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Company Happy With 1st Airbus.

My my, seems some people have become quite upset.First things first,just wanted to provide some numbers for A&P TECH,can't argue the ratio ,it's black and white.No ,peabody does not work for SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES or whatever the place is called[i didn't cause your abundance of overtime to fix a half asped aircraft]Now for oversight on my behalf , i realize just a pmi will not inspect your fine mtx facilities ,perhaps i should have mentioned that wonderful CMO across the old parkway from them old PIT terminal, lots of people work there, maybe they should have spent time at MOBILE.Were they requested to go visit, did they audit the fine facility, i believe Alvin Zito and gang have a vested interest in what happens at 3RD party facilities as long as the airplane still has U.S. AIRWAYS painted on the side.Perhaps everybody went along with the Birmingham FISDO and accepted any results of STM last audit.Did the U.S. AIRWAYS [iam represented] INSPECTEORS ON SITE MISS THAT MUCH OF THE WORK.Perhaps AIRWAYS needs to send many more people to oversee the action[delldude and tdr1502c seem to feel superior in qualifications because they dues ],surely the next aircraft would return to service and remain in service until the next scheduled check without any problems.perhaps AIRWAYS should request 100% buy back by an AIRWAYS representitive,you are the customer,it is your aircraft and name on the side when the crew declares an ife.As for my wages and benefits,peabody makes over 20 an hour , has 401k with 6% company match 3wks vacation 7 holidays, paid full when sick [can bank 700 hrs]flexible schedule,life insurance,long term disabilty,dental medical ,vision.most of all peabody looks forward going to work every day...................................peabody
mr peabody said:
My my, seems some people have become quite upset.First things first,just wanted to provide some numbers for A&P TECH,can't argue the ratio ,it's black and white.No ,peabody does not work for SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES or whatever the place is called[i didn't cause your abundance of overtime to fix a half asped aircraft]Now for oversight on my behalf , i realize just a pmi will not inspect your fine mtx facilities ,perhaps i should have mentioned that wonderful CMO across the old parkway from them old PIT terminal, lots of people work there, maybe they should have spent time at MOBILE.Were they requested to go visit, did they audit the fine facility, i believe Alvin Zito and gang have a vested interest in what happens at 3RD party facilities as long as the airplane still has U.S. AIRWAYS painted on the side.Perhaps everybody went along with the Birmingham FISDO and accepted any results of STM last audit.Did the U.S. AIRWAYS [iam represented] INSPECTEORS ON SITE MISS THAT MUCH OF THE WORK.Perhaps AIRWAYS needs to send many more people to oversee the action[delldude and tdr1502c seem to feel superior in qualifications because they dues ],surely the next aircraft would return to service and remain in service until the next scheduled check without any problems.perhaps AIRWAYS should request 100% buy back by an AIRWAYS representitive,you are the customer,it is your aircraft and name on the side when the crew declares an ife.As for my wages and benefits,peabody makes over 20 an hour , has 401k with 6% company match 3wks vacation 7 holidays, paid full when sick [can bank 700 hrs]flexible schedule,life insurance,long term disabilty,dental medical ,vision.most of all peabody looks forward going to work every day...................................peabody
Hey Mr. Peabody,

Ask Sherman to reset the Way-Back machine to the point in time where using paragraphs , grammar and english was missed in your life....then maybe you might be worth debating....Until then ?...take a hike. 😛 :down:
first any QA(quality assurance) reps in mobile are MANAGEMENT........
and we welcome your "newbie" butt to the boards...funny you pop out of the cyberstatic sudenly when a post goes anti-outsource and you are pro....."i smell a plant and it ain't no posey"
you should find a better job,we do better at U.
""gee mr.peabody,you need typing and english lessons"
Seems someone was caught fabricating.

I think we both understand one another...and you have hit two key notes with me.

It's not a commodity like fuel....all true , it's a durable product linked talent and a discipline to make it work..and it commands to be treated with respect for being as much.

