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Why Moral Suxs At Aa

FA Mikey said:
A better deal by far at SWA. At AA employees are free in coach and a small charge for First. But for me I would rather buy a ticket to NYC, or MSP, VS GIG or LHR. If for no other reason than getting a premium cabin seat.

Slight correction, employees are free in coach after 5 years. I still pay a service charge to sit in a coach seat. The part that irks me is the minimum charge the company imposes. Non-rev charges are partly based upon distance flown. However, I pay the same service charge for IAH-DFW that I do for DFW-STL, DFW-DEN, and DFW-ORD because of the minimum charge.
jimntx said:
Slight correction, employees are free in coach after 5 years. I still pay a service charge to sit in a coach seat. The part that irks me is the minimum charge the company imposes. Non-rev charges are partly based upon distance flown. However, I pay the same service charge for IAH-DFW that I do for DFW-STL, DFW-DEN, and DFW-ORD because of the minimum charge.
Sorry about that thought by now everyone was over 5 years.
MCI transplant said:
<_< Hopeless---- I'm just glad that's only your opinon!!! Like belly buttons, we all have one!!!!

Hey Tranny! If you think that flight benefits outweigh salary, vacation and healthcare costs, knock yourself out.

We ALL got raped with concessions and you're concerned about non revving!

Tell me Tranny, what would you give up for just one POSITIVE space ticket?

10%, 15% 25% in salary cuts? Hey, how about another week's vacation lost?

Hey, here's an idea!

Let the employee pay 80% for medical cost and AA will pay 20%

#*@% the flight benefits!
Hopeful said:
Hey Tranny! If you think that flight benefits outweigh salary, vacation and healthcare costs, knock yourself out.

We ALL got raped with concessions and you're concerned about non revving!

Tell me Tranny, what would you give up for just one POSITIVE space ticket?

10%, 15% 25% in salary cuts? Hey, how about another week's vacation lost?

Hey, here's an idea!

Let the employee pay 80% for medical cost and AA will pay 20%

#*@% the flight benefits!
<_< "Tranny"??? What's this "Tranny" thing??? Are you refurring to "Trans World"??? That's a compliment!!! :up:
The Non-Rev travel benefits are quickly becoming useless as the load factors get higher.
I would gladly let AA take them instead of wages and benefits.
Besides,it is a big hassle to fly now with TSA procedures and the crowds.

I sure miss the old days when AA made record profits with 67% load factors and there were plenty of seats available for non-revs.

I rarely non-rev anymore because it is a big pain in the @$$.

Ask for the J/S whenever possible. We can now ask for the J/S and still sit in a seat for no charge. Helps with the commuting costs.
IORFA said:

Ask for the J/S whenever possible. We can now ask for the J/S and still sit in a seat for no charge. Helps with the commuting costs.

Oh, I am well aware of the policy change regarding jumpseating. It has saved me close to $500 in commuting costs to STL from DFW since 01DEC. However, you must be careful not to state that we can ride in a cabin seat at no charge.
That's not "policy."
jimntx said:
Oh, I am well aware of the policy change regarding jumpseating. It has saved me close to $500 in commuting costs to STL from DFW since 01DEC. However, you must be careful not to state that we can ride in a cabin seat at no charge.
That's not "policy."
Why is it that no matter how long I am gone from this site i always cme back to see constant bitc+++ng and complaining. It then turns into the concession arguement. Than the TWO AMFA hijack. It seems to me like most of you cant and will never be happy. I will stand up for some of these gate agents. I have seen not once not twice but many times a D1 D2 D3 come to the airport expecting royal treatment. They are demanding rude and do not get it when they do not get a seat. There are many factors why seats go out with out people in them. One is weight restrictions. And if they do get on they demand everything from free drinks to meals from the crew. Why dont you leve the MIA agents out of it and solve your own issues as to why you all are so dang miserable.
Something tells me a lot of these people were bitter and angry back in '98-'99. They probably moaned and groaned over the size of their profit sharing checks.

