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Commuting on Southwest

I think this post was well intended, because there are so many miserable people at our airline, that it is forseeable that they would be jerks at other airline gates as well. I mean, if we can't treat each OTHER with respect , is it so hard to believe that there are bad apples who treat other airline agents that way?

Of course one or two can get exaggerated into EVERYONE, but no one wants it messed up for everyone else and the original poster was growled at on the WN board and now being chastised here for bringing it up.

I dont want to stir the pot , I just think that we should all try to be as respectful as possible in all situations, whether online or at the gates. If it isn't you being a dirtbag, then don't sweat it!

The airline may jerk you around but in the end, it's YOU people are face to face with. Do something unexpected , rise above it and even though there are great reasons to be mad there are better reasons to push past the anger and be gracious (even to people who are rude first)

If you all don't want to be lumped into a category of miserable, bitter airline employees, then stop choosing to be so bitter - - it is NOT helping and it makes you feel like crap, right?

I've only been around 8 years, but I want to see 20 more here ....make fun of me if you want, but I love this airline's history and I think it has a future.
Ohhhh BoeingBoy it is without a doubt, absolutely, positively a seniority thing/entitlement thing. Some flight attendants are absolutely oblivious to the fact that other airlines have different rules than Usairways. The mere fact that it's probably one of THE most cut throat city pairs to commute between. NO OTHER city pair has as many commuters hands down. It's tough and THESE type of employees don't make it any easier. 🙄
Agreed, we've already had some SR people banned because they were under the misguided impression that because they have 30+ (or whatever) years at US that they can sashay up to the gate 15 minutes before a SW departure and be put at the front of the line. From what I understand, on both Sunday and Monday, F/As had purchased tickets and when they found out there were open seats they didn't want to use them. SORRY---it doesn't work that way folks and the PIT LECP put out an e-line about that and it was also posted in the crew room prior to the base closing. SW owes us nothing !!!!!!!!!

I just started communtting from PIT-PHL and when I approach the SW gate I am humble and thankful. First thing out of my mouth is Thank you and the last thing out of my mouth is Thank You. As soon as I step on their airplane I tell the F/As that I am more than happy to check my bag. I then sit down, shut up, don't even ask for a drink when it is offered and may take a bag of nuts. Other than that I want to be invisible. At the end of the flight I clean my area, cross my seat belt and offer the F/As working the flight any rag mags I might have in my bag (you know we all love those) and exit as quickly as possible so they can get the plane turned. I have had nothing but the nicest SW flight crews and we are fortunate to have this priviledge. Let's not blow it cuz I'm not moving anywhere and truly don't want to start to buy full fare tix...but I will if I have to.

Some may disagree with me but I think if you see an employee causing a ruckus, they should be turned in to AFA's Professional Standards...or maybe they need EAP help if they are flipping out so bad. We can't let this continue or we will lose this . Just my opinion. Fly safe everyone.
I used to see PHL f/a's going from CLT to PHL to work in uniform be asked "would you work for me this leg we DH back to CLT last leg of trip"--didn't take long for non-rev F/A's to start showing up in civvies----maybe a cork screw in the right place might wake some of these folks up in PIT----anyone remember the boarding duties bulls and their food table in PIT---man you NEVER got close to THAT table !!!
As many people have pointed out on this subject WN does have different non-reving rules.

1. If you purchase a seat becuase you think that the flt is going to be full OR you have to absolutly be there, once you purchase the seat, it's your's. If you cancel the seat beacuase you look at the bookings and find out that it's so bad and you can get there on the cheap, that's your problem. WN looks at it as a loss of revenue. If you denied someone from purchasing the seat, there are consequence's to pay. Many moons ago, we had agents booking fake reservations and noticing that non-rev's were getting on flt's that were typically full of rev pax. There is a more sophisticated system that can dectect dupe name's and cross reference nrsa's.

2. The system is first come first serve. WN is still prehistoric and write's a manual list of pax on a sheet of paper and clears them accordingly. There is a new system that is rolling out by then of the year and it will enable a computerized list, but from what I understand, the system stays the same. Seniority is only good to bid your line/shift and your vacation. I've seen agents with less than a year get on a flt over a 10 year agent, guess what, the 10 year agent chalked it up to getting there late.

3. The BASIC rules of conduct, make yourself known to the agent and then sit, don't question the agent etc. Once on board, allow revenue pax the better seats and when the flt is done, clean up and cross the seatbelts. This is a privledge, not a right and the company takes these things very seriously.

I don't work in PIT, but I've heard from those that do and read reports here. WN won't put up with nonsense for long. The Agents are expected to be kind to everyone, but if you are a nrsa with an attitude, then I wouldn't expect to get on a flight. On the other hand, I hope that our gate agents are keeping everyone informed to their best ability while still helping our revenue folks. Good luck and enjoy the ride.
----anyone remember the boarding duties bulls and their food table in PIT---man you NEVER got close to THAT table !!!

