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Corruption With Pit Local Iam?

756pro said:
pitguy said:

There have been several issues regarding this election. Issues far and I mean very far from minor in my eyes. If you get a chance stop by and talk to Bill. I think you will be quite shocked. Please just ask him to explain about """all""" the issues that has been uncovered regarding this issue. I think you would be amazed. I feel your current source of information may not be telling you all.

--dude--Please remember we are on the same side here.
You have to excuse the DUDE because he is disillusional. He even PMed me telling me all about everything and the funny part is he actually believes that stuff. He needs a good stiffener. :lol:
c'mon dude..lets be friends..
ITRADE said:
delldude said:
have a great usairways day.... 😀
Thats a nice Icom. I may have to trade in my Yaesu FT 990.
So "I"

What frequency you hang on?

How abt a sked on CW? Say 40 or 20 and I'll even match your speed, whatever it is.

Don’t worry, I’ll keep your call incognito of course.

14.000 -14.060


So what do you say? :up:
I told you, any speed. Now name the freq and time and I'll be there.

FYI...you should own TenTec since you're into CW

Orion is the way to go...but of course working at U makes that a shaky proposition.
TenTec????? Sorry, no.

I do CW, but not as much as I used to. I did CW contesting a lot - in the days before and during college. However, family life as really cut into ot. Same with DX and SSB contesting. Just not the time for it.
ITRADE said:
TenTec????? Sorry, no.

I do CW, but not as much as I used to. I did CW contesting a lot - in the days before and during college. However, family life as really cut into ot. Same with DX and SSB contesting. Just not the time for it.
Anyway...seriously...I would love to chat with you on CW sometime, REALLY.

I do 99% CW and have two top-end paddles I use.

If you never tried PSK31, try it!

Bencher. Paddle.

Todd B said:
😱ff: Lets return to the original topic.
You're the Boss Todd.

Dude....so why oh why please explain Franks actions in an appearance made in the hangers as recently as last evening mostly going over the election stuff? Why did he show up when and ONLY when he finds his sorry behind in a sling? The international ordered the re-election in the first place, speaking facts here dude, facts!

Frank is in a world of trouble right now and he may get the boot. He is no saint like you are exposing on here. As far as temper: When called to task and in front of many members he blew up and lost it completely, so what in that act is any different than Bill being a hot tempered kind of guy as you say?

Your man Frank may or may not stay put, but like pitguy told you, we are on the same team, so cool your crap and rhetoric and stop with your pictures of radios and name calling of hams etc.....

Frank nor Bill call the shots anyway, the international does via Roach and company. By the way in a statement made by Roach and I quote: “ Greedy, heartless Bastardsâ€￾ Now, may I ask where do you see a big difference between this kind of rhetoric and Bill's so called hissy fits?

Love 756
You are so right Frank has got to go!! :up: He is too busy taking care to get his job with the International to be worried about issues at home. Where was he last week when we lost the court decision regarding the airbus work? What happend to all his "conections" that only he had and was campaigning about? The problem is Bill is not the right candidate. His temper will not help win anything. The minute someone starts to yell and scream the other tunes him out. Luckily he is not the only candidate. Bill's was not the only protest filed. There were several. If you want to believe these violations were not serious you are a fool. Someday when you have time look at the election rules written by the department of labor standards. They apply to IAM elections and every other union. Frank and the boys are sugar coating the truth . Elections are not overturned by minor technicalities. How could anyone believe it cost 10k to run elections. I guess those tellers get paid real well, or maybe you are including the cost of Franks campaign which the local paid. I guess it was alright to vote more than once when we were confused about not wanting consessions. Now lets discuss a real cadidate, Mr. T. He knows what is going on despite Frank's attempts to keep him in the dark. He talks to members all year not just at elections. He knows the politicians and doesn't need to go to Flordia to find them when they are in Pittsburgh. He is known and respected by the other unions. Mr. T is running and deserves your support. It is time the members run the local and are kept informed. :up:

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