Jon153 said:
okay folks, just think about it for a minute.
As my buddy Dr. Phil says, "The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior" and "We teach people how to treat us".
This regime's past behavior has been sneaky, deceitful, disrespectful to employee input and morale, self serving, arrogant to the extreme, has no regard for legal contracts, the court system and labor law, and in my opinion... immoral.
We gave huge concessions under the threat of liquidation and over 18,000 of our airline family are now gone, and the remaining employees are working harder, for less, with dwindling future prospects. The regime thinks they can browbeat labor and take more from the employees to cover up their lack of a business plan, strategic thinking, and marketing acumen. Our salaries are reduced, our advancement opportunities are stunted due to a dwindling workforce, our insurance plan is not what we were told it would be, the list goes on, and on, and on.
It is time to retrain them as to how to treat us. We will not be providing this incompetent regime any more concessions. Bring in some competent airline operations oriented management, with respect for the workforce and a plan to save what should be a money making franchise, and this company may be saved.
With the current management regime, and lack of leaders, there is no chance of this airline surviving.
Jon, please think about this... what is our identity? Who are we? There is no plan, no identity, no marketing, nothing. The entire plan is beat down the workforce, take from the workforce, etc, etc, etc. It's a broken record of a failed leader.
Have you seen strategic plans, innovation, leadership? Did dave come out after BK and rally the troops, create a company identity, and advertising campaign, reassure our customers... no. Nothing. Huge amounts of money are being wasted on an ill advised and doomed plan to steal the IAM heavy maintenance work on the Airbus... and planes are being parked, rather than serviced, and this as we enter the peak travel season. This is not a rational act.
Our very best frequent flyers are outraged, disillusioned, and will desert us in droves just as soon as a viable alternative is given them, and its coming quick! We have done nothing to make our customers experience better, and our product has disintegrated to a disgraceful mockery of what it once was.
The emperor has no clothes. He cannot rally the troops. No one believes in him. No one trusts him. In order to lead, you must be able to make people believe in a common goal, a common purpose. We see this regime clearly now, and are not buying into their con.
Don't be fooled by the spin from CCY on here.