GoFares are more than killing our airline iwth any possibility of even survival. Where the company imposes "simplified fares", will just null and void any prospects of break even, having the "GoFares in key places like PHL and other important key hubs cities.
This is just not going to work out for us. Company needs to pray to find an investor that is stupid enough to throw money they don't want at an airline.
With fuel prices rising to unimaginable levels, not even a sane stock trader would touch an airline, let alone an investor in the company itself.
The only investor I can fathom that would toss money our way and purchase on the "cheap" would be another regional that is looking to expand their route system.
I remember Siegel saying a few times that the employees at U would find it much harder to find a job that would replace their income; but senior managment, on the other hand could easily find jobs that pay even higher than what they receive.
Last I looked, rank and file are bailing. And now the Pilots are reaching historical levels of attrition, and its just not MAA.
Funny, none of senior managment ranks are leaving thier 10-25,000 monthly pay checks. After all, where can you make that kind of salary running a company in the ground?