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Corruption With Pit Local Iam?

H-E-L-L-O Delldude...calling the dude out, where did you go, I want to play some more.

I like playing with old men with old ideas defending old farts who don't know when to quit. An old fart who treats the membership like mushrooms always keeping them in the dark and when confronted it's always a big secret. Always has his favorite shops and the ones he hates, he WILL NOT support! Time to kick out the old timer and let in a new face with some spirit to rally the troops once again, put some fire and spark back into them, they deserve better than what is at bat. HECK! Even his bat is broken for crying out loud!
why then my friend are you defending another old fart with a terrible temper?
yaa yaa yi yaa yaa....i answered your dumb crap...
delldude said:
756pro said:
delldude said:
756PRO:best thing here is for your sore loser to prevail in a repeat loss.THEN WHAT WILL BILL DO?
BTW- this will cost you and i upwards of $10,000.00 for a rerun...10k outa our dues!way to go billy!
I like the picture. NICE TOUCH!! :up:

Frank is old tired and worn out, it's time to turn him loose in the pasture while there is still some grass left to graze on. 😛
GOOD POINT.... i've seen billy in action and was impressed with way he yells,screams and swears...real professional,huh? this reminds me of the last election...didn't fair billy lose the last election and file a protest over the retiree's being able to vote? and have to eat crow later? seems we have a track record of being a "sore loser".
maybe he can do the howard dean cheer??
maybe you're right...we need someone in there who in the moment we need him most will keel over with a heart attack in the middle of a hissy fit.
Lets see: Nice bread. Nice guy.

Terrible and very bad leader____YOU'RE FIRED :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

Bill will get what needs to be done, done, Frank just smiles and nothing gets done, noda.
delldude said:
why then my friend are you defending another old fart with a terrible temper?
yaa yaa yi yaa yaa....i answered your dumb crap...
If you tried twisting like that in the shape you’re in, you would snap your back in two and trip over all your hair.
ITRADE said:
Wow. Delldude is real, real touchy about this subject.

Must be more to the story.
Ask dude to buy you a beer and tell you the story.... :shock:
Maybe we just did not understand and that is why we need a second vote!!!! I am not an enployee of U but I happend to know I would be out of town for the vote but I still received an absentee ballot and voted!!!! I believe it was posted everywhere so no excusses not to see the postings unless your head was somewhere it did not belong...... 😛
AP Tech said:
Maybe we just did not understand and that is why we need a second vote!!!! I am not an enployee of U but I happend to know I would be out of town for the vote but I still received an absentee ballot and voted!!!! I believe it was posted everywhere so no excusses not to see the postings unless your head was somewhere it did not belong...... 😛
then you must have used the information that was included in the newsletter.however int'l says a request form must be included. 😉
and if you are still a member in good standing,you may vote again but mot for anyone on an e-board position. :up:
delldude said:
hey guy,can ya spare a buck fora beer for me and my friend itrade? :up:
Well, I may be off to FWA on Thursday, so I'll buy beers at Sam Adams in the B terminal.

There have been several issues regarding this election. Issues far and I mean very far from minor in my eyes. If you get a chance stop by and talk to Bill. I think you will be quite shocked. Please just ask him to explain about """all""" the issues that has been uncovered regarding this issue. I think you would be amazed. I feel your current source of information may not be telling you all.

--dude--Please remember we are on the same side here.
pitguy said:

There have been several issues regarding this election. Issues far and I mean very far from minor in my eyes. If you get a chance stop by and talk to Bill. I think you will be quite shocked. Please just ask him to explain about """all""" the issues that has been uncovered regarding this issue. I think you would be amazed. I feel your current source of information may not be telling you all.

--dude--Please remember we are on the same side here.
You have to excuse the DUDE because he is disillusional. He even PMed me telling me all about everything and the funny part is he actually believes that stuff. He needs a good stiffener. :lol:
756pro said:
pitguy said:

There have been several issues regarding this election. Issues far and I mean very far from minor in my eyes. If you get a chance stop by and talk to Bill. I think you will be quite shocked. Please just ask him to explain about """all""" the issues that has been uncovered regarding this issue. I think you would be amazed. I feel your current source of information may not be telling you all.

--dude--Please remember we are on the same side here.
You have to excuse the DUDE because he is disillusional. He even PMed me telling me all about everything and the funny part is he actually believes that stuff. He needs a good stiffener. :lol:
have a great usairways day.... 😀

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