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Commuting on Southwest

Shannon (may I call you shannon) lol

I believe that some of the offenders don't even realize what they say or do.

Bottom line is that that is okay, but don't argue with SW employees when they tell you that you "can't".....
I understand - - I use WN to get to ABQ and have been using them via phx and mci to get there since 2000, I've never given them, nor recieved attitude from them. I'd be really upset if we couldnt' fly anymore.
I have been out on Family Medical Leave of Absence since Christmas. I am thinking of going back in April but I heard that commuting on Southwestern is just totally out of hand. My friend Genie Roules told me that she has been flying Rome on Tues/Weds/Thurs and that the agents wearing shorts refused to let her on even though she is more senior than some junior gal who could only hold some domestic trip. I think it is more important for transatlantic gals to get on these flights if they have limited seats. Also, USAirways should seriously consider adding a widebody turn PHL-PIT-PHL and block seats for commuters or the whole operation will be in jeopardy this summer. It is not our fault the merged American West managers shut down OUR base. Thankfully, Mr. Holtz gave me the new Lexus for the summer transatlantic twirl. I plan to fly only two trips a month though because that drive is a bit much. Look at how much income I will lose driving to PHL and having to drop two trips a month. We should be outraged!
I have been out on Family Medical Leave of Absence since Christmas. I am thinking of going back in April but I heard that commuting on Southwestern is just totally out of hand. My friend Genie Roules told me that she has been flying Rome on Tues/Weds/Thurs and that the agents wearing shorts refused to let her on even though she is more senior than some junior gal who could only hold some domestic trip. I think it is more important for transatlantic gals to get on these flights if they have limited seats. Also, USAirways should seriously consider adding a widebody turn PHL-PIT-PHL and block seats for commuters or the whole operation will be in jeopardy this summer. It is not our fault the merged American West managers shut down OUR base. Thankfully, Mr. Holtz gave me the new Lexus for the summer transatlantic twirl. I plan to fly only two trips a month though because that drive is a bit much. Look at how much income I will lose driving to PHL and having to drop two trips a month. We should be outraged!
what ever it is that you are smoking, let us (all) in on what that might be!!!
Thankfully, Mr. Holtz gave me the new Lexus for the summer transatlantic twirl. I plan to fly only two trips a month though because that drive is a bit much. Look at how much income I will lose driving to PHL and having to drop two trips a month. We should be outraged!
Ms. Holtz,
May I suggest that with gas going up to $4 per gallon that you buy a R/T ticket instead of putting all that mileage on your lovely new Lexus.....
Ms. Holtz,
May I suggest that with gas going up to $4 per gallon that you buy a R/T ticket instead of putting all that mileage on your lovely new Lexus.....

There's an idea - I hope I can get some of those frequent flight mileages they give out to everybody these days. Then I can start huffing and puffing about my US1 status. That is a great idea - but I am sharing the ride with three other PIT gals I use to do 720 to LGW with back when PIT had nonstops. Between the four of us it should be cheaper than buying tickets. The only thing is we must hold an early back from Europe Tue/Wed/Thu and must live near Moon Township. If you fit the picture - send me an AOL and we can sign you up.
Shannon (may I call you shannon) lol

I don't believe I was being chastised....That poster never expressed his point from his thread link...they aren't even related... Anywho...

EVERYONE is not an exaggeraton. SW is fed up with PIT commuters and the attitudes. We are close to losing it if we (they) don't straighten up.

I believe that some of the offenders don't even realize what they say or do.

Bottom line is that that is okay, but don't argue with SW employees when they tell you that you "can't".....
I have to side with you here Twicebaked, {love your avatar by the way }. I've been commuting out of atlanta for 20 years. I grew up in a Delta family and was raised right. By that i mean, my mother raised 4 boy's, and we vacationed and traveled the world { as non-rev's } extensively. IF WE SO MUCH AS LOOKED AS IF WE WERE GOING TO STEP OUT OF LINE WHILE TRAVELING SHE WOULD BEAT US WITHIN AN INCH OF OUR LIFE! It absolutly appauls me to read what's going on in PIT. If the stories are true, maybe the offenders should have their travel suspended for a period of time not only on WN, but also on US. The concept of 1st come 1served is not that hard to grasp. Commuters who are innocent to these charges should not have to suffer with the possible loss of the J/S due to someone else's lack of not only consideration, but CLASS. Just my take.
There's an idea - I hope I can get some of those frequent flight mileages they give out to everybody these days. Then I can start huffing and puffing about my US1 status. That is a great idea - but I am sharing the ride with three other PIT gals I use to do 720 to LGW with back when PIT had nonstops. Between the four of us it should be cheaper than buying tickets. The only thing is we must hold an early back from Europe Tue/Wed/Thu and must live near Moon Township. If you fit the picture - send me an AOL and we can sign you up.

If I bring the minis and some of those leftover tuna burritos for the ride, will you cut me a break on the gas?

Amen, Brother. I always say that the 4 of us were raised on the compromise method...

--Said very sweetly and with a smile on her face--
"Jim, honey. Let's make a deal. When we get on the train (we didn't do much air travel when I was growing up), you behave yourself, and I won't kill you. Does that sound fair?" :lol:

Furthermore, we knew that retribution was swift and sure, and the fact that we were in public didn't slow her down one whit.
Amen, Brother. I always say that the 4 of us were raised on the compromise method...

--Said very sweetly and with a smile on her face--
"Jim, honey. Let's make a deal. When we get on the train (we didn't do much air travel when I was growing up), you behave yourself, and I won't kill you. Does that sound fair?" :lol:

Furthermore, we knew that retribution was swift and sure, and the fact that we were in public didn't slow her down one whit.
LOL, OMG you took the word's right out of my mouth, at least what's left of it
When you run Southwest then you opinion of what they should or shouldn't do will count. Here's a News Flash, SW doesn't give a Rat's Arse what you think or for how long you've worked as an F/A. They have their policies and those that don't like them can drive or take a connecting flight on someone else.

Piney, I think you've been had. That post was pure fun poking. I can't believe you thought it was for real.
Piney, I think you've been had. That post was pure fun poking. I can't believe you thought it was for real.
So, who wants to head over to the Southwest gates in PHL tomorrow and cause a ruckus? I need to be off of reserve FAST. :lol:

I bet Cyndy would help...... :huh:
OMG thats it! ! ! ! :up: All of us junior pukes should storm the southwest gates and cause such a scene that we lose the agreement FOR SURE. THEN we junior folks who have to be in base can move up the ladder when the senior gals quit. :lol: All of the sudden I feels like Weezie Jefferson....Movin on up. :up:
OMG thats it! ! ! ! :up: All of us junior pukes should storm the southwest gates and cause such a scene that we lose the agreement FOR SURE. THEN we junior folks who have to be in base can move up the ladder when the senior gals quit. :lol: All of the sudden I feels like Weezie Jefferson....Movin on up. :up:
Right! Let'd get real ballsy and say that we are supposed to have the exit row, *and* be exempt from the carry on rules. Please? Can we? I'll be holding a line by June!

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