"it has to be managed" U can't seem to manage it "in-house" and show a profit..how do you expect them to manage it any better when it's further away from the flag pole sorta speak?...and with fewer people to actually manage it from the companies end.

I guess we both see what one another is saying...I just think a 500 MPH Jet brings deeper concerns and ramifications with it , than a photo-copier machine does (LOL) ...just having fun with saying that , no offense intended !! 😉
I can't fathom the level of skill required to keep a 319 flying, that's why I am soooo friggin' strident on keeping the work in house by any means required. Court, concessions, I don't know.
BOB: you could go in the back and flirt with the skirts for the most part....they're that sophisticated... :shock:
The amazing thing is that with all the fighting going on about the outsourcing issue, and 700 being the first bird through the hands of the Bama Boyz, onw would think that every I would be dotted and every T crossed on that aircraft. Forget about the emergency landings for a minute, and just look at the things like the MEL items and the laptop power cord routings through the seat cushions. If the obvious items like these (I say obvious because I have no idea how in depth the flap and hydraulic issues were, and if it were something that could be have been missed in house as well, although unlikely) were missed on 700, lets say the company gets it's way and sends more birds through there. What happens to an aircraft like 706 when there is not as much attention? I shudder to think about the consequences.
my guess would be that siegel and the rest dont even fly on it nor most of our planes!
great idea go to the media you wont need 90 days to see how the airline will come out , and it seems to me some us air mechanics arent as top notch as they say they are I seen some real hacks working on the aircraft was that my wrench I left in the engine cowl oops I have aquired may free tools from the planes during my visit with this airline and i remember a mechanic who worked for this airline in the avonics dept ask a 737 instructor that if both engines fail how long will THE APU
keep the aircraft flying with thrust it generates
jetmech01890 said:
great idea go to the media you wont need 90 days to see how the airline will come out , and it seems to me some us air mechanics arent as top notch as they say they are I seen some real hacks working on the aircraft was that my wrench I left in the engine cowl oops I have aquired may free tools from the planes during my visit with this airline and i remember a mechanic who worked for this airline in the avonics dept ask a 737 instructor that if both engines fail how long will THE APU
keep the aircraft flying with thrust it generates
PineyBob said:
Who really cares about the specifics of 700UW!

A-O-G was spot on in his assesment of why WN has been successful in the outsourcing area and conversely why US Airways customers (ME!) are in potential danger! Quality Control Policies & Procedures are in place and ENFORCED at WN and appear to be non existant at US.

I know virtually nothing about A/C repair except what AOG and others have taught me. BUT, I do know the outsourcing game very well from another industry and I will tell you point blank that unless you sit there with a whip and a chair, the outsourcing provider will cut EVERY corner they can and that goes back to exactly what AOG said regarding WN's success.

AOG was IMO right on on the rest of the post about working smarter not harder and the challenges ALL legacy carriers face. His assessment of why US is so deep in the financial soup is also extremely on point.
Piney ! Dont forget CAL they also farm out their maint!
Wrong, CO does 35% of thier maintenance dollars in-house.

Stick to something you know and stop posting false information.
usfliboi said:
PineyBob said:
Who really cares about the specifics of 700UW!

A-O-G was spot on in his assesment of why WN has been successful in the outsourcing area and conversely why US Airways customers (ME!) are in potential danger! Quality Control Policies & Procedures are in place and ENFORCED at WN and appear to be non existant at US.

I know virtually nothing about A/C repair except what AOG and others have taught me. BUT, I do know the outsourcing game very well from another industry and I will tell you point blank that unless you sit there with a whip and a chair, the outsourcing provider will cut EVERY corner they can and that goes back to exactly what AOG said regarding WN's success.

AOG was IMO right on on the rest of the post about working smarter not harder and the challenges ALL legacy carriers face. His assessment of why US is so deep in the financial soup is also extremely on point.
Piney ! Dont forget CAL they also farm out their maint!

I suggest that you stop defending their stupidity (managements)..and go grab yourself a copy of Gordon Bethune's book called "Worst to First"

From day one...Gordon was on a crusade to examine every aspect of CAL as a company....and the primary focus was to find complete accountabilty of ever nickle and dime that is and was spent. Those in the leadership ranks that could not provide accurate figures ..or gave him "ball park" figures were shown the door.

