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Dan Cunnigham - Return To Work

I think Princess is right! Commander Smirnoff Lorenzi and Che Cuervo Porter must be hitting it heavy tonight. No doubt a few days UB will be needed to recuperate! :up: :up:

First, congratulations Dan!

Second, thanks for having the integrity and high morals that we all knew you had in standing up against tyranny.

I wonder what cio and the other twu alias using twu supporting cowards are thinking right now? I know. They are thinking that it is nice to hide behind an alias because all their negative comments against Dan are prooven wrong.

By the way, whatever happened to the person in the twu local that pushed for Dan's firing? Where oh where can he be now? Hum????

Welcome back Dan! You the man!

AA & twu... shame on you!

Thanks go to lee Seham and all those that supported Dan and stood by his side during this attack against Dan's truthful beliefs.

"Yes viginia, there IS Justice" (sometimes)

Tremendous News for Mr. Cunningham etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were are the twu bubba's? Nothing to say? Wait until the transcripts and the arbitrators full brief come out. That's gonna leave a mark.

There won't be enough rocks for the rats and snakes to hide under.

This is what you told us you wanted.... AA and twu. Now it is time for Dan's turn. :unsure:

Its really going to be a shame for some. Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap....but not cheap enough. 😛h34r:
Not a word out of our company loving twu folks. It is certainly a great day watching the company get their ass kicked by Lee. :up: Can't wait to read the transcripts. :shock:

I Love You Man!....

To celebrate I'm going to wear my TWU Concession shirt tomorrow!

By the way some idiot supervisor in the CSD shop in Tulsa is threatening to fire anyone wearing one in there. Think I'll make a pass through.
B.O.B. said:
That's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:

Now we wait to see what the anti-unionoids say about this one.
Anti Union head here....was this person really fired over the t-shirt he was wearing. Does it say he is not allowed to wear such t shirt on company p[roperty. If it doesnt say that and he was not breaking any rules I am glad he got his job back. And for once I agree with princess the men who fired him and cost the company back pay and court costs should be fired as well.

and by the way I am not only anti Union...I am anti sneaky management
Jim I love concessions Little.......Team TWU....Kirk the felon Wells.....Dennis the wife beater Burchette....WHERE ARE YOU???!!!! :shock: :shock:


WOOO, WOOO!!!!!!!
:up: :up:
operaations said:
and by the way I am not only anti Union...I am anti sneaky management

Aye, there's the rub. Sneaky management begets unions.
operaations said:
Anti Union head here....was this person really fired over the t-shirt he was wearing. Does it say he is not allowed to wear such t shirt on company p[roperty. If it doesnt say that and he was not breaking any rules I am glad he got his job back. And for once I agree with princess the men who fired him and cost the company back pay and court costs should be fired as well.

and by the way I am not only anti Union...I am anti sneaky management
Anti-sneaky management? Surely you jest. Thats almost humorous. From our decades of numerous dealings with your heinous corporAAte friends, sneaky is always a given, along with many other negatives I don't have time to list. AA management with their twu friends help, have committed more violations of their own rules and attempted to ruin more people than I care to count.

AA management makes up the rules as they go along, as it suits them. I'm sure you'll have a chance to examine the transcipts and the arbitrators beyond scathing brief from Dan's case when they are released. AA management tried to stop the testimony in this case from being released, because they have so much to be ashamed of.

AA management wasted serious amounts of money and time imposing their ill will against those whose livelihoods they wish to destroy. They always seem to have plenty of resources for thuggery against employees, and never enough to run a successful airline.

Will it ever stop? Will manAAgement ever realize the frontline employees are the biggest asset? I doubt it. :down:
I was informed today that cris schissler (the twu int'l stooge that ratted Dan out) was at Buffalo Wild Wings in Keller last night. He was observed receiving a phone call and then becoming very belligerent and loud. He was heard using alot of four letter words with Dans name attached to them. I'm sure after that phone call the waitress could'nt get enough beer to the table fast enough. The Keller police don't usually miss to much,but I guess cris (aka.....Otis the town drunk) got away with this one.
767 mechanic said:
I was informed today that cris schissler (the twu int'l stooge that ratted Dan out) was at Buffalo Wild Wings in Keller last night. He was observed receiving a phone call and then becoming very belligerent and loud. He was heard using alot of four letter words with Dans name attached to them. I'm sure after that phone call the waitress could'nt get enough beer to the table fast enough. The Keller police don't usually miss to much,but I guess cris (aka.....Otis the town drunk) got away with this one.

Schissler, twu man? Couldn't be.... :shock: :shock:

I thought he was dating that HR lady? 😉 😉

Just another twu/AA lovefest I guess.
Someone in the union pushed it, I don't believe it can go to a system board without being voted on by the e-board. Good for you, though. I was fired too, and was out 19 months before my lawyer(s) got me back.
Bagbelt said:
Someone in the union pushed it, I don't believe it can go to a system board without being voted on by the e-board. Good for you, though. I was fired too, and was out 19 months before my lawyer(s) got me back.

I think you are way too generous when you say that someone at the union pushed it because the case made it to arbitration; the simple fact is that failure to allow the case to be arbitrated would be grounds for a lawsuit against the TWU.

From the last several posts, it seems that the TWU faithful did not think Seeham and Co., were actually up to their billing...Spin control over at the ATD hall must be kicked into high gear.

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