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day in the life of a customer service agen

Sounds like I hit a nerve with the "don't you dare question me" , didn't I?

I'm not going to apologize for it - - it looks like you missed the point about nonrevs arguing aggressively - -

I don't mind polite asking. I know how nerve racking it is not to know if you're going to get on. And I am aware that we are also internal customers..

I am talking about those who go grab another computer, sign in, ask me why I am not releasing seats yet when there are 15 of them on the map and it's 45 minutes until departure. Then you want to know if you can sit in first class because there are 4 seats there. Nevermind the 2 chairmen , three golds, and 16 silvers on the upgrade list...... If you're going to question me about the standby list, you should see that I have to accomodate the revenue passengers. At this point I'm still not annoyed.

I may have 15 seats on the map, but are you aware that JetBlue just canceled their JFK flight and just ended up overselling mine 5 minutes ago? Probably not because their pax have to check in WITH ME and aren't yet showing as HKN's.

ANYONE who knows me knows that I am very generous with the nonrevs.

It is the nonrevs and their guests that keep coming up, the people who are in different departments who somehow have figured out how to sign in but don't understand the priority list, those who only go by what the 1800 line is telling them and use those tiny bits of information as ammunition to argue with me over where they SHOULD be sitting and why am I not accomodating them? It is the attitude of entitlement and the assumption that I'm doing something wrong that really pisses me off.

I have a job to do, and let's not forget that it is to take care of our REVENUE passengers first and then granting the nonrevs the PRIVELEDGE of a seat on the aircraft. I'm sorry if it's the middle one. I didn't put you there to be a b-word - -

If you think I did my job wrong, then get a supervisor, print a record of your PNR when you land, do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better, but I guarantee you, I'll never get caught screwing over nonrevs. If you're not being a little jerk at the gate, then you don't have anything to worry about.

I'm not saying DONT ASK me what your chances are. I know you want to sit with your kids. I promise, promise, promise you that I will move the moon if I can find a way to give you what you want and still be able to give our elites the service they deserve as well. I know what kind of hell this company has been through, I was here before and after 9/11.

I encourage you to come find me in the airport. I'm extremely easy to find. I have taken very good care of fliers on this board who have flown from my gate.

Just understand that I still have a job to do, and while it does include making sure that you're comfortable and happy on your flight, and that a little frustration from you is understandable, just make sure that you're not

a) disrupting me so much that I can't do what I need to do to get my flight on time and
B) giving me unneccessary attitude/hostility over not getting upgrade or getting the middle seat.

I apologize you feel screwed over that Mister Chairman got the last first class seat and you got his 4E, but at least you got on the plane, right? When Mister Chairman writes to complain , the flight might get pulled and I'm accountable for why I put a nonrev in 1A when Mister Chairman was number one on the list.

I'm not willing to get written up because you feel entitled to that seat - - no matter what hardships the company has dealt you.

Unfortunately, that's gonna piss some of you off, but I'd like to preserve what is left of our elites, even the difficult ones because I want this airline to somehow succeed.
Sounds like I hit a nerve with the "don't you dare question me" , didn't I?
I'm not going to apologize for it - - it looks like you missed the point about nonrevs arguing aggressively - -
...... If you're going to question me about the standby list, you should see that I have to accomodate the revenue passengers. . . It is the attitude of entitlement and the assumption that I'm doing something wrong that really pisses me off.
I have a job to do, and let's not forget that it is to take care of our REVENUE passengers first and then granting the nonrevs the PRIVELEDGE of a seat on the aircraft. I'm sorry if it's the middle one. I didn't put you there to be a b-word - -
just make sure that you're not
a) disrupting me so much that I can't do what I need to do to get my flight on time and
B) giving me unneccessary attitude/hostility over not getting upgrade or getting the middle seat.
I really am at a loss for many of the above statements. I don't know many employees who feel "entitled" to a seat of a paying passgenger. We also realize it is a perk, a benefit of the job. We also understand that some gate agents do get a feeling of power behind the podium, and that some are easy to anger and you better not ask to many questions or you will raise the ire of said gate agent. Again, I think it is sad that people treat each other like this.

And BTW serving paying passgengers and non revs is part of the job you are payed to do!
I really am at a loss for many of the above statements. I don't know many employees who feel "entitled" to a seat of a paying passgenger. We also realize it is a perk, a benefit of the job. We also understand that some gate agents do get a feeling of power behind the podium, and that some are easy to anger and you better not ask to many questions or you will raise the ire of said gate agent. Again, I think it is sad that people treat each other like this.

And BTW serving paying passgengers and non revs is part of the job you are payed to do!
It appears as though you have missed my point again.
Are you saying that it is sad that the gate agents treat people that way or the passengers do?
I just told you I never act obnoxious, I'm very slow to anger. I'm extremely approachable.

