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Dan Cunnigham - Return To Work

I personally dealt with the arbitrator in a previous case. Although the arbitrator had ruled in favor of some of our members in the past, he seemed to hold grudges. I know he was fired by the company as a neutral arbitrator several months ago. It's unclear whether it was due to this decision or a previous arbitration he ruled on. However, I do sense a problem with an arbitrator telling the company to settle this case out. An arbitrator is supposed to be neutral. He should not give advice to either side. It would be interesting to see if his ruling came down before or after he was fired by the company. If it was after, I would tend to guess his decision was based on seeking revenge against the company. To me, personally having met Dan a few times, he does have a flair for the unusual if you don't know him. He is not a moron. At times he will push the envelope, but he is not like most cowardly AMTs and isn't afraid to display his opinion and exercise all his constitutional rights. He did not do anything that warranted termination. This was a witch hunt against a man who stood by his beliefs. Unfortunately, the backpay award is minus any/all income earned during his time away. In other words, if Mr. Cunningham drew a salary from another job, let's say $70,000, and was due to make $100,000 in backpay, he will only receive the $30,000 difference. I would agree with previous posts, whoever the person was who handled the case for the company should be released. If someone reading this has the stroke to find out, I would be very curious to see a dollar amount associated with yet another company fiasco. Whether or not you like Dan or not, you need to know this: Any union loss in arbitrtation hurts the union. Likewise, it helps the company. Dan, glad to see you back B) On another note, it the decision should include all backpay, regardless of any income earned from the outside. If not, what would prevent the company from going after anyone in the future, disrupting their lives, knowing they might only have to pay a portion of backpay in the event the case goes to arbitration? Time to change the language in the contract.
Hackman said:
If you ask your one of your fellow twu punks, drunks, felons, or cowards in the know, maybe they will let you read the arbitrators decision. You will know why his decision was delayed, in addition to the company pushing it further after the arbitrator told them they lost.

Billy, your post from May 12, 2004,
"Give me a freakin' break!!! Why don't you tell us everything that was on the shirt Dave!! You talk about posting half truths!! shock.gif Danny Boy didn't get fired for wearing the shirt, he got fired because he was given a directive and refused to follow the order. He was told 3 different times by 3 different supervisors to change but he REFUSED!!! That is what he got fired for, INSUBORDINATION!! Some of you fools have amfa so far up your butts that you will lose a job for a damn shirt. One thing this tells us about Danny Boy is that he must know that AMFA has no chance of winning at AA or maybe he would have held out a little longer before winning the Moron of the Year award!! But as it stands now he's on the streets. How stupid of a game are you AMFA boys going to play????"
Now who has their head up their butts moron? How's that cold crow taste Billy? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Get ready to eat some more, only much more....you might even grow some feathers. :up:

BTW, If your twu "friends" won't let you read the arbitrators decision. You know were I am. I'd like to meet the coward who insults behind his alias.

Hackman, first let me say that I am flattered that you remember me from so far back. HMMMMM???? :huh: Anyway, there ain't no crow being eaten here Hack!!! Amfa did lose at AA and dan the man wanted to be a renegade and he got fired. You know Dan, always wantin' to stir up some sh**. He stirred it then cried about it!! But come on, 18 months???? Someone was sittin' on their butts on this one. But you know, I could care less about Dan Cunningham. You amfa freaks can make all the threats you like. Doesn't bother me a bit. Your threats of lawsuits don't do anything but make you look stupid! (among other things!!!) We are all shakin' in our boots!!! You be sure to save this post so you can call me up later. You know, Dave used to do this. What, did he pass the torch to you Big Man????? Boss Hog steps down and you take over!!! Be sure to keep them right side up so you can read them!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bill said:
But come on, 18 months???? Someone was sittin' on their butts on this one.

It's mentioned by the arbitrator that his opinion took an unusual amount of time due to "intervention by the medical industry". Most likely a very political correct way of saying he was not healthy.

I do have the full copy and will try to scan it on my days off and send to the-mechanic and then link it to this site after that, otherwise the file will be to big for this site.
To: Dan Cunningham;

Dan, Not sure If we've ever posted back and forth over this site, or Plain Business.com, but I wanted to say that "I am ELATED" beyond words, that you had/have the Intestinal Fortitude to stand up for your rights, and PREVAILED !!

I'm a RETIRED(THANK GOD) FSC from the North East, WHO has supported you AMT's in your quest for AMFA.(I swear, I was the ONLY FSC/twu member doing so)

AS you know SOOO well, the TWU is a useless "weak sister" union. The mere fact that the IBT "bailed out" of the AFL-CIO, speaks VOLUMES !!

Anyway, WELCOME BACK !! It's my sincere hope that "THIS" very thread can be used to report any, and all INJUSTICES, (and more Importantly) "LEGAL VICTORY'S" over AA. !!!!


I DON't wish AA "BAD LUCK" !!!!!!!!!


