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Dave Siegel - Potomac Officers Club

USA320Pilot said:
The corporate intent is to complete a corperate transaction and the stars are aligned for it to be with United, but that could always change.
That may indeed be US Airways' intent (although I'm still not sure how or why you would know that), but you have never provided any evidence whatsoever that it is United's intent. In fact, some posters that you disparage have quoted Tilton as saying just the opposite, i.e., that United neither wants nor needs "a corporate transaction", either within or outside of Chapter 11, with US Airways or anyone else. Why is Tilton's public statement not sufficient for you?

USA320Pilot said:
I find it interesting that certain United posters regularly visit this topic on the US Airways and always post "uninformed" comments disputing the information, even if US Airways’ chairman and CEO publicly discuss it.
To the extent that this comment is directed at me, you're way off base. The fact that Bronner and Siegel discussed possible asset purchases by US Airways at some undefined point in the future certainly doesn't preclude me from giving my opinion that any such purchases, if they occur at all, will most likely not involve any of United's assets. Sorry, but you have no more detailed information about future asset purchases by US Airways than I do, so if my opinion is "uninformed", your's is as well. And frankly, you're the poster boy for "uninformed", as magsau pointed out in his post above regarding the recent United bankruptcy court hearing (referring to your "irritated" comment quoted again below).

USA320Pilot said:
From this observer's perch, I do not want to merge with United because for some reason the United pilots believed they deserve super seniority with a pre-nuptial clause, but their current contract changed that to ALPA Merger Policy, now that there in bankruptcy and could be fragmented.
That's an interesting comment about fragmentation since I think that, as things currently stand, US Airways has a much greater chance of being fragmented than does United. But hey, that's JMHO.

USA320Pilot said:
Each company has financial issues and with reports that United could miss its DIP financing in both February and March, this could become very interesting. Moreover, the bankruptcy court seems a little irritated with United and denied its request for a 4-month POR extension, granting only 1-month, but indicating it could be extended month-to-month.
What reports? Once a month or so you usually trot out this line about "reports that United could miss its DIP financing [sic] in" upcoming months, this time mentioning February and March. In fact, throughout most of last summer, you kept arguing (based on such "reports") that United was likely to miss its DIP financers' EBITDAR targets in October and November 2003. Yet not only were you (and the "reports") wrong but you have NEVER, EVER provided a source or link to these mysterious "reports", none of which have I ever seen in either the aviation or general media and which I strongly suspect don't actually exist (there's a surprise!). Moreover, and undoubtedly much to your chagrin, United issued a press release today (you can read it here) saying that it met its DIP EBITDAR requirements again in January 2004 for the 12th consecutive month. But you and these "reports" that you continue to cite have at least been consistent -- consistently wrong!

USA320Pilot said:
David Bronner told the US AIrways ALPA MEC that provided US Airways had a competitive cost structure, he would then consider buying other airline assets for US Airways. There is much to do for this to occur, but that could happen in the not-so-distant future.
Despite Bronner's repeated quotes about possible future asset purchases on behalf of US Airways, he has never (to the best of my knowledge) publicly mentioned purchasing any of United's assets. Did he specifically mention United's assets in the recent meeting he had with your ALPA MEC? If not, you have no basis to claim that United's assets are the object of Bronner's desire.
Who told you that anyone on this board need facts? Since when was that a pre req for posting? You post what you want hell post what he wants. I tend to agree with most of what he post frankly and for the most part if you wouldnt pic and choose certain elements of his post you would see for the most part he will clarify by saying his opinion or i believe or sites certain quotes. Please contribute something positive or negative who cares. Just stop postings that are nothing but intended to bash someone in the head. Never since Ive seen him post has he ever ever insulted or be headed anyone. Oh he defended himself but never anything like the crap that people love to sling at him.
usfliboi said:
Who told you that anyone on this board need facts? Since when was that a pre req for posting? You post what you want hell post what he wants. I tend to agree with most of what he post frankly and for the most part if you wouldnt pic and choose certain elements of his post you would see for the most part he will clarify by saying his opinion or i believe or sites certain quotes. Please contribute something positive or negative who cares. Just stop postings that are nothing but intended to bash someone in the head. Never since Ive seen him post has he ever ever insulted or be headed anyone. Oh he defended himself but never anything like the crap that people love to sling at him.
You are so not worth it. Nevermind.

If I posted information that you felt was detrimental to you and your company would you dare defend that? If I posted as fact or insider information that certain portions of your company were going to be sold, that your company was not going to meet its financial covenants etc. and you had first hand knowledge that this was bogus, would you sit idly by and not retort?

