"Our employees are victims of the difficult reality that employees at other airlines are willing to work more hours for lower pay, less benefits and better work rules," Siegel said. For example, he said, a reservations agent makes $9 an hour at discounter JetBlue Airways, versus $21 at US Airways.
So, Dave, are you saying that UAIR employees are lazy and greedy? Get bent! We are victims of decades of bad management, and what we have now is the worst. Never did I think that anyone could do worse than the WolfGang regime, but boy have you proven me wrong. Don't give me this changing industry crap. The reason Jetblue res agents make $9/hour as compared to $21/hour is because NOT ONE OF THEM HAS MORE THAN THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WITH THE COMPANY. Duuhhhh. Not one of ours has less than, what, eight years because everyone junior has been kicked to the curb by you and Cohen.
You have had every opportunity to make this concern a viable business. You have been given two rounds of huge sacrifices by employees, to the tune of billions of dollars, yet spit in the employees faces at every turn. You have been given millions upon millions more by taking us into bankruptcy. You have had a hardon to cut employee costs for two years now while ignoring the very things that could have brought us into profitability... a workable route network, rolling hubs, and westward expansion. Now you bring up these ideas like they are new and novel, but these are the very things your employees have been telling you since you stepped foot on the property. You've had two years to implement them and you have not done so. Now, we are faced with very strong, very serious LCC competition in our crown jewel hub and all you can say is "We could not have predicted that!" Why would you not have predicted that? They've come everywhere else we are and we've run from them every time.
Dave, you have failed and unfortunately it is too late for us to make it because you have pissed away the two most critical years of this company's history. When your life is flashing before your eyes, I just hope that there is a long still picture of the 45,000 people who counted on you and who took you at your word... that you would turn this airline around and you would be our partner.
You were never our partner. You were merely the final nail in our coffin.