<_< Bob--- Your preaching to the choir! I voted no because it was a peace of crap! But believe it or not, not everyone here wants to move to New York City! Or put their families through the expense or disruption of their lives, just to maintaine your life style!

Believe it or not, two jobs has been common place around here for quit a few years! So when you come to us and cry about it, you'll just be handed a crying towel, nothing more!!! Believe me Bob, I know how you feel! But the problem is these people can't see much difference between the TWU, and the AMFA! In their eyes the same people that voted to staple them are the same people that are pushing for change! Remember these are hard headed, independent people! They don't forget! What your going to have to do is convince them that the AMFA will try to put us "ALL" on an equal footing! I'm not saying restore what you can't! But work toward an equal system of job protection! Although I feel the whole "protection" thing will soon be a thimg of the past! The exTWAers have gone to the street in your place for too long! We have people on the street with over twenty years, and a few "nAAtives" here that are "protected", with less, that are still working! Nice guys, but still not right! Since the buy out, and 9/11, over 1,500 exTWA AMT's have lost their jobs!