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Dave Siegel Issues Letter

BillLumbergh said:
Either debate the post or don't post.

The next person who makes some ad hominem comment in this thread is going to get an entire week off.
ad what? don't punish me just cause you want to use words and phrases that are way over my head
Do_it_for_Dave said:
It is no secret that I support Dave and his management team. Dave is right on track in making us a viable carrier. My only advice to labor would be to give his plan a chance. Listen to the plan and make your own judgments. It is imperative that the labor leaders agree to at least listen to this new business plan.
Well Dorothy, Wall Street, every analyst on the planet, the stock price, and the current cash bleed suggest that your boy Dave cannot lead a camel to drink at an Oasis.

This "letter" is another great example--US management tries to put a scare into the unions on the property by leaking news of an asset sale to the press, and then complains that it got out and the "hysteria" it is causing.

These fools can't even play poker very well. I'd love to play no-limit hold 'em with little Dave. I could quit my dayjob.
flyswatter said:
BillLumbergh said:
Either debate the post or don't post.

The next person who makes some ad hominem comment in this thread is going to get an entire week off.
ad what? don't punish me just cause you want to use words and phrases that are way over my head
i believe ad hominem is when you are making breakfast in the south and put in grits at a certain time.
recipe says ,while eggs cooking,ad hominem...
delldude said:
flyswatter said:
BillLumbergh said:
Either debate the post or don't post.

The next person who makes some ad hominem comment in this thread is going to get an entire week off.
ad what? don't punish me just cause you want to use words and phrases that are way over my head
i believe ad hominem is when you are making breakfast in the south and put in grits at a certain time.
recipe says ,while eggs cooking,ad hominem...

And I 'm from the south!
A nice way to open any talks would be, hey IAM we're not going after your work, hey ALPA we will help get your pensions back, hey AFA we will try to restore your dignity etc.

Then an attempt a good faith bargaining would be nice.

There is a huge credibility issue here. Any talks would have to be accompanied be real concrete guarantees.

Still if I were a pilot after what I've been through I would not listen.
:down: :down: :down: :down:
Posted on Jan 10 2004, 12:07 PM

hot off the press:see story

Chairman: US Airways may avoid asset sales
Union leaders say they're willing to talk about plans for recovery

Staff Writer

Good grief Ted, it took you twenty paragraphs to get to the point....

Pilots spokesman Jack Stephan said pilots don't think Siegel has an actual plan, but noted: "If they have a plan to operate more efficiently, we're all for it. We're all about making this thing run more efficiently."
funny....i know and work with most of those boys in the hangar and must say you are 100% misinformed.
by the way,i'm up to 60 wpm on my typing...do you like it? :lol:

I have to agree, This person sounds like nobody I ever encountered in PIT Heavy Maintenance or CLT Heavy either for that matter.

The shear fact that this person is applauding Dave for keeping anyone informed only proves how hopelessly lost this poor soul is. Dave and Dave has informed via threats and has offered us nothing else that mimicks tangible information. Tangible would include spelling out "The Plan"...and how it would impact each individual city and employee concerned.

I've had my beefs with the IAM since it took me in without my consent...but in the grander scheme of things , it is doing a better job of representing it's membership these days....it had too !!

I listened to the drum beat of AMFA in both PIT and CLT prior to the Airbus Outsourcing issue reaching critical mass....and now that the IAM has stepped up to the plate to fight for its survival as well as the survival of those it represents. I never ever hear as much as a peep about AMFA anymore , even the blue T-Shirts that use to be around have mysteriously remained in the closet..and it damn sure isn't the change in weather that casued it either. I see plenty of IAM Red T-Shirts around with a turtleneck underneath them (LOL)

The IAM has seen the light regarding Dave and Dave...and certainly the shadow operations of Jerry Glass's influences. The unions on the property may not be all things to all people....but I'll be damned if I would rather be without them in this fight and at this moment in our history.

The only thing the Unions need to be doing now is using the Press for positive counter-actions Vs. Dave and Dave's negative ones. The public needs to know that the Unionized Employees are not what is preventing Siegel from letting "The Plan" out of the bag...what's holding him up is the lack of an actual workable Plan to begin with.
delldude said:
funny....i know and work with most of those boys in the hangar and must say you are 100% misinformed.
by the way,i'm up to 60 wpm on my typing...do you like it? :lol:
Secretary...NOT! Here's the REAL delldude


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Uni Investor,

Since you want to give us advice to heed.....just how many times do the employees have to open our contracts ???? Every 6 months, every 3 month? Or do we just behave like you non-union folks, and throw the damn contracts to the wind and tell the company....

"anything you want boss, yesum sir, I do what you want boss, food is ok sir, I just need a little food to come to work to have some energy TO DO ME JOB BODD MAN!!!

Oh, and while you at explaining the "have to dos"....what is managment plan on their concession #3??????
ClueByFour said:
This "letter" is another great example--US management tries to put a scare into the unions on the property by leaking news of an asset sale to the press, and then complains that it got out and the "hysteria" it is causing.

The leadership is not scared. They know the tactics and manuvers of Labor Relations...even this topic by flyonthewall..no less.

Labor leaders never, ever said they didn't want to see the plan, or that management should not show the plan. Its their job to present the "plan" to the all the employees.

Let me be very clear here....(specifically on this post of flyonthewall):

Even though the plan is shown to all the employeees should in no way be perceived as acquiesing to "open contracts" yet again. Labor unions are not in the business of implying to managements that they can "help themselves" to any provisions they want when they threaten to sell off assets OR liquidate. Each group member will decide if they want to give the company their language up and permanently change their work rules to satisfy yet another plan from this inept management.

The fatal mistake of the union leadership is that at the Dec. 16 USAirways BOD meeting, THEY SHOULD HAVE ALL RISEN TO THE OCCASION AND WALKED OUT OF THE BOARD WITH The ALPA MEC President, who in my minds eye displayed the ultimate courage as a union leader in this modern day 21stcentury labor environment.
Posted on Jan 10 2004, 02:31 PM

The fatal mistake of the union leadership is that at the Dec. 16 USAirways BOD meeting, THEY SHOULD HAVE ALL RISEN TO THE OCCASION AND WALKED OUT OF THE BOARD WITH The ALPA MEC President, who in my minds eye displayed the ultimate courage as a union leader in this modern day 21stcentury labor environment.
Spot on!!!!!

I'm going to start researching whos butt I need chew on so that a fellow coalition member won't ever take that kind of stand, ALONE, again.
lite years

sorry about the caps it was late.

i never raise my vioce at home or at work.

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