol: :lol:

Ping :lol: Ping :lol:

Raptor is the Name ( pinging is my game ) wait I mean calling as I see it is my game. :lol:
Raptor said:
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation. <_<

As I said before both sides have got reasons for not attending debate challenges and I am betting they will continue to have reasons why they cannot attend.

I know some people will say I am pinging the wall again but hey deal with it, cause I got a right to ping :lol:  :lol:

Ping :lol: Ping :lol:

Raptor is the Name ( pinging is my game ) wait I mean calling as I see it is my game. :lol:

I've got a letter from Little claiming there will be a re-vote on the contract.

And another stating that 3200 members did not get to vote.

And still another claiming that the TWU Consitution REQUIRES membership ratification of changes or amendments to the labor agreement.

Apparently all of these turned out to be not true.

That's the way I see it! And if you need to see these letters, I will post them again?

Glad to see you are back to trusting the TWU Leadership. That is where you belong without a doubt!
Raptor said:

As I said before both sides have got reasons for not attending debate challenges and I am betting they will continue to have reasons why they cannot attend.

I know some people will say I am pinging the wall again but hey deal with it, cause I got a right to ping :lol: :lol:

Ping :lol: Ping :lol:

Raptor is the Name ( pinging is my game ) wait I mean calling as I see it is my game. :lol:
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation.

So you wont post a "private" E mail but you will tell us what it says and show it to anyone who wants to see it.

That makes sense to you?

What is so "private" about Jims latest excuse as to why he did not want to debate? Why didnt he just say that then?

Dont say "its his chemo and its private", they even mention that as his reason for his abscence in the TWU express. Its not like its something he has tried to keep to himself.

Let me tell you about Little, sick or not that guy is a snake.
Hugh :shock: that's funny I did not see anything in my post that said I trusted the TWU leadership in fact I think I said that I did not trust either side, I think they are both lieing but I guess you would know more about what I was thinking than me.

As for Documentation I concede you have alot more Documents than me and I am OK with that, I am not much for keeping Documents, after I read them into the trash they go.

but hey I will not be running for an AMFA office so I don't need to keep old Documents.

I am no one's puppet, and I am a terrible follower of anyone, I call em like I see em and do what I want to do so deal with it.

now excuse me while I ping.

Ping :lol: Ping :lol: Ping :lol:
So you wont post a "private" E mail but you will tell us what it says and show it to anyone who wants to see it.

That makes sense to you?

What is so "private" about Jims latest excuse as to why he did not want to debate? Why didnt he just say that then?

Dont say "its his chemo and its private", they even mention that as his reason for his abscence in the TWU express. Its not like its something he has tried to keep to himself.

Let me tell you about Little, sick or not that guy is a snake.

sure it makes sense to me Bob if I post it everybody gets to see it if I bring it into work only a very few who need proof get to see it, there is a difference you don't see that ?

Yes it was in the TWU express as well as other places which is what I was referring to at the beginning of this thread where some were asking for proof of the TWU saying why Little was not at the debate. you basically just helped me confirm that.

I meant the email was private and not going to be posted on a bulletin board not the reason why he did not show. I will not post emails to me on a public bulletin board.

I agree with you about Jim Little.
Decision 2004 said:
Raptor said:
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation. <_<

As I said before both sides have got reasons for not attending debate challenges and I am betting they will continue to have reasons why they cannot attend.

I know some people will say I am pinging the wall again but hey deal with it, cause I got a right to ping :lol: :lol:

Ping :lol: Ping :lol:

Raptor is the Name ( pinging is my game ) wait I mean calling as I see it is my game. :lol:

I've got a letter from Little claiming there will be a re-vote on the contract.

And another stating that 3200 members did not get to vote.

And still another claiming that the TWU Consitution REQUIRES membership ratification of changes or amendments to the labor agreement.

Apparently all of these turned out to be not true.

That's the way I see it! And if you need to see these letters, I will post them again?

Glad to see you are back to trusting the TWU Leadership. That is where you belong without a doubt!
To Raptor (amfa supporter) from Dave (amfa organizer). . .
Glad to see you are back to trusting the TWU Leadership. That is where you belong without a doubt!

Well, would ya' look at that. . .Dave turing on one of his own. . .now that's a shocker!!!!!

I bet in you other life you were some sort of animal that ate it's young, huh Dave??

