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Dan Cunnigham - Return To Work

Man of the People said:
So where is the arbitrator's decision? I perused through and did not see it. Can someone scan it so it can be shared for all to read, please?
Its 35 pages and too large to post here. I think someone is working on a link.
Hackman said:
Its 35 pages and too large to post here. I think someone is working on a link.

I scanned it but it was 25mb. :down: So I will try something else later and get it up to the-mechanic.com so I can link it over.
Wretched Wrench said:
PTO.....do you have any idea how many members have you on their "ignore" list?

You are a recent arrival, an outside troublemaker with nothing to contribute.

In short, a TROLL.

Who pays you for this? If you are not paid, what a miserable life you must have.

I had it on ignore, but you still have to see it's spews on the quoted replies. So I decided what was the point. Now I usually just hit the page down button when I see it's name. :down:
To the sit starter, we pay dues because at least we have some say on a local level. An employee at will has just about zero to say on anything, unless the company is in blatant violation of federal law. And in this rotten business, there is little else we can do at the moment. The people who complain the most normally are the ones who had some sweetheart deal ruined because it was in violation of the contract. The laws that have been passed over the years crippled every tool we had, now the same people who crippled us ask us why we want an ineffective organisation.
High Speed Steel said:
"Oh", I get it now informer... :huh: DFR= Don't Follow Request 😛
Well people dont get fired for not meeting "requests", they get fired for not following lawful orders. Cant you get anything right?
Bagbelt,Sep 20 2005, 10:42 PM]
To the sit starter, we pay dues because at least we have some say on a local level.

You pay dues for that reason. Most that I know pay because of the RLA.

The TWU is a company union, we are basically subsidizing the company's HR dept because that basically is what the TWU is. Sure we can vote for Local leaders but even company founded unions allowed that. The fact is the Locals have no control over the contract, the International has that and we dont get to vote for ANY of them. In fact usually failed Presidents are brought into the International.

Despite the lies the International puts out Locals are not autonomous. Nor does the Presidents council have any jurisdicytion over the contract or the union. Several Lawsuits have proven that to be the case.

They remove any officer of any local they want and they can dissolve any Local they want. So while the Locals may be "on their own, as far as survival, they are not autonous, they have to do whatever the International tells them.

Here are some minor examples that prove that even the money the Local gets is not the Locals. All Local must contribute to the Micheal Quill Scholarship. Why? Because the International says so. All the ATD locals must contribute to the gifts to ex-local presidents-thats right the International gives gifts to Presidents that are voted out of office and requires all the other ATD locals to contribute to these gifts. Locals have to foot the expenses related to LTD processing, even though the International gets thousands of dollars a year from the provider. Locals are assigned to recruit new hires into the plan and provide the International lists of all new hires that are not in the plan plus mail out information to those new hires. Lost time, postage etc are absorbed by the Local.

An employee at will has just about zero to say on anything, unless the company is in blatant violation of federal law.

And how much say did we have when Jim Little put the current contract in place? ZERO.

And in this rotten business, there is little else we can do at the moment.

Sure we can. We can start to make the move to get rid of the TWU and get a union where the top leaders are accountable to the rank and file. A union that will seek to organize the entire industry in one union, even if it means raiding, the way it should have been all along.

The people who complain the most normally are the ones who had some sweetheart deal ruined because it was in violation of the contract.

And those who dont complain are the ones that have their sweetheart deals within the union. The fact is I cant find one member, regardless of department, that thinks that we should keep the TWU.

The laws that have been passed over the years crippled every tool we had, now the same people who crippled us ask us why we want an ineffective organisation.

The law did not force Little to impliment the contract without a vote on the new contract.
I was arguing PTO's asseretion about paying any union. I've been in the carpenters, teamsters and hotel workers at various points and there have allways been the same guys who on their own could care less about anybody. RTW to me is nothing but a union busting scam. We just found out the contractors working in the TSA bagrooms have to be paid the prevailing wage in MA. American has to pay the co. more than we make and they make more than we make, not bad if you can get it.
Wretched Wrench said:
I can. .........One.

He posts here under several names.


Is he just a member or does he hold a position within the TWU?
Bagbelt said:
RTW to me is nothing but a union busting scam.

I agree, but RTW is not what endangers the labor movement.

The biggest danger to the labor movement is the corrupt ineffective leadership of many of todays unions. Unions such as the TWU/ATD. If we were under RTW how many people do you think would stop paying dues? My guess is 90% or better. The union still has to represent you and if they screw it up they can be sued for DFR. If they provide little to no value for the 2 hours gross pay they take most would not feel guilty about going for the "free ride"-all downhill of course.

Who would pay a union that brings back 20 years of concessions, gives the company everything they want, removes the representatives that the members choose, is the leading cause of member terminations and prevents the members from picking who is in control and posession of their contract?

The only reason why most pay is because they have to because of the RLA.
Bob Owens, I think I recall you saying in one of your many past posts that you would prefer the RLA not apply to airlines. If I am mistaken, please correct me.

But if not, why would you want to see the RTW be applicable to AA AMT in states where it is law?

I'm sure you would have a reasoned response and am sincerely interested in reading it.
upsilon,Sep 22 2005, 03:00 AM]
Bob Owens, I think I recall you saying in one of your many past posts that you would prefer the RLA not apply to airlines. If I am mistaken, please correct me.

You are not mistaken. I would like to get rid of the RLA and work under the NLRA. All the RLA does is tie our hands, both as employees and union members. It provides many benifits to the airlines, some benifits to the representational organization , to protect it from its own members, but nothing to the worker.

But if not, why would you want to see the RTW be applicable to AA AMT in states where it is law?

Who said I wanted it to? I was just stating what I believe to be fact. I believe there has been precedence set. It why despite state law when the company requires us to attend four hours of training prior to or after shift we dont get OT.

I'm sure you would have a reasoned response and am sincerely interested in reading it.

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