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Cry For Cost Cuts Grows Louder

On non labor costs: As I posted in another thread (using admittedly rough numbers) even if all UAIR employees worked for FREE, the costs would only just beat WN.

(10.7 cent CASM - 40% labor = 6.7 cents CASM.)

WHY are the nonlabor costs so high?
Hawk said:
It is impossible to predict what the future will hold for the aviation community. You should not make these types of statements concerning job losses when you don't have any data to prove your point. Stop spreading misleading rumors that will only upset labor.

The majority of labor will do what is needed to protect the franchise. They understand how the current economic situation in the industry impacts their daily lives. I don't like what is happening to the airline industry. We must adapt to the situation or become another failed legacy carrier.
Don't tell us the the employees what to do!

You and your cronies are nothing but liars and thieves.
First Hawk. Why do you feel compelled to always attack pitbull, attack others of like mind as well.

I would say you and Dave are doing plenty to upset labor, and you sure don't need any help.

You're praying they will protect the franchise and if you were so damn sure of yourself you wouldn't have come out of your closet to make this post.

And we don't like how you and you team are screwing the employees either...guess were even on that one.

Must adapt, didn't we hear this 3 rounds ago?
Hawk and Hawker...I must side with Hawker. Too bad Hawk, you lost by an ER
Hawk said:
It is impossible to predict what the future will hold for the aviation community.
No it's not. The upper crust at CCY is just too stupid to do so, apparently.

Man, it's getting DEEP in here ! :lol: There is one thing that I believe everyone will agree on. { This "mis-management" team is very good at one thing, CRISIS CREATION}....Another round of Doom & Gloom...I can see the knees shaking & the backbones quivering already..I believe it was Confucious who said, "FIGURES DON'T LIE, ONLY LIARS FIGURE.. :shock: Seems the doom & gloomers neglect to report anything positve { unless it suits them } Why have'nt we heard anything about MIDATLANTIC ??????? This company has not used the CONCESSIONS that it already HAS !!!... Hey fellas, up there, How about HEDGING SOME FUEL ?????
Hawk said:
The majority of labor will do what is needed to protect the franchise. They understand how the current economic situation in the industry impacts their daily lives. I don't like what is happening to the airline industry. We must adapt to the situation or become another failed legacy carrier.

If I am not mistaken, the employees at US Airway's have been adapting for well over two years already. It is time to give them some well-deserved credit for their professionalism and work ethic.

Somehow, I do not think you and your family feel the impact quite the way they do.
"Our employees are victims of the difficult reality that employees at other airlines are willing to work more hours for lower pay, less benefits and better work rules," Siegel said. For example, he said, a reservations agent makes $9 an hour at discounter JetBlue Airways, versus $21 at US Airways.

So, Dave, are you saying that UAIR employees are lazy and greedy? Get bent! We are victims of decades of bad management, and what we have now is the worst. Never did I think that anyone could do worse than the WolfGang regime, but boy have you proven me wrong. Don't give me this changing industry crap. The reason Jetblue res agents make $9/hour as compared to $21/hour is because NOT ONE OF THEM HAS MORE THAN THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WITH THE COMPANY. Duuhhhh. Not one of ours has less than, what, eight years because everyone junior has been kicked to the curb by you and Cohen.

You have had every opportunity to make this concern a viable business. You have been given two rounds of huge sacrifices by employees, to the tune of billions of dollars, yet spit in the employees faces at every turn. You have been given millions upon millions more by taking us into bankruptcy. You have had a hardon to cut employee costs for two years now while ignoring the very things that could have brought us into profitability... a workable route network, rolling hubs, and westward expansion. Now you bring up these ideas like they are new and novel, but these are the very things your employees have been telling you since you stepped foot on the property. You've had two years to implement them and you have not done so. Now, we are faced with very strong, very serious LCC competition in our crown jewel hub and all you can say is "We could not have predicted that!" Why would you not have predicted that? They've come everywhere else we are and we've run from them every time.

Dave, you have failed and unfortunately it is too late for us to make it because you have pissed away the two most critical years of this company's history. When your life is flashing before your eyes, I just hope that there is a long still picture of the 45,000 people who counted on you and who took you at your word... that you would turn this airline around and you would be our partner.

