PITbull said:
I've been saying from way back when that USFliboi is not what he appers to be or say he is.... 😛h34r: He's showing his hand, and he is demonstrating his despairation by being on here every minute in a "panic" trying to comment on every post that appears not align with his agenda.
I call'em as I seez'em 😛h34r:
PB....I have thought as much for some time....hence I used the operative phrase "Claims to be".
This is just another "Shill" or someone who's running out of options and running scared.
Myself...I would rather live in fear of losing my job , than losing something far greater (possibly my life). A job I can get...my safety is not a replaceable issue.
I see this entire situation as having no grey...or gray if you prefer? area to it.
We either fix the corporate structure?..and continue to do what's best in the name of safety...or maybe the industry and public safety is better served by U simply droppng off the radar scope , if both those factors cannot be achieved?
Nobody wants U to survive anymore than I do...but I do not want to see U survive if it means that safety and the right way of doing things become a distant second to making a meager profit at the sacrifice of safety and reliability. I would imagine that I'm far from alone in this way of thinking too.