Summary of Judge Lane's decision, I believe that the existing employees are screwed like I thought was going to happen. Thanks once again TWU for the screwing.
"U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane ruled Friday that he denied part of American Airlines request for summary judgment on the issue of retiree health benefits and approved part of the request.
A representative of the retirees committee said the retirees prevailed almost across the board. The groups where the court granted AMR summary judgment are very small and many, if not most of the individuals in those groups, are in other groups where the court refused to grant summary judgment.
American had sought a ruling that it was free to change the health plans in which it helps pay the premiums for retirees. If allowed, American said it would require retirees who wanted to keep the benefits to pay all of the premiums.
We thank Judge Lane for his thoughtful consideration of the issues, American spokesman Casey Norton said. American will review his ruling and consider next steps related to the retiree health and life insurance benefits. We always remain open to productive discussions to finally resolve this matter.
Were only now starting to read the 49-page opinion. Well update as we understand it better.
The judge wrote that the question was whether promises made to provide the benefits had been promised in way that they were vested and couldnt be unilaterally changed."
The retirees, with the help of all of the unions they once belonged to, have defeated the Company’s motion for summary judgment (judgment without a trial) to deny them their medical benefits. The position of the Retiree Committees of the unions –APA, APFA, and TWU—was the same on this issue, which was that the Company was not entitled to this relief. This ruling, which should be supported by anybody who believes in collective bargaining, is your basis for saying the TWU is screwing their members. In other words, the TWU (and the other unions) screwed you because it helped the retirees. While I support the retirees, the vesting issue is not resolved. The judge has simply ruled that there needs to a trial on whether, under the APA, APFA, and TWU collective bargaining agreements, retiree medical benefits vest upon retirement.
As I suggested, the judge had no jurisdiction over whether you are entitled to the Company’s prefunding match and, as I anticipated, nothing in the opinion deals with that issue. In fact, the judge specifically stated that prefunding wasn’t relevant to his decision. The issue of the return of the prefunding match will be decided in arbitration once the 1114 process is concluded and, while I cannot predict what any arbitrator will do, so long as the process concludes and the Company does not return to bankruptcy I believe the employees should and will be entitled to the prefunding match. The flight attendants are in exactly the same position as we are in relation to the prefunding match.