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Company Match of Prefunding Refund

xUT said:
Gee, I just love how you all treat your retirees.
Damn glad I didn't take the AA job in 1985.
B) xUT
Hey. Don't let the doorknob hit ya, where the good lord split ya!
Dated 3/19/2014:
Judge Lane then made it clear that his ruling was imminent.
It is my intent to issue something shortly, within the next week or two, and I mention that so that people don’t have to engage in litigation not knowing what the time frame is,” Lane stated.
So Judge Lane, imminent, 3-19-2014 to 4-12-2014...and counting is not "within the next week or two".
Care to issue a new time line? B)
So Judge Lane, imminent, 3-19-2014 to 4-12-2014...and counting is not "within the next week or two".
Care to issue a new time line? B)
Maybe he meant the next year or two??
So Judge Lane, imminent, 3-19-2014 to 4-12-2014...and counting is not "within the next week or two".
Care to issue a new time line? B)
Now that the Equity has been distributed, I'd venture a guess that we'll hear something this coming week.
NYer said:
Now that the Equity has been distributed, I'd venture a guess that we'll hear something this coming week.
The disputed claims reserve contains more than 30 million shares, which should be more than enough to satisfy the claims of the retiree medical recipients in the event that Judge Lane rules that the retiree medical can be terminated:
MetalMover said:
Ask NYer...He seems to know more about the judge than the judge himself.
Agreed, but we seem to hear more here then from our elected union leadership.
As a screwed over tragic TWU member, I'm waiting for the final nail in the coffin.  The eradication of our AA prefunding matching funds.  What the TWU is not telling everyone is that they are also fighting to ensure that the retirees get our matching funds.  They are playing both sides of the fences.  Depending which side wins, TWU cronies will say, we fought for you.  Just watch and see.
AANYER said:
As a screwed over tragic TWU member, I'm waiting for the final nail in the coffin.  The eradication of our AA prefunding matching funds.  What the TWU is not telling everyone is that they are also fighting to ensure that the retirees get our matching funds.  They are playing both sides of the fences.  Depending which side wins, TWU cronies will say, we fought for you.  Just watch and see.
You might as well start nailing the coffin, cause that writing is on the wall! I bet it was written long ago, just no one has the nerve to tell the us members that we are not getting it! If it is something that we are entitled to, such as the prefund matching funds, the TWU will as usual screw us out of what we are due. History of this organization has proven itself time after time!
NYer said:
Now that the Equity has been distributed, I'd venture a guess that we'll hear something this coming week.
now that the equity has been distributed, i'd venture a guess we'll hear something next month.......

now that the equity has been distributed, i'd venture a guess we'll hear something next quarter.....
Strike that it will probably be next year. No hurry the hearing was only in January 2013 why hurry on a ruling. Man you guys like rushing things
AANYER said:
As a screwed over tragic TWU member, I'm waiting for the final nail in the coffin.  The eradication of our AA prefunding matching funds.  What the TWU is not telling everyone is that they are also fighting to ensure that the retirees get our matching funds.  They are playing both sides of the fences.  Depending which side wins, TWU cronies will say, we fought for you.  Just watch and see.
No TWU Representative or anyone on the 1114 Retiree Committee has raised the issue of how the active employees prefunding match should be used. The contract speaks for itself, as does the Trust Agreement (2003 Contract). 
Neither does anyone know if Judge Lane will rule that retirees are vested in their retiree medical, nor if the new AA management might not raise a secondary issue due to his ruling.
In case you’ve not seen it as I have, this letter was previously sent to Local Presidents:
September 4, 2012
 To: All Local Presidents 
Re: Pre-Funded Retiree Medical Contributions 
Dear Brothers:
Unfortunately we have had an issue with misinformation being disseminated to the
membership and I have been receiving calls.      The newly ratified TWU/AA 
agreements, approval of which is scheduled for hearing before the Bankruptcy
Court next week, provides that TWU Members who are participants in the 
prefunding program will receive their own contributions plus investment earnings 
and the employer contributions plus investment earnings, subject to (successful
conclusion of the 1114 process”.
Please note that some of the misinformation circulating appears to arise from the 
fact that the original prefunding agreement states that one of the potential uses of 
the employer money would be to secure alternative retiree medical coverage in the 
event the trust is terminated; such a program, the original agreement is clear, must 
be agreed to by the parties. It is in connection with this provision that several 
Local Presidents have asked that we investigate whether it is possible to secure an
alternative retiree medical program. Let us make absolutely clear, right here and 
now, so there can be no misunderstanding: any such program is subject to  TWU’s
agreement to it; and TWU will only agree to any alternate program if participation 
in it by individual members is COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY. We will not 
permit enactment of any program that would interfere with distribution of the 
employer contribution back to any employee, absent that employees individual
Donald M. Videtich
International Representative 
Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

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