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Dave's Latest Letter To Employees

Thanks for your post. You didn't "blast" or "call names" or "throw insults". You did however, express the feelings most of us have in a very clear and correct way. You spoke the truth without hostility or threats. (I'm growing weary of all the name calling and never ending rumors.)

I will quote our leader.."We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore."

Why are we employees mad? This team has done NOTHING to change the structure of US Airways. OK, we added a few Caribbean and European destinations, but we have the same looser crappy route structure we have been encourage by many to change for years.

The whole idea behind rj's was to ADD to our route with point to point flying. What has this group done? They are replacing large jets with rj's and prop and phasing out props with rj's. The regional jet has become a replacement aircraft which was not the initial intent.

Our company prides itself on being the dominate carrier in the northeast, yet unless you live in PHL or PIT, you can't go anywhere too far away without connecting. If we are so proud of our "superior" product, it seems to me that Siegle would find us superior enough to go up against the majors and lcc's by offering real service out of the cities that we supposedly dominate.

Example: We have a large presence in New York City. With a metro area of 12 million people, we have decided that all 12 million people would be happy flying Jetblue. We HAD the loyalty of many for years. These same customers time after time have begged for nonstops from one of the area airports to LAX, SFO, SEA, LAS, SAN...all the places that JB swooped up. People have our miles with no place to go. The same could be saidfor BOS. Why is it that America West has virtually no connection to the New York/Boston to LAX/SFO market yet where is America West flying? This makes NO sense. WE have the customer base. BOS and LGA to Florida should have continued to have been flooded with flights before JB or Song had a chance. We yankees love Florida in the winter when yes...even JB charges more....but we gave it away.

Please don't give me the cost per seat mile crap. We will always have a higher cost as long as we make short hops, but to take away all the longer flights? This just makes the cost higher.

What would be a bold move?

In LGA, use those slots you paid millions for business markets. Offer business travelers a book of tickets to the popular business destinations that will give them fexibility and NO penalty to change. Offer these on the following markets:
LGA and BOS to


Lure the business traveler with something revolutionary that makes air travel easy for the business person. Put the glassware back in F/C and offer a freakin newspaper on those flights.

BUT, how much faith does Siegle HAVE in our "fine, superior product?" Ask the business traveler. This is what I hear them say they would like to see. Listen to your employees and your customers. It's about creating revenue and loyalty. We must know where our most frequent flyers go...so cater to them. Charge a fair price that doesn't require the hassels that are driving customers to the lcc. Dave, business people DO fly the LCC, so you need to give them a reason to come back. It's not going to happen by cutting and cutting and cutting. What do you have to loose? Your headed towards Chapter 11, Part 2 as it is, so be brave and take a chance.

If Bronner really cares about US and has deep pockets, go for the full 30 A330's Wolf ordered and flood the market to Europe, Greece, Egpyt, Moscow, South America, and YES, Asia. Continue to flood the carribean where we are strong.

Clean up PHL with a rolling hub and use the aggressive behavior you use against the employees to get the TSA to cooperate in the security problem at the A West Terminal.

Offer the same incentives that your last boss over at CAL gave to his employees. Now THOSE were reasons to turn a company around. You know what I'm talking about.

Either put up or shut up where PIT is concern. If you want out, then leave. But stop the blackmailing tactics that are making all of us but mostly YOU (Dave), look stupid.

Stop putting all the blame on the employees. It's not WHAT you want, it's your attitude...or do you care?

Honor our contracts as we understood them. Stop the sneaky, sly, wise guy tactics to break the unions. You WILL NOT see the rear in the air work force you saw before. (is that ok Mr. Moderator?). The bank is closed, so find a way to actually MAKE money...or can you?

Well, those are my thoughts. I'm worn out so I'll end it. 😉
US Airways does offer a superior product versus Southwest. Unfortunately, the current cost-structure prevents us from efficiently competing with Southwest.

This is the time for the employees to rally behind their management team. It is time to end the name-calling and internal discord.

US Airways is a fantastic franchise that each employee should continue to support in establishing an excellent brand name. We must vitally restructure the company to allow the airline to compete with the LCCs. Everything is on the table to restructure this company. The silent majority empathizes this arduous undertaking. We control our own future. We have the utmost faith in Dave leading the charge against the competition.

The only distrust of mangements in all the years, is like none other than this current team.

They need to get the hell off the property so we have a chance to survive.

Use Your Head,

"We all need to pull together"? Where have YOU been in all this, behind the desk in Finance? We've been together as employees and we gave what was asked, NOW WE NEED THIS MANAGEMENT TO PULL OUT OF HERE.

This new management needs to go back to Harvard and learn what revenue means, how to compete, how to elevate and inspire your work force, and learn how to discern from managers that have personality disorders and dysfuncions and remove before they do anymore damage to the employee spirit and choose those that have a proven record of in leadership, trust, innovative methods to inspire their work group and bring us all together.

Rally behind this management team? WHY? So they can stick it to us again? The only thing you management types are willing to stand and fight for and to be aggressive against is your own employees. I can't give anymore. Go ahead and shut it down because if you take any more from me then I'll have to shut my household down.
You people in ccy must just sit up there laughing, betting if you can make us succumb again with another song and dance and whine and threats. We're done guys. Run it or shut it.

Hawk said:
US Airways does offer a superior product versus Southwest.
When was the last time you had the "coach experience" on either?

With the exception of a seat assignment, the remainder of the overall flight experience has become a draw, with LUV having clean(er) planes.

