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Company Happy With 1st Airbus.

usfliboi said:
756pro said:
Funny how you seem to have a real issue with the of outsourcing the mechanics jobs. Why are you so passionate anyway? What do you have to gain, who is paying you, why all the energy in this one topic?

As far as the FAA. Help yourself by asking them yourself. Go to the local FSDO and ask a real live FAA man exactly what HE thinks. They will be glad to talk to you. Ask them questions on this issue of outsourcing work. They will explain that it requires very tight oversight because otherwise we all know the end results thanks to planes plunging into swamps and other tragedies we all read about. Don't take my word, call them up, they are in the phone book and located right in Moon Township.

AOG explained adnauseam what is required and how it's not really cost effective, but for some reason you choose to ignore the facts. You have an agenda which is beyond the so called facts you are producing here.
Funny how you have no clue what your talking about You chime in now? Read the whole thread dude! Or dudette Im not taking any " line guys" opinion 100% about a cost on system figures..... Besides if it doesnt save then it doesnt save and there wont be any outsourcing. Whatever saves this company and our jobs AS A WHOLE is what i want.
You are all over these boards trying to promote the outsourcing of the mechanics jobs for some reason DUDE...cut the crap Mr. Management and fess up, you are found out and can stop the charade. DUDE
usfliboi said:
Funny how you have no clue what your talking about You chime in now? Read the whole thread dude! Or dudette Im not taking any " line guys" opinion 100% about a cost on system figures..... Besides if it doesnt save then it doesnt save and there wont be any outsourcing. Whatever saves this company and our jobs AS A WHOLE is what i want.

What I find as funny is this. You claim to be an F/A..yet you think you know what's good for the company by immasculating the very thing that keeps you safe while in the air. You also scoff at the opinion of "line guys" whom have witnessed the short comings of the outsource vendors work...and these are the same people (self-included) that went to the maximum degree to correct those short comings..which in the end provides you as an F/A , your Crew and moreover the passengers safe aircraft to fly on. It's more than eveident that ST Mobile Aerospace's motivations and end results do not mirror that in kind.

Your concern to save the company should be directed toward what has always hampered us..and it's always the same ones..not your fellow Co-Workers whom happen to be working on the planes.

Your willingness to save the company at any cost is clear....that is as long as "Any Cost" doesn't impact you directly. Your Agenda is clear too. BTW...I think USA320Pilot just buzzed you for a fresh cup of coffeee. Chop Chop !!! :down:

I've been saying from way back when that USFliboi is not what he appers to be or say he is.... 😛h34r: He's showing his hand, and he is demonstrating his despairation by being on here every minute in a "panic" trying to comment on every post that appears not align with his agenda.

I call'em as I seez'em 😛h34r:
PITbull said:

I've been saying from way back when that USFliboi is not what he appers to be or say he is.... 😛h34r: He's showing his hand, and he is demonstrating his despairation by being on here every minute in a "panic" trying to comment on every post that appears not align with his agenda.

I call'em as I seez'em 😛h34r:
You amaze me ! You and the rest of the fab 5. Again Its amazing to me that once again you cant accept someones opinion thats different from yours. I do the same thing you do and btw whatever my "agenda" should not concern you. My post are my opinions and your welcome too them . You dont like them DONT READ THEm ! Btw as i stated before your welcome to ask Perry about his bud in Clt and mention gram street hell know and that should zip your theory shut tight! BTW I joined in august 2002 4 months priorto u I have 569 post to your 2399 post WHO HAS AN AGENDA??????????????????????
AOG-N-IT said:
usfliboi said:
Funny how you have no clue what your talking about You chime in now? Read the whole thread dude! Or dudette Im not taking any " line guys" opinion 100% about a cost on system figures..... Besides if it doesnt save then it doesnt save and there wont be any outsourcing. Whatever saves this company and our jobs AS A WHOLE is what i want.

