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Daddy, why do you work two jobs?

You TWU haters b*tch and moan about getting a "better" union so you can get back concessions given with the TWU. Here's a news flash....you aren't going to get what is not there to be gotten. We are working to get jobs back, to keep work in-house, to bring third party work to our bases so that when the time comes we can go in to negotiations with high expectations.

The TWU is working hard to save jobs alright. Only problem is those jobs will be at EAGLETECH(formerly known as American Airlines Maintenance Services). Yeah we can go into negotiations expecting another six year concessionary contract. Give up pay and benefits so dumbass TWU supporters like Bill and Kirk Wells can have a low-poverty wage job.

As far as being TWU disgruntled, have you signed your IBT card yet, Bill? Sure are alot of TWU supporters signing those IBT cards. I wonder why that is Bill?
<_< ----- Bob, ever hear the saying, "The kettle calling to pot black"? When I said, "the reason for two jobs here, isn't greed, but economic necessity," I meant just that! With most of us here at MCI in our fifty's, and sixties, most of us are looking to retire, hopefully, fairly soon! But with only five years aa retirement, and a small TWA retirement to fall back on, finantial neccesity, is exactly what I meant!!! Consequently, the second job!------ Now your crying that things are so expensive in New York, which I have no doubt they are! But let me ask you this! What is the value of that small little shack your now living in worth? I'll wager that it's well in excess of $500,000, to $mil! I know selling out, and moving, ain't all that great, but you do have that option now don't you? To cash out, move to the Mid-West, where $200,000, will buy you one hell of a "NEW" house! And what about that 20+ years of aa retirement your setting on? Us "red headed step children," would give our right arm for? 😉 -----Boy! Wish I had that problem! As for TWA being bought out of bankruptcy? Yes we were! But let's not even mention the fact that TWA was purposely taken there to reed itself of Uncle Carl, and the scope closes of our contracts!!!-----By the way! I don't have a new pickup in my driveway! In fact, it happens to be over twenty years old! But it's paid for! My wife drives a ten year old Chevy!(Also paid for!) My house is far from being 3,000 Sq. Ft. (And yes, I'm still making Mortgage payment's on it!) Now if you decide to cash out, and come in this direction, I'd be more than happy to show you around! :shock: So, no more about this second job B.S., I'm sorry, but I just can't sympathise with you! By the way, have a Great "Labor Day" week-end!
Thank for that Update Bill.

We now know you still support rolling over and giving up on concession recovery rather than fight.

TWU MO is...

...Concessions for Jobs

And Jobs instead of Concession Snap Backs


You still blame AMFA for the continued STRIKE at NWA instead of your buddies like TWU Spokesperson JERRY SOWELL who is currently working as a SCAB!


Well you just proved to us by your own words that this fight is about you and only you. You could care less about your union brother who is on the street hoping and praying for a recall. You want what is best for you damn it and if you don't get it then you will b*tch and moan (as previously noted....again) and blame everything bad that happens in this world on the TWU.

Thanks so much for clearing that up for us.

Why do you bring up Sowell? He's a grown man and free to do what he wants. I guess you are using your "judgement" again and saying that I agree with what he is doing??? Damn your MO I say. You are too good for me.
Well you just proved to us by your own words that this fight is about you and only you. You could care less about your union brother who is on the street hoping and praying for a recall. You want what is best for you damn it and if you don't get it then you will b*tch and moan (as previously noted....again) and blame everything bad that happens in this world on the TWU.

Thanks so much for clearing that up for us.
Why do you bring up Sowell? He's a grown man and free to do what he wants. I guess you are using your "judgement" again and saying that I agree with what he is doing??? Damn your MO I say. You are too good for me.

It is you and your UNION that is implementing productivity enhancements that allows headcount reduction via attrition without recall.

You can defend the SCABS and talk about saving jobs, but look at the facts before you open your mouth and expose your ignorance.

Sowells was the TWU Spokesman against AMFA, that is why he is brought up. You and your union paid the man's lost time, and expenses to come down here and tell everyone his views. Seems he left out the willing to cross picket lines and being a SCAB.

Some UNION men you and he are!
Sure are alot of TWU supporters signing those IBT cards. I wonder why that is Bill?

Ignorance maybe???? Hey, anybody contacted IBT and gotten that approval for a card drive yet????? :lol: Keep 'em coming sweetheart. I need another good laugh!!
<_< ---- You too Bill!----- Have a Great "LABOR" day week end! 😛 Enjoy it while you can!!!! :angry:
It is you and your UNION that is implementing productivity enhancements that allows headcount reduction via attrition without recall.

You can defend the SCABS and talk about saving jobs, but look at the facts before you open your mouth and expose your ignorance.