Of course, while you guys tried to move then entire airline toward the LCCs, you completely eliminated the major airline experience. In front, every other domestic major has a better premium product (with the exception of the flight attendants themselves) than U does.

I'm going to go out a limb and assume you are a troll or a coporate hack, ergo you won't engage myself (a longtime and soon to be former U VFF) in discourse on any of this, because you will then be in the position of defending the indefensible.

Regarding "utmost faith"--how much U stock do you own purchased at market value, and not granted as options?
No sweat HAWK. <_<

I say we begin eliminating MANAGEMENT positions starting with YOUR's :angry:!!!

And let us continue to rid ourselves of un-necessary management (ie) Vice presidents and other useless middle management bleeding our payroll 😱

Answer me this: Why are only PART of the true labor costs publicized???? Why does it NOT INCLUDE EXECUTIVE LEVEL COMPENSATION????? Afraid the cost percentage will be around 60%??? So deceitful indeed. :angry: :angry: Just blame it all on labor as usual.

Don't you dare compare our management staffing to any other carriers except :

Southwest, Jetblue, and AirTran. You know, our competitors??? Afterall these are the airlines we want to be like...right??? Any other comparison is just the usual pitiful bs rhetoric!!!!

Dave-SADDAM-LORENZO is out to farm out my livelihood (Maintenance) and he wants my support :huh:??? I am sick of the employees continued submissiveness to the blatant extortion from CCY. :down: NO MORE!!!!

You want to help??? Go right ahead. Count me OUT!!!! No mechanics=No flights=No airline. Go for it Dave.....You know where to put the $25 MILLION you "EARNED" while we took concessions!!!!

Hawk said:
The silent majority empathizes this arduous undertaking. We control our own future. We have the utmost faith in Dave leading the charge against the competition.
You better have more faith than Moses did then if you believe this guy has the ability to turn this airline around. Coming on here and blowing smoke about all the faith you have in this management team shows just how lost this management team actually is to worry about what people are saying on an internet board.

You keep preaching working together yet burn resources on a losing battle, our airbus work, trying to screw us and at the same time telling us to work together. You people are an absolute joke! Either this team will be replaced or this airline will fail. Coming on here talking stupid only proves what I am saying.
Pit bull ! I feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!! But the same people who say full pay till the last day are not the rank and file who voted then and will vote again to support this team and to save their jobs...... This is the real world and it is what it is plain simple. We will change with the wind or be torn apart. Youre no better than i am im on the line WITH YOU !!! I hear people talk the crap youre talking but in the end the votes say diff.. 90% of the posters on this board said no deal with give backs last time and look at the results. As an employee and as a hard working guy Im voting with whatever keeps the doors open!!!!!!!!! Talk the crap but it aint gonna happen !
One more thing. I know without a doubt my coworkers are sick of the negative crap by negative people. Ill stick with my positive surroundings you stick with the sky is falling crowds....... We can bring this company down or not its up to us. Im spending my time with more important things in life
usfliboi said:
Pit bull ! I feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!! But the same people who say full pay till the last day are not the rank and file who voted then and will vote again to support this team and to save their jobs...... This is the real world and it is what it is plain simple. We will change with the wind or be torn apart. Youre no better than i am im on the line WITH YOU !!! I hear people talk the crap youre talking but in the end the votes say diff.. 90% of the posters on this board said no deal with give backs last time and look at the results. As an employee and as a hard working guy Im voting with whatever keeps the doors open!!!!!!!!! Talk the crap but it aint gonna happen !
This is EXACTLY what FEEDS this management team, FEAR. Being their lap dog is not the answer. Close the doors, turn out the lights, bye...CU
usfliboi said:
One more thing. I know without a doubt my coworkers are sick of the negative crap by negative people. Ill stick with my positive surroundings you stick with the sky is falling crowds....... We can bring this company down or not its up to us. Im spending my time with more important things in life
Man, are YOU wrong!

Don't know who you are or if you work for U (which I suspect), but Dave came in March of 2002. Steven Wolfe made statments in January 2002, that U was in the best financial position it has seen in a long time, that BK was NOT an option, and that U might not even need a loan guarantee from the ATSB.


So, were we better off then than now????? What do you think?

I will not write what's in my head, because it would blow you off the boards and the moderator whould throw me off!

So, I will be nice.........................

Last time, folks still wanted desperately to trust this team. We were told that because of the new realtiy and the change in the Industry, U just needed $200,000,000 more from all of labor. What they did, in the end, was steal even more cost savings, AND NO GROUPS GOT CREDIT FOR THIS. F/A staffing went to FAA minimums, food brought on planes for sale, Sick pay penalties are higher, much much higher than what the f/as ratified, Reserve system that is far worse than what was ratified with f/as not able to get there time, the attempts in outsourcing of mechanics work, pilots pensions TERMINATED, AND NOW THE CO. SAYING TO THE PBGC THAT THEIR PROJECTIONS WERE OVERSTATED BECAUSE OF THE INTEREST RATE THEY USED. That the liability was $900 million instead of $2.2 billion (HUGE FAU PAUX) wouldn't you say??????

You don't have to worry about voting again. Rest your mind from worry. We won't have to test the membership to see if you are right or I.


And let the chips fall where they must.
"Silent majority?" How perfectly Nixonian.

A "silent majority" is very convenient for someone who wants to put words in their mouths.

Then again, the arrogance that led to the "I will speak for you, even though I haven't heard from you" syndrome led to Watergate.

And when the silent majority saw the true contempt in which Nixon held them, they ran him out of town on a rail.

Or in simpler terms, how do you know what the majority wants if they're silent?