Lets also remember that Gordon is a man with a "Maintenance" background going back to his youth in the U.S. Navy...and he later ran the CLT Base Maintenance program for Piedmont. So by simply conecting the dots of his background..and his ferver for accountability..I'm confident as to why CO has a sound relationship with 3rd party maintenance. I also know that it's not as flawless or seemless as you would like to portray either. Anytime you trust someone else with your property and supporting inventory ..it will never be treated with the same care or respect as you yourself would treat these things.

Simply put..It's great people doing the right things in house....Cuz they all have a license involved in doing so..and first and foremost pride in their work. The fact that they themselves or thier combined famalies may be riding that plane in the future only magnifies and compounds the resolve to get it right...not just right now...as the flaws with 700UW has proven in stones what can happen , when right now takes presidence over Right in the aspect of correct and safe.

You really need to stop pulling smart little comebacks ou of your posterior ..and educate yourself as to what's taking place where ..and why. Your fanny just may be hanging in the critical balance along the way too? Then you won't have time to say how wrong you are or were. Think about it !!!
Here is a picture of a UAL A319 on its first landing after coming from Third Party Maintenance.
usfliboi said:
PineyBob said:
Who really cares about the specifics of 700UW!

A-O-G was spot on in his assesment of why WN has been successful in the outsourcing area and conversely why US Airways customers (ME!) are in potential danger! Quality Control Policies & Procedures are in place and ENFORCED at WN and appear to be non existant at US.

I know virtually nothing about A/C repair except what AOG and others have taught me. BUT, I do know the outsourcing game very well from another industry and I will tell you point blank that unless you sit there with a whip and a chair, the outsourcing provider will cut EVERY corner they can and that goes back to exactly what AOG said regarding WN's success.

AOG was IMO right on on the rest of the post about working smarter not harder and the challenges ALL legacy carriers face. His assessment of why US is so deep in the financial soup is also extremely on point.
Piney ! Dont forget CAL they also farm out their maint!
And don't forget that is where Dave had his way with those employees using the same medicine, wonder why he still isn’t there but has had two different positions since then. Wonder if he was hired at U for that same medicine only to move on to maybe an ice-cream factory, or better yet a toy factory for his next move. :lol:

This whole country, compliments of greedy corporate America, and with the republicans blessings are outsourcing the middle class Americans. Look to China and how fast they are growing while our manufacturing and middle class is decimated, with the blessing of corporate America. Next stop will be heavy maintenance checks right in mainland China for even more profits since outsourcing is so safe benefiting the rich and powerful only. :angry:

Notice the ones posting YES for outsourcing are the ones not affected but stand to benefit, look to the motives of the pro outsourcing crowd, look at them with a leery eye and ask who they actually really are. 🙁

Anyone who defends outsourcing doesn't understand the realities it brings and not just in job losses. You get what you pay for is a proven fact we all understand, even passengers. :shock:

To make outsourcing as safe as in house, costly oversight is absolutely required, making it moot. You know in the name of the almighty dollar proper oversight won’t happen here at U. :unsure:

It’s all about lining the pockets of the people in charge so they can move on and do it to their next victims, they will continue to do this becoming very wealthy and at the same time becoming corporate America’s darlings. :down:

This is a war against the rich and powerful and the middle class. The realities Dave speaks of are invented for the benefit of corporate America, of which Dave and Jerry are one and the same. Dave’s kind doesn’t care if we all need to get food stamps after we are handed our pay checks, just as long as his six plus figure income climbs exponentially and his peers in corporate America give him accolades seeing how he crushed labor. Dave and Jerry are out to conquer what our forefathers fought and died for, ONLY if we let them. This is way beyond outsourcing, it’s about slowly crushing labor to death throwing us back into the 18th century where robber barons were worshipped. 😛h34r:

To poster I quoted here: "I know you're saying something intelligent but I'm just not catching it."

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