NYer said:
Uh-huh...So the process is that the TWU is automatically screwing everyone and we must be creative to find out how?
Hopefully you are right and we will get the matching funds, but I dont see it as a gain that to do so the Retirees will get screwed out of Equity that will go to Horton, Parker and the shareholders instead.
I was also there prior to the BK when the company was trying to add our matching funds to the $80 million they swindled those who paid for many years into the Supplimental Medical out of. They wanted to eliminate retiree medical for everyone under 50 and keep the matching funds outright from all those under 50. So much for your individual action theory. Then according to Videtich, they improved the offer by letting us allow the company to even take our contributions in exchange for sick time credits to buy medical coverage at four times the rate that other carriers were offering retiree medical. They were pissed when it was brought out that we were entitled to the matching funds and the only way they could get them was to convince us to give them up, which those under 50 would have back in 2010 had the contract passed. While you are correct in that the funds cant be co-mingled, same goes for the $80 million from the Supplimental that they stole, BUT they can in fact be substituted for funds that would have come from the General Funds to pay medical obligations, so in reality they still end up gaining the same result as if those funds went to the General fund.
There is no doubt that the damage done to our careers and our profession by Jim Little and Don Videtich is severe and for most of us unrecoverable. Hundreds of millions of dollars , from the uncontested swindle of the equity in the Supplimental medical, where members were told if they wanted the additional retiree medical when they retire they had to purchase it for decades before they retire, to the worst contract in the industry with low wages, no Holidays, only five sick days and less vacation than other TWU members in the same company were stolen from us and this theft was enabled by these people. their claim is they did it all to save jobs, well how does giving up vacation save jobs? If we all work more that allows the company to eliminate more workers. How does allowing the company to steal $80 million from members who paid for decades for Supplimental retiree medical save jobs? If the other concessions saved jobs then why work with the company on productivity gains which helped the company eliminate 35% of the heads while only reducing the fleet by 30%? These productivity improvements allowed the company to eliminate even more jobs on top of those eliminated by the fleet reduction.
You have stated on here several times that I should know what the language means, that I should have asked the company to explain it, and you are correct, but the fact is that there were no negotiations between the negotiating committees and the company on prefunding, we were not invited to those talks, we could only discuss this with the committee, so John Hewitt would have been privy to my concerns, but he voted YES anyway. Like I've said before, there were seven A&P mechanics in Negotiations, six of them voted against bringing this unwritten, unclear abomination of a deal back to the members, we were outvoted by people who either were not A&Ps and in some cases were not even mechanics.
The fact is if not for Jim Fudge and myself most members would never have even known about the fact they were entitled to the matching funds as the Prefunding plan language was not included in the contract, some had planned on keeping it that way, I know management was pissed when it came out. They nearly got away with it in 2010.