When AA does WRONG, I wish them EVERYTHING that they have "COMING TO THEM" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reality check here, re. The Shirt:

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Don't bite the hand that protects you .

Dan bit both. He was lucky to survive.
Bill said:
Hackman, first let me say that I am flattered that you remember me from so far back. HMMMMM???? :huh: Anyway, there ain't no crow being eaten here Hack!!! Amfa did lose at AA and dan the man wanted to be a renegade and he got fired. You know Dan, always wantin' to stir up some sh**. He stirred it then cried about it!! But come on, 18 months???? Someone was sittin' on their butts on this one. But you know, I could care less about Dan Cunningham. You amfa freaks can make all the threats you like. Doesn't bother me a bit. Your threats of lawsuits don't do anything but make you look stupid! (among other things!!!) We are all shakin' in our boots!!! You be sure to save this post so you can call me up later. You know, Dave used to do this. What, did he pass the torch to you Big Man????? Boss Hog steps down and you take over!!! Be sure to keep them right side up so you can read them!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
How could I forget a coward? Especially one that runs his fool mouth before reading the arbitrators decision and knowing the facts. However facts never stopped the Team twu Bubba crowd now did it? I suggest you read the decision to prevent yourself from continuing your functionally illiterate path on this BB. I have a copy. Come on down and see me.
How did AMFA lose AA? You have to have a vote before you can lose Billy Boy. I guess its the: "We won the right not to have a vote" mentality? Yeah, thats a big win. 🙄
Who is making threats here Billy? Its not a threat when you do something, is it? Like I said, read the facts before you insert your uneducated foot in your mouth, its kinda full. I haven't talked to Dave in a while. I thought it would be fun to see your idiotic post from last year, and see if I could draw the same idiocy back out again. It worked!!! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Would you like your Cold Crow boxed to take home with you Billy? Mmmm... 😀
Wretched Wrench said:
Reality check here, re. The Shirt:

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Don't bite the hand that protects you .

Dan bit both. He was lucky to survive.

WW, think that one over again, especially "the hand that protects" you part.
To Everyone:

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and support over the time I've been gone. It is comforting to know that there are TRUE UNIONIST the likes of; Bob Owens, Hackman, N H Bears, AMFAMAN and many others that fight against injustice and to uphold the law of the land.

I know that those that support the company's position are either usually management or twu officials or rabid twu supporters. I somewhat sympathize with supporters for they do not enjoy the benefits of enriching themselves at the expense of others as twu OFFICIALS do! They just pay blindly for; their own cowardice, their own ignorance, their own concessions, their own arbitrary job losses/injustices by management, lies + misrepresentations, and etc.

Arbitrator Angelo has retained authority to decide on any issues/disputes arising out of the application of his award regarding my termination case. If aa and I cannot agree on an aspect of the award arbitrator Angelo will. Also, the dismissal from hearing further arbitration cases presented by aa and their TOY UNION, the twu, by Arbitrator Angelo was requested by aa and approved by Gary Yingst. This fact was hidden from all relevant parties until months after the decision was made so Gary Y. could attempt to distance himself from intervening in LOCAL AFFAIRS. It is my understanding that Arbitrator Angelo was excused only a week or two after my case began. True genius on the company and it's shill union.

Thanks again for all the kind words and support shown to me over the years and especially the last 15 months. An official letter of thanks to those that helped directly will be forthcoming in a few days.

Till then, LETS HELP HOLD THE LINE FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS STRIKING NWA. That means putting on the walking shoes and throwing an extra five in the donation for AMFA Freedom Fighters.

Thanks Again,

Dan "The Company Man" Cunningham
Bob Owens said:
WW, think that one over again, especially "the hand that protects" you part.

I have seen a number of people protected by the TWU.

This does not mean I am a TWU flag-waver, but they are in place, and can help you if you need it. At least at my station. We have some good guys that will drop everything to fight for a brother. I think alienating them would not be wise.
Imagine some of these guys 50 years ago? Wife at home in the three-decker with starving kids while you're getting your head beat in. Gee fellas, I don't think we can win-lets give up and do like the man says.
Wretched Wrench said:
I have seen a number of people protected by the TWU.

This does not mean I am a TWU flag-waver, but they are in place, and can help you if you need it. At least at my station. We have some good guys that will drop everything to fight for a brother. I think alienating them would not be wise.
I think you misunderstand. I support those legitimate twu representatives on the floor that actually will fight for a member, no matter what union they chose to believe in. However, there are those in the unelected International and some at the local level that are in it for themselves, and what they can gain personally by blindly following what ever is spoon fed to them. These unsavory individuals refuse any real changes, they have no desire to lead, and have kept the membership divided for far too long.

These are among many reasons unionism is in deep trouble today. The afl-cio needs real changes, not glad-handing and hollow words. Men like Sweeny, Hall, Little, Buffenbarger, Depace and so many others are not held accountable, and deep division of the rank and file is the result. Their memberships suffer, but they do not. This is business unionism, and it has soundly failed.

