You are all over these boards trying to promote the outsourcing of the mechanics jobs for some reason DUDE...cut the crap Mr. Management and fess up, you are found out and can stop the charade. DUDEusfliboi said:Funny how you have no clue what your talking about You chime in now? Read the whole thread dude! Or dudette Im not taking any " line guys" opinion 100% about a cost on system figures..... Besides if it doesnt save then it doesnt save and there wont be any outsourcing. Whatever saves this company and our jobs AS A WHOLE is what i want.756pro said:Funny how you seem to have a real issue with the of outsourcing the mechanics jobs. Why are you so passionate anyway? What do you have to gain, who is paying you, why all the energy in this one topic?
As far as the FAA. Help yourself by asking them yourself. Go to the local FSDO and ask a real live FAA man exactly what HE thinks. They will be glad to talk to you. Ask them questions on this issue of outsourcing work. They will explain that it requires very tight oversight because otherwise we all know the end results thanks to planes plunging into swamps and other tragedies we all read about. Don't take my word, call them up, they are in the phone book and located right in Moon Township.
AOG explained adnauseam what is required and how it's not really cost effective, but for some reason you choose to ignore the facts. You have an agenda which is beyond the so called facts you are producing here.