And you want to be an officer of some sort. . .HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Quit crying in your milk Dave, it's very unbecoming of you. Why don't you embrace Raptor and school him in the ways of "Dave". That will teach him!! (no offense Raptor!!)

Amfa is going down Dave and that's just the way it is. . .deal with it!!
Raptor said:
So you wont post a "private" E mail but you will tell us what it says and show it to anyone who wants to see it.

That makes sense to you?

What is so "private" about Jims latest excuse as to why he did not want to debate? Why didnt he just say that then?

Dont say "its his chemo and its private", they even mention that as his reason for his abscence in the TWU express. Its not like its something he has tried to keep to himself.

Let me tell you about Little, sick or not that guy is a snake.

sure it makes sense to me Bob if I post it everybody gets to see it if I bring it into work only a very few who need proof get to see it, there is a difference you don't see that ?

Yes it was in the TWU express as well as other places which is what I was referring to at the beginning of this thread where some were asking for proof of the TWU saying why Little was not at the debate. you basically just helped me confirm that.

I meant the email was private and not going to be posted on a bulletin board not the reason why he did not show. I will not post emails to me on a public bulletin board.

I agree with you about Jim Little.
Hey Raptor,
Don't worry too much about Bob. He claims to know everything about everything about everything. . .

I mean look back over his posts and you will notice how many times he corrects people. . .over and over and over like he's God's gift to the boards or something. A person can't even post a comment or an opinion without the "Wrath of Bob" coming down on ther heads.

Take a deep breath Bob and repeat after me. . .I DON'T know everything there is to know about everything. . .I DON'T know everything there is to know about everything. Do this 10 times a day and I think you will be cured!! :lol:

Dave and Bob don't want a debate any more than Delle does. They'd get their butts kicked and they know it.

Hold on to your hats boys. . .the (crap's) about to hit the fan!!!!! Come on Bob and Dave. . .hit me with your best shot.
Hey Raptor,
Don't worry too much about Bob. He claims to know everything about everything about everything. . .

I never claimed that. However since I have done such a good job a proving that you know very little about anything I guess you feel that I must feel I know everything about everything. I'll readily admit that I dont know everything about everything just a lot more about a few things, like the TWU, than you.

I mean look back over his posts and you will notice how many times he corrects people. . .over and over and over like he's God's gift to the boards or something. A person can't even post a comment or an opinion without the "Wrath of Bob" coming down on ther heads.

You call it correcting, I call it adding my point of view. Thanks for the endorsement.

Take a deep breath Bob and repeat after me. . .I DON'T know everything there is to know about everything. . .I DON'T know everything there is to know about everything. Do this 10 times a day and I think you will be cured!! :lol:

I think I said that already.

Dave and Bob don't want a debate any more than Delle does. They'd get their butts kicked and they know it.

We have been debating here for months. Maybe its just me but it seems that you are the one who will not debate. You throw out personal attacks, fail to answer questions and then cry when you dont get an immediate response.

Hold on to your hats boys. . .the (crap's) about to hit the fan!!!!! Come on Bob and Dave. . .hit me with your best shot.

I'll give you a couple of easy ones. Address the "Mechanics pay vs Inflation" and the "a question for the TWU" threads. They both have been up there for over a month.
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation.

Is little the ONLY one in the twu international able to defend the twu? Where's sonny, gless, yingst? Heck, break out burchette and put wells behind him. The facts remain that the twu SMELLS FEAR... AND IT IS THEIR OWN! GO AMFA! :up:
Ken MacTiernan said:
Just got an email from Jim Little he says that he would have been at Delle's challenge back in January but he was recieving Chemo at the time and was unable to attend just as I said in a previous post, I won't post it as I don't post private emails on a public bulletin board as some do, but I will bring it in to work if anyone is interested in verifieing that it actually exists, I know how some people like to see documentation.

Is little the ONLY one in the twu international able to defend the twu? Where's sonny, gless, yingst? Heck, break out burchette and put wells behind him. The facts remain that the twu SMELLS FEAR... AND IT IS THEIR OWN! GO AMFA! :up:
does the union leadership cease to function and come to a screaching halt because one man is sick and recieving chemo? oooooohhhhhhh thats right we have no leadership jsut a bunch of pupits who follow the dictator sonny halls orders. who's idea was the coffin anyway? would just like to thank them, it really helped our cause! :up:

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