Sowells was the TWU Spokesman against AMFA, that is why he is brought up. You and your union paid the man's lost time, and expenses to come down here and tell everyone his views. Seems he left out the willing to cross picket lines and being a SCAB.

Some UNION men you and he are!

Who is defending SCABS Informer? There you go putting words in my mouth again. Why the hell do you do that???? Like I said Sowells is a grown man and can do whatever he wants. I don't judge men for their actions....that is not my place. Does that mean I like what they do, no but I learned a long time ago that judging ones actions will get you nowhere. Just like you.....you have your reasons for not supporting the TWU, does it mean I will judge you as a person....well....................no, not even you Informer. I will defend what I believe though. You seem to have one sided arguments all too often....your side, and you seem to know what everyone is thinking and everything about them. When in fact all you know is what union they support. Or I guess that is how you come off in all of your posts. Quite a pattern.

And please define "productivity enhancements".....does that mean taking accountability for your 8 hours of work????? Please enlighten us. Put up one of your cute little definition templates......PLEASE?????

<_< ---- You too Bill!----- Have a Great "LABOR" day week end! 😛 Enjoy it while you can!!!! :angry:

Thanks MCI...you too. I had your back man but old Bobby (and a few others) just ain't hearing our argument. You old greedy fart! 😉
Is it the fault of those who live in low cost areas, because their dollar goes farther? Should we feel sorry for you because your dollar doesn't stretch as far, and that you choose to live in the most expensive state in the union? No sympathy from me! Sorry.

Well the dollar goes a lot farther in places like Indonesia and South America, so when AA comes to you and says "look, we can get OH done in South America for $2/hr" should you guys settle for $2/hr?

No sympathy for your union brothers eh? Pretty much what we expect from TWU supporters.Your narrow minded narcisism fails to realize that without operations, and the revenue generated, out of high cost places such as the coasts and ORD there would be no AA. How many passengers does the Tulsa market generate? According to figures the company put out several years ago the NY area accounted for around 19%.

Saw the latest seniority list. We are down to 10,100. The TWU and AA claimed that we had over 18000, that means that the TWU not only gave the biggest concessions package ever, but they also voluntarily gave up the most jobs. Despite this, the TWU is promoting PLI which will eliminate even more jobs.Yet "Bill" comes here and talks about recalls, well we are down over 30 guys at JFK, by the companys count, and they say they are not recalling anyone, instead they, along with the TWU, are telling us to be more productive. So how is the TWU going to get our guys off the steeet? Probably the same way that they are going to "get everything back in 2006" like Little claimed in 2003-they arent.
QUOTE(Bill @ Sep 2 2006, 02:13 AM) *

Is it the fault of those who live in low cost areas, because their dollar goes farther? Should we feel sorry for you because your dollar doesn't stretch as far, and that you choose to live in the most expensive state in the union? No sympathy from me! Sorry.

Are you for real? With like minded union thinking like that, we are all doomed. Having regional pay rates is nothing new, and is not too much to ask for.

I hope Bob cleared things up for you in his last post. You might want to reconsider your position on this issue.
Saw the latest seniority list. We are down to 10,100. The TWU and AA claimed that we had over 18000, that means that the TWU not only gave the biggest concessions package ever, but they also voluntarily gave up the most jobs.
Actually they claimed to have 21,700, the NMB said 18,601 including some dead people.
There you have it folks! Bill is the SCAB LOVING,TWU WORSHIPING,AMFA HATING,LINE MAINTENANCE BASHING American Airlines employee of the year! What a loser! I don't know who is worse,Bill or PTO. Either way you go, you get SCABS! :down:
You folks are so good and putting words in peoples mouths. Did you not read what I said??? I am all FOR COLA. But I beleive the topic I was replying to was when Bob stated that people in Kansas City and Tulsa (and other low cost areas)work a second job because of greed. I merely replied with my 2 cents. Bob made a judgement call and nothing else.

What can I do about Jerry Sowellls????? NOTHING! What can you do about him????? NOTHING! And Princess, darlin', if you would read correctly instead of putting a spin on my words you will see all those things you called me are not true. I despise SCABS (as do you), I only worship one thing and that is our God in heaven(as I HOPE you do), oh, I do take back a little what I said...I hate AMFA (although hate is a pretty strong word that my kids would tell me is a no-no), and what was the last one???...oh yeah, please show proof of my hatred for line maintenance. Let's see, how would you have come up with that ASSumption???? Maybe my comment about having no sympathy for Bob because he chooses to live in one of the most expensive places on earth. Why should I??? He chooses to live there and work in aircaft maintenance. Like I said I'm all for COLA. As a matter of fact I've been a big pusher for COLA. So, like I said to Informer, when your back is to the wall you and your other cronies tend to get very defensive and start throwing out names and accusations. Once again another MO for a TWU hater. But you know what Princess....I still luv ya'!! :wub:

And Bob, when you get a clue to what you are talking about then I will listen. We don't even want to get into who cares more about our union brothers. Hell, Informer just made the comment that he wants more money instead of his union brethren back at work. You've been chiming the same crap for years. It's that almighty dollar that speaks so loudly to you. But I have come to the conlusion that we both have different ideas of what unionism is. But don't judge a brother on YOUR assumption. That just makes a person look stupid.