If there was ever a time to fight together, it is now. Its too bad those that could lead the charge never will, because their grudges, personal feelings, and a fat retirement far outway the needs of the unionized workers today.
Wretched Wrench said:
I have seen a number of people protected by the TWU.

This does not mean I am a TWU flag-waver, but they are in place, and can help you if you need it. At least at my station. We have some good guys that will drop everything to fight for a brother.  I think alienating them would not be wise.

And those same good people would make even better representatives in a better union.

Make no mistake about it, the International controls this union and they are pro-company. Sonny Hall used the membership to make his family rich. Thats how a Bus Driver from the Bronx could afford a Summer home in exclusive Sag Harbor NY. He pushed through deals that eliminated company paid benifits so his son could sell insurance policies covering what Sonny took away.

The TWU has lead the concession bandwagon for decades. CIO cites the fact that NWA contracted out a lot of the line stations, he fails to mention that AA did that over 20 years ago. The TWU at AA lowered pay to the point that NWA is currently seeking. Since NWA was not able to outsource in house (OSMs, SRPs) they knew they had to outsource their overhaul maintenance. The TWU has slashed wages for overhaul by introducing SRPs back in 1995.

We dont need to only alienate the TWU we need to eliminate them before its too late.

The average TWU member earns just $15/hr. Thats $2 less than the average union member and less than the average US worker overall. Having the TWU is worse than having no union at all. As you can see from the Jet Blue example mechanics at non-union places get into trouble, and disciplined but they are not too quick to fire them. At AA one of the leading causes for terminations is the TWU. The TWU goes to the company because members do not want to pay dues to a union that does nothing for them.

In Dan's case the TWU went to the company and had them fire him. They did not want Dan to wear a shirt that gave a factual account of the latest contract. THis is not unique to the ATD, it is standard practice for the TWU, work with the companyto fire rivals. Rojer Toussaint, the President of Local 100 which has been battling the International was also fired in an International/company scheme to silence dissent. He too won his job back with his own lawyer. He too was kept out a long time as a point to any other would be dissentors. The TWU tried to silence them.

TWU/Company collusion against dissent is standard practice for the TWU. In fact the International threw a big (paid for by the members) event and gave an award to a member of MTA management who called the cops and had Local 100 officials removed from the workplace. These officials were part of the Toussaint slate so thats why Sonny did not want them to be able to represent the members, lets also not forget to mention how Sonny was found guilty of violating workers rights. The TWU International tries to fluff it off as a minor event claiming that the awaard was only $1, which is misleading, the award was well over $700,000. The $1 was put in because those who brought forward the lawsuit were not seeking money, they were seeking to have their rights defended.

This is how the TWU spends your money. They criticize AMFA for having no strike fund but neither do we. A huge chunk of TWU funds are used in lawsuits brought about by members due to the actions of the International violating members rights. They pay but in the meantime they got their way.

Unions claim to give workers a voice. With the TWU its a voice alright, just not the workers voice. Its the voice of AA management, people like Jim Little who spent many years in AA management before sucking his way into the International.
Dan Cunningham said:
To Everyone:

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and support over the time I've been gone.  It is comforting to know that there are TRUE UNIONIST the likes of; Bob Owens, Hackman, N H Bears, AMFAMAN and many others that fight against injustice and to uphold the law of the land.

I know that those that support the company's position are either usually management or twu officials or rabid twu supporters.  I somewhat sympathize with supporters for they do not enjoy the benefits of enriching themselves at the expense of others as twu OFFICIALS do!  They just pay blindly for; their own cowardice, their own ignorance, their own concessions, their own arbitrary job losses/injustices by management, lies + misrepresentations, and etc.

Arbitrator Angelo has retained authority to decide on any issues/disputes arising out of the application of his award regarding my termination case.  If aa and I cannot agree on an aspect of the award arbitrator Angelo will.  Also, the dismissal from hearing further arbitration cases presented by aa and their TOY UNION, the twu, by Arbitrator Angelo was requested by aa and approved by Gary Yingst.  This fact was hidden from all relevant parties until months after the decision was made so Gary Y. could attempt to distance himself from intervening in LOCAL AFFAIRS.  It is my understanding that Arbitrator Angelo was excused only a week or two after my case began.  True genius on the company and it's shill union.

Thanks again for all the kind words and support shown to me over the years and especially the last 15 months.  An official letter of thanks to those that helped directly will be forthcoming in a few days.

Till then, LETS HELP HOLD THE LINE FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS STRIKING NWA.  That means putting on the walking shoes and throwing an extra five in the donation for AMFA Freedom Fighters.

Thanks Again,

Dan "The Company Man" Cunningham


I am with you Brother!!!

Bob, I support AMFA with card-pushing, voting, donating and picketing, and will continue to do so. But I am not willing to go as far a Dan in alienating the company and the TWU.

That's all.


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