You were never our partner. You were merely the final nail in our coffin.
you must also consider the guests silently viewing too,bob.
are you part of that vocal minority too?
usfliboi said:
Pitbull either your out of touch here are you enjoy making threats. You nor I or AFA hold any cards! Period.... What dont you get about that statement? I mean its ok to be p o'd or upset but ummmm afa has zero card playing ablity at this point. Oh im sure management will sweeten up but hey still they basicall hold all the cards ( all of them) No one will defend some of the actions and tactics that some mid level management has taken over the past year or so but still we are in no position to make threats. In the end there will be discussions. Afa will talk there will be a vote and the vote will pass by a wide margin at best . I n my opinion we have no other choice. Everyone has a time to choose their battles. This isnt the time to wage war because neither will win. There will be another day if and when we survive to fight the war.....

Watch how this works...take notes.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
"Perry Hayes, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, wrote to his members yesterday that "management needs to take steps to improve the working relationship" with the union. "

Prime example of a jelly-spined leader! Yeah, the airline's got lotsa time to get all kumbaya!

"Morale is really bad," Teddy Xidas, president of Association of Flight Attendants Local 40, Oakdale, said she will tell Bronner. "To come around for 'Concessions 3' now ... we have not recovered from the concessions that have already taken place."

Hey Teddy, aren't leaders supposed to claim responsibility and tell the troops what they need to hear to win

Q. Please demonstrate the value these leaders are supposed to provide for the dollars they cost, shall we??
😛 What kind of hell,
'Now that would not be a true democracy. It would be what we would call in philosophy as Fascism.

Unions are a true democracy. Don't let fear rule your day. Flight attendants will make the decision or not to permit the leadership and the negotiating committee whose collective voice THEY represent be revealed to go to the table to "open contracts" for the third time in 18 months OR NOT.

You must trust the membership. If management has established the repore with our group, and those "shrill" posters are correct, there is absoulutely nothing to fear. 😀

OUr f/as have either met their threshold or not. Management obviously believes they have not and so does the likes of folks like usfliboi and etops!, and some of the posters. Let's test the waters, shall we....
usfliboi said:
nobodys morale will improve when cuts are involved or the airline is in jeaopardy. Its not up to management now to improve morale.... oh they can try but how do you do that when you have to ask for cuts in order for your job to be spared. A pretty picture they cant paint. Its reality at its best . No one likes it but untill things turn around management not withstanding it wont get better
WHat are you expecting to magically turn around???
Hawk said:
It is impossible to predict what the future will hold for the aviation community. You should not make these types of statements concerning job losses when you don't have any data to prove your point. Stop spreading misleading rumors that will only upset labor.

The majority of labor will do what is needed to protect the franchise. They understand how the current economic situation in the industry impacts their daily lives. I don't like what is happening to the airline industry. We must adapt to the situation or become another failed legacy carrier.
Labor will not jeapordize themselves to protect any franchise for the sake of ensuring a return on a "risky investment" for a major stake holder to maximise shareholder value.

Labor's scope is to ensure, on a daily basis, that they meet the "customer's expectation" for repeat business. No where is it written that labor needs to concern themselves with the shareholders and the major stakeholders of this company.

Hawk, are you that worried about your stock??? Guess so.

PS: With regard to future "job losses", please explain the premise of Preferential bidding system for flight crews that is to be implemented later this year, what the cost savings is to management and in what form, as well as how that cost saving will be accomplished? 🙄

I look forward to your detailed explanation...
PineyBob said:
I am a little shocked that no one has responded anytime I have put this comment on a thread.

If you take every NON-Customer who posts here and assume they are US Airwas employees you have LESS than a half of a percent of the total number of US Employees currently employed.

I am beginning to question if all we have here is a highly vocal minority who seek to destroy an enflame.
Ok, here's a comment...

If you take every NON EMPLOYEE who posts here and ASSUME they are customers, you have an even MORE MINISCULE fraction of the TOTAL customers US Airways carries each year.

I am beginning to question whether what we have here is a very few OBSESSIVE very vocal minority whose only purpose is to massage their own insecurities and gain attention by commenting on every topic ever posted despite having no knowledge of most of them.

See how much sense your analogy makes?

You lose more credibility and relevance every time you touch your keyboard.

The fact that you are a rejected applicant for employment at U may color your feelings to those currently employed and struggling to survive through the latest crisis.

Save the bandwidth and quit kissing up to management, they aren't going to hire you... you're serving their purposes quite well from where you are.

I wish the abused employees at U could heckle you and comment on every aspect of your job with no knowledge like you do to them.
700UW said:
Lets see the employees have given $1.1 Billion in annual concessions and over 20,000 jobs all ready!
So had most of the industry and doesnt look like it stops there. Reality at its best!

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