We have come a long way in half a years time, and much farther than so so many would have given us credit for.
We have full agreements now with 4/5 unions, and the remaining union's members will still be working, and get to vote upon thier future rather than walking and closing the doors like so so many have said would happen.
The tough issues of retiree costs and pensions have been settled now as well.
We have been told a POR is coming soon, in about a month. While others languish in Bankruptcy, we are getting done what needs to be done, and moving on out.
The ATSB, GE, Embraer, BoA, and Bombardier have all come to agreements with the company, and support our effort/future.
Is it a perfect picture, has it been an easy road, NO...!
But, we have come a long way, and despite the negative publicity, depsite the harsh negotiating enviorment, despite the looming competitive threat we are still moving forward.
Doubt all you want, but as one who witnessed the CAL turnaround, and as one who has studied both the Valujet/AirTran and AWA turnarounds... Things were just as or more dark for them before it got better.
We still control our future, and can make past these tough times into better ones, just like those other companies.
So yeah, we have a real challenge before us, but if it were so easy we would not be in the situation we are in right now anyways.
So wait and see what happens, you might be surprised.