Oh yeah...I was displaced to PIT after GSO closed and I sat at that table to do some revisions. Nothing was said, however, the glaring eyes were enough to make it uncomfortable enough for me to never set there again. How ironic, what goes around, comes around.
Of course one or two can get exaggerated into EVERYONE, but no one wants it messed up for everyone else I dont want to stir the pot , I just think that we should all try to be as respectful as possible in all situations, whether online or at the gates. If it isn't you being a dirtbag, then don't sweat it!

Shannon (may I call you shannon) lol

I don't believe I was being chastised....That poster never expressed his point from his thread link...they aren't even related... Anywho...

EVERYONE is not an exaggeraton. SW is fed up with PIT commuters and the attitudes. We are close to losing it if we (they) don't straighten up.

I believe that some of the offenders don't even realize what they say or do.

Bottom line is that that is okay, but don't argue with SW employees when they tell you that you "can't".....
Shannon (may I call you shannon) lol

. We are close to losing it if we (they) don't straighten up.

May I ask who told you this? With all due respect, we have been hearing this for months. Did a gate agent tell you? Did you read a WN company memo to employees? Please, tell us your source.
Hope SW does the right thing if situation gets ugly---punish the real NAYBOBS and not us---as per US AIRWAYS
May I ask who told you this? With all due respect, we have been hearing this for months. Did a gate agent tell you? Did you read a WN company memo to employees? Please, tell us your source.

I have heard it from SW gate agents as well as from MGMT "types" from US Airways.

Earlier this week we had a huge problem with a few purchasing tickets and then fighting about giving them up (like another poster pointed out). The gate agents response...... "This is it...We've had it with US". Something will be coming down the pike I am sure.

As someone else said.....if you see it.....turn them in. I will NOT let some miserable senior hag ruin this for me or anyone else. If you are acting unprofessional, you WILL be turn in to the company...... End of story!!!!
I had a situation a few months back. I was number 2 on the list for 4 seats. Gate agent gave me my form and I filled it out....she said...."You are number 2".

Cool, I will be getting on.

She called the girl that was number one. She then called another and then another and then another. I approached the agent and said, I'm sorry you didn't call my name". She asked what is your name...... "Twicebaked (not really)", I said. "You are not on my list". I informed her that she told me I was number 2. "Nope, sorry.... not on the list". I didn't get on.

Was I pi$$ed??? Oh, yea. Had to call off trip.

But, did I argue? No..... I politely said thank you and walked away. Of course, I was thinking that I wanted to choke her to death... lol

Things will happen....just learn to bite your lip and walk away.
I had a situation a few months back. I was number 2 on the list for 4 seats. Gate agent gave me my form and I filled it out....she said...."You are number 2".

Cool, I will be getting on.

She called the girl that was number one. She then called another and then another and then another. I approached the agent and said, I'm sorry you didn't call my name". She asked what is your name...... "Twicebaked (not really)", I said. "You are not on my list". I informed her that she told me I was number 2. "Nope, sorry.... not on the list". I didn't get on.

Was I pi$$ed??? Oh, yea. Had to call off trip.

But, did I argue? No..... I politely said thank you and walked away. Of course, I was thinking that I wanted to choke her to death... lol

Things will happen....just learn to bite your lip and walk away.

Sorry that happened to you. I too would have been upset. You handled it very well. There are only two explainations I can think of:

1. SWA employees or dependants checked in after you

2. The list got mixed up and not moved over on the new sheet.

I had a problem one time where 2 of our party of 5 got on. The other, including me, were to be kept on the list for the next flight. When I noticed the gate agent giving other airline non-revs boarding cards I spoke up. They mistakenly removed my name from the list. We then got the last 3 seats on the flight.

Anyway I am in total agreement with you. As non-revs we need to act in a professional manner no matter who we wrok for or what carrier we are flying. If you (anyone) want to act like a jack-hole then buy a ticket and act like the rest of the travelling public.
I guess the problem here is that the kind of people commuting now are ones that would have never moved out of base in the first place.

Commuting is a choice, and one has to take all the inconveniences associated with it. It seems like there are folks with bad attitudes since their base was pulled out from under them, but if they didn’t see it coming years ago, they were living in a fantasy world.

Even to this day I feel like a non-rev (and behave like one should) when I fly, and I certainly don’t fly for free or on ZEDS anymore.
Sorry that happened to you. I too would have been upset. You handled it very well. There are only two explainations I can think of:

1. SWA employees or dependants checked in after you

No, US non-revs who checked in after me got on. I guess she got distracted and didn't put it on. Oh well.....
I have heard it from SW gate agents as well as from MGMT "types" from US Airways.

Earlier this week we had a huge problem with a few purchasing tickets and then fighting about giving them up (like another poster pointed out). The gate agents response...... "This is it...We've had it with US". Something will be coming down the pike I am sure.

As someone else said.....if you see it.....turn them in. I will NOT let some miserable senior hag ruin this for me or anyone else. If you are acting unprofessional, you WILL be turn in to the company...... End of story!!!!
Any one who would buy a ticket and then try to non-rev should be banned for
life from that airline. And they should be severely disciplined by thier own

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