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Farewell From Your Local 40 President

You will be missed Teddy. You have lead by a great example and have high integrity. Best wishes to you. Be well.
I couldnt of said it any better. Your leadership, your drive, your ambition, and most of all your passion for what you have done during your reign as our leader will live on. Our up and coming leaders will follow your example, and strive to keep your fire burning. Best wishes, my friend.
Teddy did more for us than we will ever know, at great personal sacrifice. She actually cared about the membership.

She never allowed herself to be swayed by fast-talking, shiny shoed weasels. Or get caught up in the false panic generated by professional union busters.

She took the time to return phone calls from the flight attendants and actually listened to what they had to say.

She's great lady and will be missed.

God speed, my friend.

As most of you know, I am no big fan of unions. That said, I have to say that Teddy Xidas is a lady I have the utmost respect and admiration for. Although we haven't always agreed on everything we've discussed, she has always had the best interests of the people she represented at heart. She was dedicated, hard working, blunt when she had to be, and was one of the only labor leaders (if not THE only one) to stand up to the old mismanagement at US.

She is an amazing person and will be missed I am sure.

I wish Teddy nothing but the best in her future endeavors, and it has been an honor and privilege to meet her and know her.

She's left some big shoes to be filled--I hope her successors can live up to the standards she set.

My best to you all....
With any luck she'll be mothballed in one of the parked aircraft on the dessert, and if we're really lucky she'll be sold with the aircraft to a third-world country.

After dealing with her, they'll soon realize that limited ownership in a US airline isn't such a bad idea.
Teddy has done so much for the flight attendant group as a whole, but it is time to change the union mindset from the Allegheny's, Piedmont's, and PSA's of yesterday and focus on the new reality of the new US Airways. By that I mean the protecting of the more senior work force and not upsetting their applecart at the expense of the junior work force. I may get bashed for that statement, but we all know it is true. We are a new airline (supposedly) and need fresh blood looking to tomorrow, not what we had in "the good old days". Good bye old reserve system and welcome rotation. Good bye AIL list and stick with what you bid. Everything needs to change.
Teddy has done so much for the flight attendant group as a whole, but it is time to change the union mindset from the Allegheny's, Piedmont's, and PSA's of yesterday and focus on the new reality of the new US Airways. By that I mean the protecting of the more senior work force and not upsetting their applecart at the expense of the junior work force. I may get bashed for that statement, but we all know it is true. We are a new airline (supposedly) and need fresh blood looking to tomorrow, not what we had in "the good old days". Good bye old reserve system and welcome rotation. Good bye AIL list and stick with what you bid. Everything needs to change.
Yes this reserve system has to go, but its not going to happen until we have to settle a new contract..who knows when that will be or what other concessions they may want in exchange for the LTO system.

I have read many of your posts concerning a rotating reserve system. If that is something you are very interested in seeing in a new contract, then by all means start lobbying your local AFA. That is what they are there for.
Don't know her, yet I sure admire her. My only reget is that whe wasn't with IAM-f/s. We sure could have used some leadership. Matter of fact, I bet any group would have loved to have had your leadership.

I'm been gone months now. You will become a new person. Life is better on the "outside." Wish you the best.
Yes this reserve system has to go, but its not going to happen until we have to settle a new contract..who knows when that will be or what other concessions they may want in exchange for the LTO system.

I have read many of your posts concerning a rotating reserve system. If that is something you are very interested in seeing in a new contract, then by all means start lobbying your local AFA. That is what they are there for.

As I posted elsewhere, according to Teddy, if it is not in the East or West contracts presently it won't be in the combined contract. Although, with the right representation of people not afraid of the change, it could be done. They (union) have changed things to benefit their own agendas when they were in concession negos. One thing was to have f/as going into inflight management positions lose seniority. Why??? It didn't save anything. Teddy and others felt that f/a who chose "company" over union should be punished. Bottom line. It was one persons agenda item. We can get a rotating reserve with "new" blood running the show.
As I posted elsewhere, according to Teddy, if it is not in the East or West contracts presently it won't be in the combined contract. Although, with the right representation of people not afraid of the change, it could be done. They (union) have changed things to benefit their own agendas when they were in concession negos. One thing was to have f/as going into inflight management positions lose seniority. Why??? It didn't save anything. Teddy and others felt that f/a who chose "company" over union should be punished. Bottom line. It was one persons agenda item. We can get a rotating reserve with "new" blood running the show.


Where are you citing what Teddy said???? Where did you receive the information that Teddy felt f/as who are in inflight should be punished for taking managment jobs? Where is Teddy's name as part of 2004 negotiating committee team? Do you know who the team was?

Please advise since you imply to be "in the know".
Just a little Note to the board: Pitbull once told me she used that name to mean...Pittsburgh BS, but instead everyone thought it meant the mean dog and in fact that name was very apt because of that fiery spirit in both a pitbull and pitbull the woman. Pitbull was meant to be on these boards because nothing short of a pitbull could have endured the wars with a corporate America bent of the total annihilation of labor.

All the Best to you PITBULL

Where are you citing what Teddy said???? Where did you receive the information that Teddy felt f/as who are in inflight should be punished for taking managment jobs? Where is Teddy's name as part of 2004 negotiating committee team? Do you know who the team was?

Please advise since you imply to be "in the know".


The only thing that I said "Teddy" said, was that if it is not in either contract NOW it will NOT be there then. It is a combination of the best or worst of the two. "Teddy" told me that herself. As far as the "punishing", I didn't say it was "Teddy", I said THEY (union).... Teddy also told me that F/As should not be allowed BACK to being a flight attendant from a management rank without some type of penalty (ie. loss of seniority) To me, that is a form of punishment as we only have seniority. You may think it fair, I think it as a punishment for going to the "dark side" lol.... Please look back at my post. I love Teddy. I think nothing but the hightest regard for her and YOU (pitbull) know that. I am just over the "No, we can't do that" attitude from certain people as of late. The union will get things changed when they see fit.
I hope that Teddy kicks some a$$ for another company and let's them know that workers will not stand for it like she did here. With Teddy leaving (by her own choice), it is time to start anew.
Adios Teddy! You have done an outstanding job and will be missed by the flight attendant group. It goes without saying, Teddy Xidas is/was the best union leader at any of the union groups at US Airways...ever. Good luck and God speed man!

Teddy Xidas is/was the best union leader at any of the union groups at US Airways...ever.
Yes she was. And still the membership under her watch fell from 3000 to 430 something. This tells you how ruthless corporate America has become. There needs to be born a leader that not only is Teddy's equal but surpasses her by light years to be successful in today’s butchery of the working class. Until such time, pray.

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