What I find as funny is this. You claim to be an F/A..yet you think you know what's good for the company by immasculating the very thing that keeps you safe while in the air. You also scoff at the opinion of "line guys" whom have witnessed the short comings of the outsource vendors work...and these are the same people (self-included) that went to the maximum degree to correct those short comings..which in the end provides you as an F/A , your Crew and moreover the passengers safe aircraft to fly on. It's more than eveident that ST Mobile Aerospace's motivations and end results do not mirror that in kind.

Your concern to save the company should be directed toward what has always hampered us..and it's always the same ones..not your fellow Co-Workers whom happen to be working on the planes.

Your willingness to save the company at any cost is clear....that is as long as "Any Cost" doesn't impact you directly. Your Agenda is clear too. BTW...I think USA320Pilot just buzzed you for a fresh cup of coffeee. Chop Chop !!! :down:
Oh Ill admit my agenda gladly ! It is for the company to survive. Plain simple! No ifs ands or butts...... at the cost of lives safety? NOPE! Nor will the company ! If you believ that my friend where are your ethics? Why dont you leave in disgust? WHY ? Its an agenda! Do i blame you in order to keep your job? I feel some have crossed the line but you do what you do not gonna point fingers! I suggest to you I am a crew member and for the most part believe and trust the majority of mechs. to do the right thing. But i do recall instances where things happened that couldnt be explained. BTW so youll know. Financially i do not need this company or its benefits( the few we have left) Many of my friends do and have little choice. I for one know theres a happy medium and it will happen despite the " very few" on here. Good luck .
PITbull said:

I've been saying from way back when that USFliboi is not what he appers to be or say he is.... 😛h34r: He's showing his hand, and he is demonstrating his despairation by being on here every minute in a "panic" trying to comment on every post that appears not align with his agenda.

I call'em as I seez'em 😛h34r:
PB....I have thought as much for some time....hence I used the operative phrase "Claims to be".

This is just another "Shill" or someone who's running out of options and running scared.

Myself...I would rather live in fear of losing my job , than losing something far greater (possibly my life). A job I can get...my safety is not a replaceable issue.

I see this entire situation as having no grey...or gray if you prefer? area to it.

We either fix the corporate structure?..and continue to do what's best in the name of safety...or maybe the industry and public safety is better served by U simply droppng off the radar scope , if both those factors cannot be achieved?

Nobody wants U to survive anymore than I do...but I do not want to see U survive if it means that safety and the right way of doing things become a distant second to making a meager profit at the sacrifice of safety and reliability. I would imagine that I'm far from alone in this way of thinking too.
Re: the previous post.....by flybio.....not gonna say another word....already was chastized by a couple for my OHO. I will just shake my head in wonder.

I think it goes without saying that WE ALL want this company to prosper and survive so we all have a job and a paycheck and afford to pay for a computer that we can all get on everynight and "Opine"!!!!!! : B) 😛 😀
AOG-N-IT said:
PITbull said:

I've been saying from way back when that USFliboi is not what he appers to be or say he is.... 😛h34r: He's showing his hand, and he is demonstrating his despairation by being on here every minute in a "panic" trying to comment on every post that appears not align with his agenda.

I call'em as I seez'em 😛h34r:
PB....I have thought as much for some time....hence I used the operative phrase "Claims to be".

This is just another "Shill" or someone who's running out of options and running scared.

Myself...I would rather live in fear of losing my job , than losing something far greater (possibly my life). A job I can get...my safety is not a replaceable issue.

I see this entire situation as having no grey...or gray if you prefer? area to it.

We either fix the corporate structure?..and continue to do what's best in the name of safety...or maybe the industry and public safety is better served by U simply droppng off the radar scope , if both those factors cannot be achieved?

Nobody wants U to survive anymore than I do...but I do not want to see U survive if it means that safety and the right way of doing things become a distant second to making a meager profit at the sacrifice of safety and reliability. I would imagine that I'm far from alone in this way of thinking too.
Oh I agree but i wont slander a company for my own well fare knowing full well that this company would ever put someone in jeapordy. If thats the truth then it places doubt upon your self. BTW just assume im a spy for the big wigs yoooh oooo so be careful since we all know what shop youre in ! 🙂
usfliboi said:
Oh I agree but i wont slander a company for my own well fare knowing full well that this company would ever put someone in jeapordy. If thats the truth then it places doubt upon your self. BTW just assume im a spy for the big wigs yoooh oooo so be careful since we all know what shop youre in ! 🙂
Slander??? It's slanderous to dispute what took place with 700UW.