Hey HULK-BOY...what is it I am to reconsider?????
You folks are so good and putting words in peoples mouths. Did you not read what I said??? I am all FOR COLA. But I beleive the topic I was replying to was when Bob stated that people in Kansas City and Tulsa (and other low cost areas)work a second job because of greed. I merely replied with my 2 cents. Bob made a judgement call and nothing else.

What can I do about Jerry Sowellls????? NOTHING! What can you do about him????? NOTHING! And Princess, darlin', if you would read correctly instead of putting a spin on my words you will see all those things you called me are not true. I despise SCABS (as do you), I only worship one thing and that is our God in heaven(as I HOPE you do), oh, I do take back a little what I said...I hate AMFA (although hate is a pretty strong word that my kids would tell me is a no-no), and what was the last one???...oh yeah, please show proof of my hatred for line maintenance. Let's see, how would you have come up with that ASSumption???? Maybe my comment about having no sympathy for Bob because he chooses to live in one of the most expensive places on earth. Why should I??? He chooses to live there and work in aircaft maintenance. Like I said I'm all for COLA. As a matter of fact I've been a big pusher for COLA. So, like I said to Informer, when your back is to the wall you and your other cronies tend to get very defensive and start throwing out names and accusations. Once again another MO for a TWU hater. But you know what Princess....I still luv ya'!! :wub:
And Bob, when you get a clue to what you are talking about then I will listen. We don't even want to get into who cares more about our union brothers. Hell, Informer just made the comment that he wants more money instead of his union brethren back at work. You've been chiming the same crap for years. It's that almighty dollar that speaks so loudly to you. But I have come to the conlusion that we both have different ideas of what unionism is. But don't judge a brother on YOUR assumption. That just makes a person look stupid.
Hey HULK-BOY...what is it I am to reconsider?????

Reconsider your negative opinion towards line maintenance.
Where would we be if everybody chose to work overhaul because of the low cost of living in those areas?

Lets keep going with your philosophy (keep cutting our pay and benefits to keep more people on the clock). Sorry buddy, thats one chairitable donation too many. I haven't been able to use the last concession as a write off yet, and they still layed AMTs off anyway. Now had we not given up so much, if and when there are recalls, people would return to a career that has decent pay and benefits. Right now the only thing keeping a lot of people at AA, is the hope for the situation to get better, and get back what we lost.

"Why should I??? He chooses to live there and work in aircaft maintenance. Like I said I'm all for COLA. As a matter of fact I've been a big pusher for COLA."

You have no sympathy for people living in high cost of living areas because these people choose to live where they do. But then you say you are for a COLA. In fact, you claim to be a big pusher for a COLA.

Exactly where should everyone live Bill? Let's just stick with AA AMTs on this one okay. Look at all the areas AA has AMTs. I'll use SAN because that is where I live. With the concessions that where voted yes on by the intl. my pay/benefits are cut by roughly 28 1/2%. A house costs around 550K to 600K, add in gas and the other necessities and you have a high cost of living area. But wait, you said I make a choice to live here. WHERE SHOULD I GO BILL? AA needs AMTs in SAN. Since it's so expensive am I to go to TUL or TULE?

As for your claim to being a supporter for COLA I will come right out and say you are FULL OF ####. It's easy to make claims like that from behind an alias. You support COLA? Proove it.
And please define "productivity enhancements".....does that mean taking accountability for your 8 hours of work????? Please enlighten us. Put up one of your cute little definition templates......PLEASE?????

Pulse Line:

18 day checks to 12 days - 750 men down to 480

Sister Docks - General Mechanics instead of Structure, Systems, Avionics, specific. Allows use of manpower across docks instead of overtime or more manpower.

4 x 10's moved to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, off to allow full shift 7 day coverage instead of overtime or increased manpower.

Declaring Surplus Docks to prevent from posting bids.

Agreeing to an attrition rate of 15+ heads per month without upgrade or recall to reduce the labor rate to bid on third party work.

Bottom Line: 700+ still laidoff

Attrition rate now well over 1000 heads died, fired, retired and still unreplaced.

What? Are you blinded by the Burchette/Romano smoke an mirrors and cannot see this or are just simply blind?

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