I know there are agents out there who get on a power trip. I assure you I'm not one of them.
I would agree with you that it is sad that there are agents that act like that, but it is unfortunate that my frustration with certain nonrev behaviors has you implying I treat people rudely.

The key words were AGGRESSIVELY ARGUING with the gate agent about seats on the plane as a non rev. I''m not talking about "maybe a little rude" I'm talking about aggressive....to the point that any bystander can sense tenseness ....

Would you agree that that is inappropriate? Would you bend over backwards and try to get people to switch so that person and their guest can sit together next time they flew or would you just give them whatever seats were left at the end?

I have and will continue to do those things for nonrevs and take pleasure in doing so if I am able.
However, why should I go above and beyond for a nonrev or their guest who, hypothetically, have been very rude and behaving against company policy?
thought I'd start a thread on quirks of being a customer service agent.

the ramp rules thread and remember when threads are good stress relievers

thought maybe our customer service posters could share some storys or rules of the trade.

this thread is meant to be enjoyable, please no bashing other depts.

where are you john john/ dexter/ shannon / and that leprichan fellow
Rule # (insert whatever number we are on here)

Yes, the exit row seat is open. No, your five minute story about how you just had knee surgery and you need the extra legroom really was fascinating...it's just that it's illegal for you to sit there.

Rule # ....

Please stop yelling at me because your aunt died and you REALLY need to get there. Weather in the northeast is something we can't control. I'm just trying to figure out how you knew your aunt was going to die 6 months ago when you bought this ticket......
I have and will continue to do those things for nonrevs and take pleasure in doing so if I am able.
However, why should I go above and beyond for a nonrev or their guest who, hypothetically, have been very rude and behaving against company policy?

OK you won me back!!! I do agree with you that some non revs get out of control but, this is, if they are guests, the employee whom gave them the passes faults!! As far as employees'..we all should know better-we all know how it works. The problem is that there are too many agents out there working the gates that are rude to all pax-internal and external-you know what I am talking about. I too take care of my non revs-because I hope some time when I travel through their city that they will remember me. I don't break the rules either-it is simply not worth it. I have seen CSS and the like upgrade the boss or shift managers though....it is on them. Any who....I will let you know the next time I fly through...I would love to meet you.
Rule # ....

Departure time is 1030. That means door shut, goodbye, peace out. You can't show up at 1029 after I just got back pulling the jetway off and cuss me out. You are LATE!!

Rule # ....

When preboarding assistance is offered, please do not ask me to walk you down the jetway because you drank so much in the bar. It is very awkward for both of us and the pilot I just handed paperwork to.

Folks...folks...lay off Shannon...

I personally think she is one of the finest and damn best agents I have come to experience on the East side, of course there are some darlings in BOS that will get my accolades any day of the week but being realistic...she's all by the book.

Maybe two-three folks in PHX will get honorable mention...you two know who you are...

as for my DCA folks...keep pissing off!
Thanks, Intern. That was nice....I really appreciate it.

But the topic was rules or stories. I created this picture in the spirit of keeping the thread here!! And also because everyone knows I have ADD something fierce and it's getting me in trouble..

Rule number .....

If you have enough money to spend all week in St. Maarten, I'm sure you have enough funds to pay for your own hotel room in your connection city when bad weather grounded your plane and left you stranded. Seriously. That hurricane was on the news a week ago....forethought? No airline is going to pay. Cowboy up!
If there is any job in mismanaged poorly run airline that have the most customer face to face crap time they are customer service and flight attendant they take the brunt of everything this airline hands to it customers and try to keep a postive attitude , to me they are the unsung heros"s a job well done

I thank you for your efforts and a job well done
That's so nice!! Thank you!!!

Another rule:

Absolutely, under no circumstance, ever, is the price of a first class upgrade is negotiable. What is this, ebay? Are you joking? It's not like I get the cash!!
Rule 0.

If the Customer Service Agent thinks they are a gift from God, worship them.
Rule 0.

If the Customer Service Agent thinks they are a gift from God, worship them.
Ha! I'm sorry but as a non rev, and as a fare-paying passenger, and as an observer of people. . . there are quite a few gate agents that instead of understanding their job is to service their customers they see it as the customer is an annoyance and they come from it from a power angle. I remember I was flying American Airlines once and the gate agent actually yelled out to the long line of passengers. . ." form a straight line and be quiet or I won't be able to help you!" I was incredulous. . .

The funny part was he felt like he was being harrassed and had every right to treat his customers like this. The people that pay his salary. . .
Definition of gate agent = under payed!!

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