Working in the airline industy has sucked the past few years, but not as bad as some of the people on this msg board would have you believe.
mjk said:
Something tells me a lot of these people were bitter and angry back in '98-'99. They probably moaned and groaned over the size of their profit sharing checks.

After the 6 year 1995 concessionary contract, yes I was bitter and I still am. BTW...you call that grocery check, profit sharing?
Morale is not my Problem!

Recently, a certain SR. VP, from #@$$*&%*^ $*^v!(*$ , visited our line ready room.

In a mere 45 minutes, this guy devastated any hope that we have kept a "big picture" hidden from the rank and file.

When asked about the problem of the rank and file at the individual employee level, this guy stated that he was not concerned about that aspect of the operation; we could seek employment elsewhere.

When faced with the contradiction between his statements that we could not raise fares by $5.00 without passengers booking away from AA to Song, JetBlue and AirTran; but, could charge an equal fare while charging them $10.00 for entertainment provided for free by our competition: he babbled about how the TWU had conducted a study which found that AA had fewer VP's than other airlines and how the TWU had concluded that those VP's were underpaid.

Keep your resumes current and circulating.
After the 6 year 1995 concessionary contract, yes I was bitter and I still am. BTW...you call that grocery check, profit sharing?

Sometimes this BB reminds me of a song - "The Grudge" by Tool.
Here's a partial excerpt of the lyrics...

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.
Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.
Desperate to control all and everything.
Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.

Clutch it like a cornerstone. Otherwise it all comes down.
Justify denials and grip 'em to the lonesome end.
Clutch it like a cornerstone. Otherwise it all comes down.
Terrified of being wrong. Ultimatum prison cell.
mjk said:
Sometimes this BB reminds me of a song - "The Grudge" by Tool.
Here's a partial excerpt of the lyrics...

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.
Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.
Desperate to control all and everything.
Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.

Clutch it like a cornerstone. Otherwise it all comes down.
Justify denials and grip 'em to the lonesome end.
Clutch it like a cornerstone. Otherwise it all comes down.
Terrified of being wrong. Ultimatum prison cell.


Loan me a pair of those rose colored glasses that you are looking through!
jimntx said:
Oh, I am well aware of the policy change regarding jumpseating. It has saved me close to $500 in commuting costs to STL from DFW since 01DEC. However, you must be careful not to state that we can ride in a cabin seat at no charge.
That's not "policy."

That's what I don't agree with, the commuting charges.

Most commuters (by choice) are well past the 5 year cut-off...furloughees are not.

They've taken a seniority "leave" hit and will not see a decent paycheck (6 year pay) for another year.

The commuting charges really do add up.

You have to figure out the paycuts vs. non-rev charges (approx $100.00/month in coach).

I swear I made more with this company when I was a new-hire in flight service.

Jim, there are many of us at this base who could care less if you sit in a real seat while "jumpseating".

Only the company has that issue or some other flight attendant.

Why the F/A has that issue, I do not know. It's a crazy work group.

operaations said:
Why is it that no matter how long I am gone from this site i always cme back to see constant bitc+++ng and complaining. It then turns into the concession arguement. Than the TWO AMFA hijack. It seems to me like most of you cant and will never be happy. I will stand up for some of these gate agents. I have seen not once not twice but many times a D1 D2 D3 come to the airport expecting royal treatment. They are demanding rude and do not get it when they do not get a seat. There are many factors why seats go out with out people in them. One is weight restrictions. And if they do get on they demand everything from free drinks to meals from the crew. Why dont you leve the MIA agents out of it and solve your own issues as to why you all are so dang miserable.

Oh, don't get your panties in a wad, now. Why is it that no matter how long you stay gone from this site, you immediately assume that anything posted by a flight attendant is b*tching? You don't know what I am feeling; so, can it with the interpretations.

For your information--something that scheduling seems to be extremely short of--I was simply passing on information to the original poster who said that taking a js boarding pass allows someone to ride in a cabin seat free of charge. Technically, riding in a cabin seat on a js boarding pass is a "serious" offense which applies only to flight attendants because we are the only ones who can ride the js.

Now, if you can just get YOUR anti-flight attendant attitude out of your behind...

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