It's also less than honest to not aknowledge what actually took place over that 6 day period between the aircraft being returned to revenued service from ST Mobile Aerospace...and when it was actually repaired and made safe for revenued service by USAirways (IAM) Mechanics.

As for your hollow threat about my security ...GO PACK SAND with a Battering Ram. I'm not concerned with you knowing or assuming to know what shop I'm in. I have nothing to hide....I'm shrouded by the truth. The paper trail on 700UW's misfortunes are well documented and archived. 😀

Slander should be applied to those whom signed off on the Airworthiness documentation in Mobile....again , your Agenda and mock threats only attempt to mask or distort the truth...and the truth lies within the results of what took place. 🙁

Either show where anything said is slanderous , a falsehood or fabricated or shut your pie hole. 😛

Remember...Your just an F/A...and being such gives you no particular insight to what has taken place with this or any other aircraft we fly. 🙄 I know your job does not give you access to any database we have , to be able to factually dispute anything said by those whom have such access and first hand knowledge of the actual circumstance involved. Care to dispute that fact?...Go ahead..I'm sure IT Security would love to have a sit-down chat with you as well. 😛

BTW...you need to be concerned with your job being "Me Too'ed" to death when ALPA sells you down the river. The IAM issues and concerns is not going to be what saves you or the company either way , yet we will be the only thing standing between you and your safety while you are performing your alledged job here. :shock:
OK, I have to play devils advocate here......

A/C 700 came out of AL with MELs and a mechanical issue that caused an emergency landing when it was returned to revenue service. My question would be, why didn't the issue surface when the aircraft was ferried from BFM to CLT? My next question would then be, could the issue have been caused by someone - with an agenda - tampering with the airplane when it was in CLT? This would give them the ammunition they needed to muster public / employee support against outsourcing. Then my next comment would be that when the mechanical issue caused the first emergency landing it would be directly attributed to the work done at STS. The second and third emergency landings would have been a result of the work done by our mechanics and their failure to completely resolve the problem before returning the aircraft to revenue service. STS didn't fly to RIC to fix the airplane.

Again, I am just playing devils advocate here......
MarkMyWords said:
OK, I have to play devils advocate here......

A/C 700 came out of AL with MELs and a mechanical issue that caused an emergency landing when it was returned to revenue service. My question would be, why didn't the issue surface when the aircraft was ferried from BFM to CLT? My next question would then be, could the issue have been caused by someone - with an agenda - tampering with the airplane when it was in CLT? This would give them the ammunition they needed to muster public / employee support against outsourcing. Then my next comment would be that when the mechanical issue caused the first emergency landing it would be directly attributed to the work done at STS. The second and third emergency landings would have been a result of the work done by our mechanics and their failure to completely resolve the problem before returning the aircraft to revenue service. STS didn't fly to RIC to fix the airplane.

Again, I am just playing devils advocate here......
To even suggest that MMW is incorrigible, no US Airways mechanic would ever do anything to tamper with an airplane.

And when there is something wrong with an airplane that happens in flight it is very hard to duplicate a flap problem on the ground. You troubleshoot the problem and follow the necessary steps to repair the plane. Sometimes it shows there is nothing wrong on the ground, but when inflight the problem reappears.

And what about the wired seat cushions?

What you suggest is absurd.
Again, not saying I believe it.....but you have to offer a conspiracy theory. I do have more faith in our employees then to believe that someone would ever tamper with an airplane.

Let me ask you this, how do you explain the fact that there was no problem on the ferry flight from BFM-CLT?

I am not defending STS and the outsourcing of YOUR work at all......again I was just playing devils advocate here and offering a different view on things.
because an airplane that has no passengers, no cargo and a light fuel load does not act or respond the same.

The Air Midwest plane flew for several days until it had the crash, it was the first flight with full cargo and passengers.

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