Seems you can't read, the IAM did not lose the right to perform the work.
IAM Appeal Of Court Ruling
February 17, 2004
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The Machinists Union today filed a request for the full Third Circuit Court of Appeals to rule on whether US Airways’ subcontracting of Airbus heavy maintenance triggered a major dispute under the Railway Labor Act. A three-member panel recently split 2-1 in deciding that the dispute was minor and should be resolved by a System Board of Adjustment. Two judges ruled that the injunction issued by the District Court prohibiting heavy maintenance subcontracting should be lifted, with the third judge dissenting.
The IAM is asking the full thirteen-member Circuit Court to uphold the District Court’s injunction preventing the carrier from subcontracting Airbus heavy maintenance and affirm that US Airways instigated a major dispute based on the collective bargaining agreement, bargaining history and past practice.
The full Appeals Court will determine the status of the injunction in response to the
IAM’s petition. Today’s IAM filing is available on the District 141-M web site at
We will advise the membership as we receive information from the Circuit Court.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Scotty Ford
President/Directing General Chairman
IAM District Lodge 141M