I think that is what you see the UA employees and supporters doing to one 320 CAP in particular. It is his prim donna attitude that gives all pilots a bad name. He has not a clue as what the future holds nor do you or I. We all have our wishes and we read the same crap on the web that can support our hopes. However in the end it is just his opinion, not tea leaves, not a perch from above but an opinion. Unfortunately he cast his opinion to the spin of being harmful to the UA group. This is the same individual that was hired at UAL to be a strike breaker in 1985. Came to work and could not bear the burden that doing something like that carries with it. Now is revenge time and his pen is his sword and his aim is to get back what he gave away. What is the old saying "if you love something, give it away and if it does not come back hunt it down and kill it"? 320 is only trying to get a" do over" in his past decisions and is willing to sell out everyone and everything to get it .

Why do you think he touts the company line when talking about other groups give backs, but tends to be middle of the roader when it comes to his livelihood, his pension? I am I the only one that sees this?
USflyboi: I seen you post many times on here to various posters: WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS........You have done it to 700UW and to Pitbull. <_<
"Consolidation in inevitable"

- A common quote in the airline industry since... Why, since 1978!

(I.e. not since a certain pilot starting praying for a merger).

Yes dear Georgia, Consolidation is inevitable. But nowhere did I hear anything about UAL-USAirways. At least not since the failed merger attempt of 2000-01. Still and again.

On another note, I have read comments from Bronner along the lines of, he won't throw "good money after bad." Seems that Mr. Bronner is giving conflicting information...

When economic recovery comes, and US Airways starts to recover (assuming the company is still around), the increase in value of any assets they may be considering will vastly outstrip USAirways' ability to pay for it... Since US Airways will still be climbing out of the problems of the recession while other airlines are already profitable and "fixed"... Wait a minute! This has already happened!
Oh, and as I pointed out in another thread.

Consolidation does not equal merger. Sometimes industries consolidate when one company just goes out of business.

Yes, Consolidation is inevitable.
TheLarkAscending said:
You are so not worth it. Nevermind.
Then quit posting! Not sure what your issue is ! Hope you feel better soon.
ktflyhome said:
USflyboi: I seen you post many times on here to various posters: WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS........You have done it to 700UW and to Pitbull. <_<
Excuse me kitty? I speak my mind and opinion i dont need a fact to back my opinion up do you? In face dont you just ramble on here as much as I do ? Do you speak facts or just stay dazed on here not knowing what is going on as much as the next guy? Please if you want to speak to me say something intelligent instead of constantly bashing ! I have yet see you do anything other than ask ummm questions and comment. You needed a fact ! There it is! I was defending his right to post an opinin or a thought. Just because he post something a radical may or maynot like doesnt mean its wrong does it? Radical members of a union doesnt mean that they are wrong. They are the oppisite of a person in management , who THEY accuse of using the same type tactics THEY ARE USING. ! Come on lets stop the name calling insulting games some choose on here.
usfliboi said:
Then quit posting! Not sure what your issue is ! Hope you feel better soon.
I chose to remove the post that I had originally placed in that spot. I feel just peachy, thanks ever so much for inquiring! Enjoy your koolaid.

"i dont need a fact to back my opinion"

Those "facts" can be pesky things sometimes. So here's one - not mine, but from Unisys R2A Management Consulting. In an article titled "Congratulations, US Airways. Now What?" they say this about the pre-bankruptcy US Airways:

"Southwest could have operated US Airways’ domestic flights for $3.2 billion less than US Airways spent, including $1.5 billion less in labor costs."

Let's see - $1.2 Billion in concessions (plus termination of the pilot's pension plan) later, it seems like the employees have done most of the heavy lifting required of them. It's that pesky $1.7 Billion on the NON-EMPLOYEE side that needs to be addressed.


I thought you were a Flight Attendant. When do you fly? It appears like you are always here. Just curious.

USA320Pilot is certainly entitled to his opinions and to express them here. Similarly, I am entitled to my opinions and can (and often will) express them here, whether or not they agree with anyone else, including USA320Pilot. Moreover, I can (and often will) point out when facts contradict somebody's opinions, including those of USA320Pilot. That's all I did in my post above.

The real question that your post inspires is: what do you add to the discussion? At least USA320Pilot provides some information and gives his opinions (and sometimes opinions disguised as "facts") on various subjects, regardless of whether anyone agrees with him or not -- and often most, if not all, others don't, especially when the discussion involves United. OTOH, you're nothing more than an cheerleader for USA320Pilot, offering no original thoughts of your own. Why bother?

Actually it does matter. Things are coming down to the wire and our leader should be doing his homework trying to make this thing work. The rest of your statements kind of went off the topic so I wont reply to it. I do believe the majority wants it to work. However, a leader should lead by example. He should party some other time.
TheLarkAscending said:
I chose to remove the post that I had originally placed in that spot. I feel just peachy, thanks ever so much for inquiring! Enjoy your koolaid.
You should try it. Its grape/cranberry ! WOW! Comes in different flavors too.

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